Chapter 8.15


8.15.010    Definitions.

8.15.020    Permits – Required.

8.15.030    Permits – To construct or remodel.

8.15.040    Permits – To operate.

8.15.050    Permits – Posting.

8.15.060    Permits – Suspension or revocation.

8.15.070    Appeal.

8.15.080    Violations.

8.15.010 Definitions.

For the purpose of this chapter, “food handling establishment” means any room, building, or place, or portion thereof, maintained, used or operated as a grocery store, meat market, delicatessen, confectionery, food stand, restaurant as defined in Section 28522 of the State Health and Safety Code, itinerant restaurant as defined in Section 28523 of the State Health and Safety Code, or any other type of establishment which sells, stores, or handles food except wholesale food manufacturing, distributing, and storage establishments. [Ord. 443 § 1, 4-10-67. Prior code § 9-45].

8.15.020 Permits – Required.

It is unlawful for any person to do any of the following things unless he has a valid permit issued by the health officer:

(1) Construct a food establishment.

(2) Add to or remodel any building occupied by a food establishment.

(3) Operate, occupy, rent, lease, or sublease a food establishment. [Ord. 443 § 2, 4-10-67. Prior code § 9-46].

8.15.030 Permits – To construct or remodel.

Application for a permit to construct or remodel a food handling establishment shall be submitted to the Glenn County health department and made on a form supplied by the health department, and shall be accompanied by:

(1) Plans and specifications for the proposed construction.

(2) A description of water supply, drainage, and method of sewage disposal.

Permits to construct or remodel are in effect for one year following the date of issue. [Ord. 443 § 3, 4-10-67. Prior code § 9-47].

8.15.040 Permits – To operate.

Original permits to operate a food handling establishment will be issued by the health officer after receipt of an application made on a form supplied by the health department. Permits are effective for one year from the date of issue, and must be renewed annually. Original permits are required when a food establishment is first opened, ownership is changed, and after extensive remodeling.

Operating permits will be renewed annually and automatically by the health officer unless the permit is suspended or revoked. Following suspension or revocation, the operating permit will be reinstated as soon as inspection by the health officer reveals compliance with all pertinent state laws and regulations. [Ord. 443 § 4, 4-10-67. Prior code § 9-48].

8.15.050 Permits – Posting.

Permits for construction or operation shall be posted in a conspicuous place in the establishment. [Ord. 443 § 5, 4-10-67. Prior code § 9-49].

8.15.060 Permits – Suspension or revocation.

Any permit issued pursuant to this chapter may be suspended or removed for good cause by the health officer. “Good cause,” for the purpose of this section, shall be a violation of the provisions of applicable state or local laws or regulations promulgated thereunder. The notice of suspension or revocation shall be in writing and signed by the health officer. It will be served upon the permittee and will set forth in clear and concise language the acts or omissions which constitute the cause for the suspension or revocation. The notice will also inform the permittee of his right to file an appeal with the city council. [Ord. 443 § 6, 4-10-67. Prior code § 9-50].

8.15.070 Appeal.

The city council shall serve as a board of appeal for administrative action taken by the health officer under this chapter. If such an appeal has not been filed in writing within 10 days after the action has been taken, the right of appeal shall be considered waived. [Ord. 443 § 7, 4-10-67. Prior code § 9-51].

8.15.080 Violations.

It is a misdemeanor to construct, remodel, or operate a food handling establishment without a valid permit. Each day’s operation without such a permit is a separate violation. [Ord. 443 § 8, 4-10-67. Prior code § 9-52].


State law referenceFor authority, see § 28693, Health and Safety Code; local enforcement of food laws, § 26620 et seq., Health and Safety Code; sanitation of restaurants, etc., § 28520 et seq.