AIRPORT Revised 1/24 Revised 3/24
Chapter 1 - Airport Revised 1/24 Revised 3/24
Article 1 - General
51.1.1. Designation of Airport and Airport Manager.
Article 2 - Operation Revised 1/24
51.2.1. Operation of Airport.
51.2.2. Traffic and training patterns
51.2.3. Take offs and landings
51.2.4. Parking of aircraft
51.2.5. Starting of engines
51.2.6. Taxiing
51.2.7. Doing business
51.2.8. Repealed by O-2085
51.2.9. Fire regulations.
51.2.10. Deputizing of employees
51.2.11. Advertising material
51.2.12. Restricted areas
51.2.13. Authorization to erect signs
51.2.14. Negligent operation
51.2.15. Drunken operation
51.2.16. Noisy operation
51.2.17. Aircraft equipment
51.2.18. Experimental demonstrations
51.2.19. Radio equipment
51.2.20. Pedestrians on Airport
51.2.21. Repairs
51.2.22. Removal of damaged aircraft
51.2.23. Rubbish
51.2.24. Unattended aircraft
51.2.25. Approach to aircraft
51.2.26. Registration of aircraft
51.2.27. Aviation liability insurance requirements
51.2.28. Airport Manager’s authority
51.2.29. Night security
51.2.30. Definition of landing fees Revised 1/24
51.2.31. Implementation of landing fees Revised 1/24
51.2.32. Repealed by O-3927 Revised 1/24
Article 3 - Vehicle Code Regulations
51.3.1. Vehicle code provisions adopted.
51.3.2. Governing board
51.3.3. Governing officer
51.3.4. Operation of vehicles
51.3.5. Use of landing area
51.3.6. Use of aprons, ways and hangar areas
51.3.7. Speed of vehicles
51.3.8. Parked aircraft
51.3.9. Marking of vehicles
51.3.10. Parking of vehicles
51.3.11. Crossing of runways
51.3.12. Yielding right-of-way to aircraft
Article 4 - Night Departures
51.4.1. Night departures.
51.4.2. Categorically exempt aircraft
51.4.3. Business exemption
51.4.4. Emergency exemption
Article 5 - Touch (and Stop) and Go, Full Stop-Taxi Back and Low Approaches Revised 3/24
51.5.1. Touch and go defined.
51.5.2. Stop and go defined
51.5.3. Full stop-taxi back defined
51.5.4. Low approach defined
51.5.5. Prohibited operations
51.5.6. Prohibited operation on weekdays
51.5.7. Prohibited operations on Saturdays, Sundays and City observed holidays
Article 6 - Airport Noise Limits
51.6.1. Reference to Noise Ordinance.
Article 7 - Enforcement
51.7.1. Designated officers and employees.
51.7.2. Denial of use of Airport
51.7.3. Exclusion of violation-prone aircraft
51.7.4. Enforcement.
51.7.5. Unlawful to use airport after use denied.
51.7.6. Culpability of instructor pilots
51.7.7. Culpability of aircraft owner or lessee
51.7.8. Registration of aircraft
51.7.9. Administrative Hearing Board
Chapter 2 - Airport Hazard Zoning Restrictions
Article 1 - General
52.1.1. Incorporation into zoning ordinance.
52.1.2. Definitions
Article 2 - Zones and Regulations
52.2.1. Hazard area.
52.2.2. Establishment of zones
52.2.3. Extent of zones.
52.2.4. Structures or other obstructions
52.2.5. Height limit of zones
52.2.6. Application of Article
52.2.7. Nonconforming uses
52.2.8. Variances
52.2.9. Interference with navigation
52.2.10. Marking and lighting
52.2.11. Administration and enforcement