Chapter 4.95
4.95.010 Parking upon private property – Generally.
4.95.020 Permission or authorization of owner or agent required.
4.95.030 Applicability of Vehicle Code.
4.95.040 Signs – Reasonable notice.
4.95.010 Parking upon private property – Generally.
The purpose of this chapter is to prohibit the use of private real property for the parking of motor vehicles, boats, and trailers not authorized by the owners of such property or their agents. With regard to private parking lots utilized to service commercial establishments within the city, private parking is required by the city as a condition of project approval to ensure adequate off-street parking for customers of such establishments. If the use of such parking lots is not limited to use by customers or business visitors without the consent of the owner it will defeat the purpose of the zoning ordinance requirements. With regard to vacant and undeveloped land in residential areas, the parking of vehicles thereon without the consent of the owner or authorized agent constitutes an unreasonable intrusion upon enjoyment of the amenities of residential areas and an aesthetic blight upon such areas, as well as frequently causing damage to such private property and the littering thereof. (Ord. 545 § 1; Ord. 752 § 1; Ord. 758 § 5; Ord. 795 § 2; Ord. 1031 § 1 (Exh. A). Code 1997 § 18-71)
4.95.020 Permission or authorization of owner or agent required.
Whenever reasonable notice is provided, through the posting of signs upon or in the vicinity of private property, that stopping, standing, or parking any motor vehicle, boat, or trailer thereon is unlawful without the consent of the owner or his authorized agent, no person shall stop, stand, or park any motor vehicle, boat, or trailer thereon without such consent. (Ord. 545 § 1; Ord. 752 § 1; Ord. 758 § 5; Ord. 795 § 2; Ord. 1031 § 1 (Exh. A). Code 1997 § 18-72)
4.95.030 Applicability of Vehicle Code.
The Vehicle Code of the State of California shall be applicable in any prosecution for a violation of this chapter. (Ord. 545 § 1; Ord. 752 § 1; Ord. 758 § 5; Ord. 795 § 2; Ord. 1031 § 1 (Exh. A). Code 1997 § 18-73)
4.95.040 Signs – Reasonable notice.
Any owner of a premises or the agent thereof on which motor vehicles, boats, or trailers are or may be parked, stopped, or allowed to stand may utilize the provisions of this chapter by placing signs on such property, or in the vicinity thereof, in such a manner as to give reasonable notice of what constitutes a violation of this chapter.
Such signs shall be 17 inches by 22 inches in size, with all lettering a minimum of one inch in size. All such signs shall clearly state the restrictions imposed and the enforcement authority for towing and issuance of citations, together with the telephone number for the police department. All such signage shall clearly state, at a minimum, “Private Parking Only – Consent of the Owner Required – Violators Subject to Prosecution – SLTCC 4.95.020.” Such signs may also state that parking is limited to a particular class of persons such as customers, business visitors, or employees of commercial establishments, and may also specify time limitations for parking by commercial customers.
All such signs shall be subject to review by the police, building and planning departments of the city, but failure to obtain such review shall not be a defense to violation of this chapter.
Enforcement of the ordinance codified in this chapter will only be instituted in the event proper signage has been in place for a period of 72 hours or longer. (Ord. 545 § 1; Ord. 752 § 1; Ord. 758 § 5; Ord. 795 § 2; Ord. 1031 § 1 (Exh. A). Code 1997 § 18-74)
4.95.050 Enforcement.
Violations of this chapter shall be an infraction, punishable by a fine not to exceed $250.00. It is expressly contemplated by the city council that the provisions of this chapter, and such other city ordinances as the council may from time to time design, may be enforced both by sworn peace officers and by nonsworn enforcement personnel employed by the city, and contract vendors employed or approved by the city. The duties, training, and authority of such nonsworn officers shall be in accordance with SLTCC 1.10.010. After meeting the required training pursuant to SLTCC 1.10.010, any nonsworn enforcement officer or contract vendors employed or approved by the city may issue citations for violations of this chapter pursuant to the requirements of California law and the city code. The authorization of contract vendors approved by the city to issue citations for violations of this chapter is limited to the Crescent V Fashion Center. (Ord. 545 § 1; Ord. 752 § 1; Ord. 758 § 5; Ord. 795 § 2; Ord. 976 § 1; Ord. 1031 § 1 (Exh. A). Code 1997 § 18-75)