1. Midori Court and Midori Lane
Landscape and irrigation within the street right-of-way and front yard landscape easement shall be in conformance with the City of Solana Beach Municipal Code Landscape Regulations (Chapter 17.56) for water management and water waste prevention, and the City of Solana Beach Coastal Bluff Vicinity Landscape Guidelines (Resolution No. 95-46) for water-sensitive and native California habitat plants and shall be installed by the developer. Maintenance of landscape and irrigation shall be the responsibility of the homeowners’ association and shall be well-kept and in good working order. Ground cover and street tree planting between curb and front yard easement shall be uniform throughout. Plant materials listed in Appendix 4.0 shall not be utilized in the project. Street trees shall have root barriers to prevent damage to adjacent paving, walks, curbs and gutters.
2. Rios Avenue and Patty Hill Drive
Landscape and irrigation within the street right-of-way and front yard landscape easement shall be in conformance with the City of Solana Beach Municipal Code Landscape Regulations (Chapter 17.56) for water management and water waste prevention, and the City of Solana Beach Coastal Bluff Vicinity Landscape Guidelines (Resolution No. 95-46) for water-sensitive and native California habitat plants and shall be installed by the developer. Maintenance of landscape and irrigation shall be the responsibility of the homeowners’ association and shall be well kept and in good working order. Ground cover, shrubs, hedges and street tree planting between curb and front yard easement shall be varied. Plant materials listed in Appendix 4.0 shall not be utilized in the project. Street trees shall have root barriers to prevent damage to adjacent paving, walks, curbs and gutters. Street trees shall be a mixture of types.
3. Lot Standards
a. Setbacks have been established to create potential building envelopes which work best with existing adjacent viewsheds, grading, context, etc. Varied setbacks will also allow for architectural diversity within the buildable envelope of each site. Where setbacks vary, refer to subdivision plan in this section.
b. In no event shall any primary structure be located closer than 20 feet to a neighboring primary structure.
c. A minimum of 15 percent of the proposed lots/homes will be limited to single-story construction including Lots 6, 15 and 16 and the southernmost 50 percent of the building envelope of Lot 5 as indicated on the chart on the following page. Remaining single-story locations shall be determined by the project architects; however, there shall be a minimum of two single-story homes within Lots 1 through 10. Lots shall have maximum building heights as shown on the chart on the following page.
d. Finished pad elevations are tentative, subject to precise grading plan. Maximum roof elevations shall be no greater than six inches higher than those maximum roof elevations listed in the chart on the following page.
1 |
25' |
25' |
n/a |
10' |
70.3' |
95.3' |
25' |
70.3' |
0.0' |
.50 |
40% |
2 |
20' |
25' |
n/a |
10' |
71.3' |
96.3' |
25' |
71.5' |
+0.2' |
.50 |
40% |
3 |
20' |
25' |
n/a |
10' |
73.3' |
98.3' |
25' |
73.0' |
+0.3' |
.50 |
40% |
4 |
20' |
15' |
10' |
10' |
87.5' |
112.5' |
25' |
82.0' |
+5.5' |
.50 |
40% |
*5 |
20' |
15' |
n/a |
10' |
86.5' |
111.5'/102.5' |
25'/16' |
78.0' |
+8.5' |
.50 |
40% |
*6 |
20' |
25' |
n/a |
10' |
87.0' |
103.0' |
16' |
82.0' |
+5.0' |
.50 |
40% |
7 |
20' |
25' |
n/a |
10' |
92.5' |
117.5' |
25' |
91.5' |
+1.0' |
.50 |
40% |
8 |
20' |
25' |
n/a |
10' |
93.0' |
118.0' |
25' |
98.0' |
-5.0' |
.50 |
40% |
9 |
20' |
25' |
n/a |
10' |
93.0' |
118.0' |
25' |
99.0' |
-6.0' |
.50 |
40% |
10 |
20' |
25' |
n/a |
10' |
93.5' |
118.5' |
25' |
99.1' |
-5.6' |
.50 |
40% |
11 |
20' |
25' |
n/a |
10' |
94.5' |
119.5' |
25' |
100.0' |
-5.5' |
.50 |
40% |
12 |
20' |
25' |
n/a |
10' |
96.0' |
121.0' |
25' |
103.0' |
-7.0' |
.50 |
40% |
13 |
20' |
25' |
n/a |
10' |
98.0' |
123.0' |
25' |
104.0' |
-6.0' |
.50 |
40% |
14 |
20' |
25' |
n/a |
10'/15' |
100.0' |
125.0' |
25' |
105.5' |
-5.5' |
.50 |
40% |
*15 |
20' |
25' |
n/a |
10'/5' |
101.0' |
117.0' |
16' |
109.3' |
-8.3' |
.50 |
40% |
*16 |
25' |
15' |
n/a |
10' |
100.3' |
116.3' |
16' |
101.8' |
-1.5' |
.50 |
40% |
17 |
20' |
10' |
n/a |
10' |
94.5' |
119.5' |
25' |
95.0' |
-0.5' |
.50 |
40% |
18 |
20' |
10' |
n/a |
10' |
91.5' |
116.5' |
25' |
89.5' |
+2.0' |
.50 |
40% |
19 |
20' |
10' |
10' |
10' |
89.5' |
114.5' |
25' |
85.0' |
+4.5' |
.50 |
40% |
20 |
25' |
25' |
15' |
10' |
87.3' |
112.3' |
25' |
90.0' |
-2.7' |
.50 |
40% |
21 |
20' |
25' |
n/a |
10' |
82.3' |
107.3' |
25' |
85.0' |
-2.7' |
.50 |
40% |
22 |
25' |
25' |
n/a |
10' |
79.3' |
104.3' |
25' |
81.0' |
-1.7' |
.50 |
40% |
23 |
20' |
25' |
10 |
10' |
76.3' |
101.3' |
25' |
78.0' |
-1.7' |
.50 |
40% |
24 |
25' |
25' |
10' |
10' |
74.3' |
99.3' |
25' |
75.0' |
-0.7' |
.50 |
40% |
Subdivision Plan
4. Lot Standards – Retaining Walls
Retaining walls placed in front yards shall be a maximum height of three feet and shall be built of masonry, stone, concrete, or stucco. Retaining walls in side and rear yards shall be a maximum of eight feet in height. Also approved for side and rear yard retaining walls is the use of interlocking planted crib walls. Crib walls shall utilize planter block courses and be planted immediately upon completion of the wall by the developer.
5. Lot Standards – Entries
Floors of front porches may be raised up to 48 feet above the adjacent grade when the topography allows; however, porches shall not be more than six inches higher or lower than adjacent living spaces.
Site walls and fences up to a maximum height of three feet may be installed along the back edge of the landscape easement in front yards. Steps, stoops and walks may be installed between front porches and street edge site walls as an extension of the entryway.
6. Lot Standards – Drives and Garages
Garages must be set back a minimum of five feet from the street-facing building facade. A five-foot minimum setback should be utilized at corner lots with opposite street access. Garages may also be designed as “side load” where appropriate.
“Porte cocheres” (covered driveway portions) may be utilized along the sides of houses as a means of creating a separation between the street and the garage/parking area. Trellised and roofed structures over driveways must conform to the architectural character of each house and should be integrated into the overall house design.
Driveways should be varied in design and minimum in size, keeping in character with the house design. Driveways within the front yard setback may utilize paved wheel strips separated by planting, turfblock, etc.
Vehicular gates into individual driveways will not be permitted within the front yard setback.
7. View Preservation
This project has been specifically designed and shall be graded accordingly; the subdivision land will be substantially lowered in most areas to preserve neighbor’s existing views. It is the intent of this section to provide zoning controls over the building envelope in order to respect and preserve views from the existing surrounding properties. A site plan indicating existing viewsheds together with critical cross-sections is provided as a reference and control plan for future development.
A. The Eastern Edge:
The proposed development shall not impact the existing views from those properties to the east of the site. The existing lots to the east are at approximately 145.0 feet elevation. With the highest permissible structure elevation at 125 feet on this development, westward viewsheds to the ocean and lagoon are not impacted whatsoever (see Section B-B on the View Preservation Plan).
B. The Southern Edge:
Existing views from the second story of the properties to the south of the site are not impacted and are in fact preserved with private open space along slopes and Midori Court, which run north-south through the site. Lot layout and street patterns within the proposed development run primarily north-south, thereby creating these view “corridors,” preserved by virtue of setbacks provided. The existing view corridors created by Rios Avenue and Patty Hill Drive shall be maintained. Homeowners on Patty Hill Drive to the south (628 N. Rios Ave, 217 Patty Hill Drive and vacant lot owner) have been informed of this proposed Specific Plan.
C. The Western Edge:
Views from those residences to the west of the project site will not be impacted by this proposed development. Primary views from these residences are to the west and to the north. Therefore, this project presents no obstructions to existing views from properties to the west.
D. The Northern Edge:
The six-acre property to the north (the Skerrett Property) is currently developed with a single-family residence, accessory structures and abandoned greenhouses. Their existing primary views of the lagoon will not be impacted by the proposed development. A General Plan Amendment allows for the future construction of nine homes with a 25-foot height limitation on the Skerrett Property, subject to approval of a Specific Plan.
Future home buyers of the North Rios Subdivision shall be provided with advance written full disclosure of all current information concerning the proposed development of the Skerrett Property.
E. The Primary View Corridor:
A view preservation corridor will be enforced across the property which runs from the upper southeast corner of the site between the easterly slope and the existing Nakatani residence toward the northern edge of the property in the direction of the northernmost end of Rios Avenue. The corridor, as portrayed on the following figure, coincides with the existing views from the neighboring residential property on the northeast corner of Patty Hill Drive and Barbara Avenue towards the San Elijo Lagoon and the Ocean. Cross-section A-A, cut through the long axis of the view corridor, demonstrates the relationship of the proposed residential development to the existing views. The downward sloping line of the view corridor cross-section demonstrates that the 25-foot maximum building height above finish pad elevations does not interfere with existing views. The existing houses that are impacted by this view corridor have been informed of this proposed Specific Plan (620, 624 and 630 Barbara Avenue only). These homes have finish floor elevations of approximately 126.0 feet or greater. The proposed development’s highest roof elevation is 125 feet, thereby indicating that existing views from these homes will certainly not be compromised.
F. Physical Height Study
Story poles were certified and erected on or about December 13, 1996, and remain standing as of January 28, 1997. Solana Beach City Council has found that they are satisfactory for the purposes of view assessment, and the project is in full compliance with Chapter 17.63, View Assessment, of the Solana Beach Municipal Code. No additional story poles shall be required provided the project is built in substantial conformance with those elevations and setbacks as outlined in Section 3, Lot Standards.
G. Conclusion
It should be noted that story poles have been erected on site which clearly demonstrate that all proposed roof heights (especially the restriction of heights on portions of Lots 15 and 16 within the viewshed to no greater height than the existing Nakatani residence roof) will not adversely impact existing neighboring views. In fact, most of the roof elevations throughout the project will be lower than this existing roof elevation. The pad elevations, setbacks and maximum building heights shall be established in this specification as binding controls for development of this site.
8. Yard Design – Standards
To ensure variety within the community.
To create a cohesive neighborhood character, contextual with Solana Beach.
To integrate landscape and architecture.
To maintain high standards of visual quality.
It is the intent of this Specific Plan to encourage variety within this neighborhood through the implementation of varied setbacks. The setbacks referenced in the lot standards section of this document are minimums only; building placement should vary between lots, thereby reflecting the large lot character of the development.
Swimming Pools and Spas:
Swimming pools, fountains, spas, etc., within side and rear yards (but not within setbacks) may extend to 36 inches in height. No aboveground pools will be permitted. All swimming pools shall be located within properly fenced yards.
Trellises, Arbors, Gazebos:
See allowances for setbacks within front, side and rear yards. Structures in front yards may extend to eight feet in height; structures within side and rear yards but not within setbacks may extend to 16 feet in height, provided they do not interfere with existing viewsheds.
Accessory Structures:
Enclosed tool sheds, garden structures, play houses, children’s play equipment, etc., are allowed to a height of 12 feet, provided they do not interfere with existing viewsheds or neighboring views.
Allowable signage shall consist of residential address numbers, traffic and street signs only.
A. Street Yards:
Landscape within the street yard shall be in conformance with the Solana Beach Municipal Code Landscape Regulations (Chapter 17.56) for water management and water waste prevention and the Solana Beach Coastal Bluff Vicinity Landscape Guidelines (Resolution No. 95-46) for water-sensitive and native plants. Site walls and fences parallel to the street shall be no more than 42 inches in height with the exception of one articulation (such as an entry arbor, an entry gate, a trellis, etc.) which may be permitted to a height of eight feet. Site walls and fences extending from side yards towards the street may be solid up to 36 inches in height, extending up to 72 inches as a 50 percent open fence.
B Side and Rear Yards:
Side and rear yard landscaping and irrigation shall be the responsibility of the individual homeowner and shall be in conformance with the Solana Beach Municipal Code Landscape Regulations (Chapter 17.56) for water management and water waste prevention and the Solana Beach Coastal Bluff Vicinity Landscape Guidelines (Resolution No. 95-46) for water-sensitive and native plants. In no event shall homeowners plant any of the species listed in Appendix 4.0. Site walls and fences along side and rear property lines may be solid up to 72 inches in height, extending up to 96 inches as a 50 percent open fence.
A few examples of acceptable fence designs are shown below. Such examples are not intended to be exhaustive:
9. Yard Design – Street Yard
Setback Area Allowances:
• BAY WINDOWS: maximum of two-foot projection x 12-foot width into setback.
• FIREPLACES: maximum of two-foot projection x eight-foot width into setback.
• PORCHES: single-story (16 feet maximum height) with no occupied space above. See lot standards for porch design requirements. Porches shall be set back a minimum of 10 feet from the front yard property line, and five feet from side yard property line.
• PORTE COCHERES (covered driveway portions): set back 10 feet minimum from front yard primary building plane. Ceiling height shall be 12 feet maximum. Sixteen feet maximum height if no occupied space above.
• WALKS, STOOPS and STAIRS: maximum width six feet; maximum 36 inches high at any one flight. Handrails may extend to heights necessary to satisfy building codes and ADA regulations.
• SITE WALLS: maximum height 36 inches where parallel to street. Thirty-six inches maximum solid wall height and up to 72 inches for 50 percent open fences parallel to side yard property lines.
10. Yard Design – Side Yard
Setback Area Allowances:
• BAY WINDOWS: maximum of two-foot projection x 12-foot width into setback.
• FIREPLACES: maximum of two-foot projection x eight-foot width into setback.
• WALKS, DRIVEWAYS, PATIOS, DECKS, FOUNTAINS, STAIRS, ETC.: maximum height shall be 30 inches. Handrails may extend to height necessary to satisfy building codes and ADA regulations.
• SIDE YARD FENCES: maximum height shall be 72 inches. Construction shall conform to side yard standards within this section.
11. Yard Design – Rear Yard
Setback Area Allowances:
• BAY WINDOWS: maximum of two-foot projection x 12-foot width into setback.
• FIREPLACES: maximum of two-foot projection x eight-foot width into setback.
• WALKS, DRIVEWAYS, PATIOS, DECKS, FOUNTAINS, STAIRS, ETC.: maximum height shall be 30 inches. Handrails may extend to height necessary to satisfy building codes and ADA regulations.
• SITE WALLS and FENCES: 72 inches maximum solid wall/fence height; may continue up to 96 inches as 50 percent open fence. Developer-installed wall and fence plan shall be to the satisfaction of the Community Development Director and City Engineer.
• PLANTED CRIB WALLS: 96 inches maximum height; shall be planted for full coverage.
• ARBORS, TRELLISES and GAZEBOS: allowed, provided a seven-foot clear headroom and 36-inch clear width is maintained between structure and property line. Plans for such structures, including their location and construction details, shall be submitted to the HOA board of directors for written approval prior to installation.
12. Public Services
Water and sewer service will be provided, utilizing the existing public facilities provided by Santa Fe irrigation.
Storm drainage will be provided on site utilizing the proposed street system curbs, gutters, catch basins, and brow ditch at eastern slope. Also planned is the construction of services north of the site along Rios Avenue to the storm drain catch basin at the northern end of Rios Avenue.
Gas and electric services will be provided to the site in an underground fashion, by San Diego Gas and Electric Company. Telephone and cable television will also be brought underground to the site. Developer shall underground existing on-site overhead utilities.
Police and fire protection services will be provided by the City of Solana Beach. Postal service will be provided by the U.S. Postal Service.
Trash services may be provided by Coast Waste Management or prevailing contractor serving the City of Solana Beach.
13. Signage
a. Construction Signage: Shall be temporary and in conformance with City of Solana Beach Standards.
b. Street Name Identification: Provide per City-wide street sign standards. Street names shall be as shown on the Tentative Map.
c. Residence Street Address Signage: Numerals shall be easily identified from the street and in character with the architecture. Names in conjunction with numerals are permitted. Meet all Fire Department standards.
d. Emergency Vehicle Access Identification: Provide per City-wide standards and Fire Department requirements.
e. Disabled Accessibility Signage: Provide as required by California State Code Title 24 for public areas.