§9015:    Purpose And Intent

§9016:    Allowed Uses

§9017:    Permitted Uses

§9018:    Building Height Limits

§9019:    Required Site Area

§9020:    Required Yard Setbacks

§9021:    Required Parking

§9022:    Additional Requirements

§9023:    Determination Of Appropriate Use


The purpose of the regulations in the Low Density Residential (R-1) District is to preserve, enhance, and protect the low density residential neighborhoods in the community. The R-1 zoning district is intended for residential areas characterized predominantly by single-family uses, duplexes, and with typical single-family residential subdivision lots ranging in size from six thousand (6,000) to ten thousand (10,000) square feet in size. This district is consistent with the LDR (low density residential) land use designation of the City general plan. (Ord. 1001, §1, adopted 1998; Ord. 1216, §1, adopted 2021)


The following uses are allowed in Low Density Residential (R-1) Districts:

Accessory buildings.

Accessory dwelling units (ADU), as regulated by Chapter 2, Article 5.3 of this division.

Accessory uses normally incidental to single-family residences.

Community care facility, which provides service for six (6) or fewer persons, with the residents and operators of the facility being considered a family.


A.    Fences shall be limited to a maximum height of seven feet (7'). Fences exceeding seven feet (7') in height may be erected subject to the securing of a use permit.

B.    No fence shall be constructed and no hedge or other screen planting shall be grown or permitted to grow, to a height exceeding three feet (3’) within ten feet (10’) from any property line abutting a street.

Home occupations (as defined in section 9278 of this chapter).

Junior accessory dwelling units (JADUs), as regulated by Chapter 2, Article 5.4 of this division.

Manufactured homes certified under the national manufactured home construction and safety standards act of 1974 (42 USC section 5401 et seq.) are allowed on individual residential parcels subject to the following regulations:

A.    Foundation System: The manufactured home shall be attached to a permanent foundation system approved by the city building official and designed and constructed pursuant to section 18551 of the state Health and Safety Code.

B.    Utilities: All utilities to the manufactured home shall be installed pursuant to city standard practices and policies.

C.    Permits: All applicable building, site development, and encroachment permits associated with development of residential property shall be secured prior to any on site construction.

Multiple-family residential dwellings in the form of duplexes, transitional housing, and supportive housing on corner lots. Multiple-family dwellings in the form of triplexes, fourplexes, single-room occupancies (SROs), and rooming and boarding houses are prohibited. Multiple-family dwellings that comply with the design and development standards in Chapter 2, Article 5.2 of this division are permitted by right.

Single-family residential dwellings, including manufactured/modular homes, transitional housing, and supportive housing. Manufactured/modular homes shall comply with the additional development standards in Section 9022 of this code.

Small and large family daycare homes. (Ord. 1001, §1, adopted 1998; Ord. 1047, §1, adopted 2003; Ord. 1168, §1, adopted 2016; Ord. 1181, §5, adopted 2017; Ord. 1205, §5, adopted 2020; Ord. 1216, §1, adopted 2021; Ord. 1244, §2, adopted 2024)


The following uses may be permitted with the securing of a use permit:

Accredited public or private schools.

Bed and breakfast establishments.

Churches, chapels, and other places of religious assembly and instruction.

Community care facility for more than six (6) persons, but not more than twelve (12) persons.


Multiple-family dwellings in the form of duplexes, transitional housing, and supportive housing that do not comply with the design and development standards set forth in Chapter 2, Article 5.2 of this division.

Outdoor sales establishments.

Parks, community gardens, and playgrounds.

Public buildings and places of temporary public assembly. (Ord. 1001, §1, adopted 1998; Ord. 1047, §1, adopted 2003; Ord. 1216, §1, adopted 2021)


The following shall be the maximum limits for height of buildings in Low Density Residential (R-1) Districts:

A.    For single-family dwellings, two (2) family dwellings and attached accessory dwelling units, a maximum height of thirty feet (30').

B.    For accessory buildings a maximum height of twenty feet (20') or the maximum height of the main building, whichever is less.

C.    The height limits for both dwelling units and accessory structures may be exceeded with the securing of a use permit. The height limit for accessory dwelling unit may be exceeded through the use permit process, provided a finding is made that the higher structure would not adversely impact the health, safety, and general welfare of the public. (Ord. 1001, §1, adopted 1998; Ord. 1181, §5, adopted 2017; Ord. 1216, §1, adopted 2021)


A.    Interior Lots: The required site area on interior lots in the R-1 zoning district is six thousand (6,000) net square feet, and the required lot width is sixty feet (60’).

B.    Corner Lots: The required site area for corner lots in the R-1 zoning district is seven thousand (7,000) net square feet, and the required lot width is seventy feet (70’).

C.    Existing Development/Density: In existing development/density there is no minimum site area.

D.    Nonconforming Lots: Development may occur on existing, nonconforming R-1 lots; a site development permit is required for existing lots four thousand five hundred (4,500) square feet and greater and a use permit is required on existing lots of less than four thousand five hundred (4,500) square feet. Minimum width in either case is forty feet (40’). (Ord. 1001, §1, adopted 1998)


The purpose of establishing yard areas in the R-1 zoning district is to ensure open spaces, and a low density appearance to single-family residential neighborhoods. In Low Density Residential (R-1) Districts, yards shall be required in the following minimum widths, as measured from the street right-of-way:

A.    Front: Fifteen feet (15') for residences and accessory structures, and twenty-five feet (25') for garages.

B.    Sides: Ten feet (10') for residences and five feet (5') for accessory structures.

C.    Rear: Fifteen feet (15') for residences, and five feet (5') for accessory structures.

D.    Corner Lots: On corner lots, there shall be a front setback line of fifteen feet (15') on each street side of a corner lot.

Except in cases where fifty percent (50%) of the same side of the block is already built out, then the average setback shall apply. The fifty percent (50%) average setback exception does not apply to accessory structures.

E.    Yard Setbacks For Unique Circumstances:

1. Architectural Features: Cornices, eaves, canopies, and other similar architectural features for residential structures and accessory structures exceeding one hundred twenty (120) square feet in area may extend up to two feet (2’) into any required yard.

2. Swimming Pools: Swimming pools shall not be located in front yards, and no closer than five feet (5’) to any rear or side property line.

3. Open Porches; Landing Places; Outside Stairways: Open porches, landing places or outside stairways may extend into the required front yard setback provided a minimum of fifteen feet (15’) is maintained between the stairway/landing place and the front property line. Open porches, landing places or outside stairways may extend up to two feet (2’) into any required side yard, and six feet (6’) into any required rear yard. Such porches, landing places, and outside stairways may be roofed, but shall not be enclosed with solid siding, glass, or screening materials, or otherwise made a part of the habitable portion of the structure.

4. Trellises: Trellises providing entry into property are allowed to be located within the front yard setback provided:

a. The trellis does not exceed a maximum height of ten feet (10’).

b. The trellis is not more than ten feet (10’) wide.

c. The trellis is not located in the public right of way.

d. The trellis does not obscure or block vehicular traffic lines of sight.

e. The trellis does not impede or block pedestrian circulation.

f. The trellis does not pose a threat to the public health and safety as determined by the city building inspector.

g. The trellis does not hinder the ability of the fire department from accessing the property with emergency equipment and providing emergency services.

h. A building permit is secured for the construction of the trellis, if required by the city building inspector. Depending upon the height, size, and scale of the trellis, engineering calculations may be required. (Ord. 1001, §1, adopted 1998; Ord. 1082, §1, adopted 2006; Ord. 1216, §1, adopted 2021)


A.    The minimum parking area required in Low Density Residential (R-1) Districts is as follows:

1. Single-Family Dwelling: Two (2) on-site parking spaces per unit.

2. Duplex: One and one-half (1.5) on-site parking spaces per unit.

3. Other Uses: The parking requirements for all other allowed or permitted uses shall be subject to the provisions of section 9198 of this code.

B.    Each required on-site parking space or garage space for single-family residential uses shall be a minimum of nine feet (9') in width and nineteen feet (19') in depth.

C.    Each required on-site parking space or garage space for single-family residential uses shall open directly onto a driveway or aisle and be designed to provide safe and efficient ingress and egress for vehicles accessing such parking space. The maximum width for such driveways shall be twelve feet (12') for single-wide driveways, and twenty feet (20') for double-wide driveways and access lanes to parcels with no street frontage.

D.    All driveways on corner lots shall be located a minimum distance of twenty feet (20') from the curb return. (Ord. 1001, §1, adopted 1998; Ord. 1181, §5, adopted 2017; Ord. 1205, §5, adopted 2020; Ord. 1216, §1, adopted 2021)


A.    Manufactured homes certified under the National Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974 (42 USC section 5401 et seq.) are allowed uses on individual residential parcels subject to the following regulations:

1. Foundation System: The manufactured home shall be attached to a permanent foundation system approved by the City Building Official and designed and constructed pursuant to section 18551 of the California Health and Safety Code.

2. Utilities: All utilities to the manufactured home shall be installed pursuant to standards set forth in Division 4 of this code and additional City standard practices and policies.

3. Permits: All applicable building, site development, and encroachment permits associated with development of residential property shall be secured prior to any on-site construction. (Ord. 1216, §1, adopted 2021)


A.    Whenever a use is not listed in this article as a use permitted by right or a use subject to a use permit in the R-1 zoning district, the Planning Director shall determine whether the use is appropriate for the zoning district, either as a right or subject to a use permit. In making this determination, the Planning Director shall find as follows:

1. The use would not be incompatible with other existing or allowed uses in the R-1 zoning district;

2. The use would not be detrimental to the continuing residential development of the area in which the use would be located; and

3. The use would be in harmony and consistent with the purpose of the R-1 zoning district.

4. In the case of determining that a use not articulated as an allowed or permitted use could be established with the securing of a use permit, the Planning Director shall find that the proposed use is similar in nature and intensity to the uses listed as permitted uses. (Ord. 1001, §1, adopted 1998; Ord. 1216, §1, adopted 2021. Formerly 9022)


Ord. 793, §2, adopted 1982; Ord. 803-A, §1, adopted 1983; Ord. 813, §1, adopted 1983; Ord. 813, §2, adopted 1983; rep. by Ord. 1001, §1, adopted 1998.