Chapter 15.10


15.10.010    Adopted.

15.10.010 Adopted.

(1) The 2022 California Building Code, Title 24, Part 2 of the California Code of Regulations, including the following Appendices only: Chapter 1 (Administrative), as further amended herein, Chapter I (Patio Covers) and Chapter J (Grading).

(2) Local Amendments to the California Building Code.

California Building Code Section 109.2, Schedule of Permit Fees:

On buildings, structures, electrical, gas, mechanical, and plumbing systems or alterations requiring a permit, a fee for each permit shall be paid as required, in accordance with the schedule as set forth in the 1997 Uniform Administration Code table 3A-3H.

California Building Code Section 304.3, Plan Review Fees:

When submittal documents are required by other sections of this code, a plan review fee shall be paid at the time of submitting the submittal documents for plan review. Said plan review fees shall be 65 percent of the building permit fees as indicated in Section 304.3 of the 1997 Uniform Administrative Code.

California Building Code Section 109.3, Building Permit Valuations:

The applicant for a permit shall provide an estimated permit value at time of application. Permit valuations shall include total value of work, including materials and labor, for which the permit is being issued, such as electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing equipment and permanent system. If, in the opinion of the building official, the valuation is underestimated on the application, the permit shall be denied, unless the applicant can show detailed estimates to meet the approval of the building official. The fee schedule is based upon the current cost construction valuation established either taking the actual contract price for such work or shall be determined by the use of the latest publication of “Building Valuation Data,” or equivalent as published by the International Code Council. The “Building Valuation Data” shall be periodically modified to meet the inflationary cost associated with labor and material increase which are found in the “Building Cost Index” tables published in the Engineering New-Record by The McGraw-Hill Companies. Final building permit valuation shall be set by the building official.

California Building Code Section 501.2, Address Illumination:

Addressing shall be illuminated at night in all new buildings. Address signs shall be internally or externally illuminated. When the luminance or the face of a sign is from an external source, it shall have an intensity of not less than 5.0 foot-candles. Internally illuminated signs shall provide equivalent luminance.

Address numbers shall be illuminated for buildings constructed after January 1, 2011. Light sources used to comply with this section shall be controlled by a photoelectric device or by a circuit supplied by a house meter which is used to provide other required lighting during hours of darkness. No switch or other similar device shall be installed. Buildings constructed prior to this date shall comply with all other address requirements.

The minimum size and dimension of the numbers shall be 6 inches in height with 1-inch stroke width or larger readily visible and legible from the adjacent street. Single Family dwelling shall have a minimum size of 4 inches in heights with 1-inch stroke width or larger.

Where a building is set back from the street or road fronting the property and where addresses may not be clearly identifiable due to distance from the street or roadway, landscape, vegetation and/or architectural appendages, or other obstructions, address posting shall be required both at the street, road or driveway serving such building and on the building. Street or roadside address posting shall be on a weather resistant sign, permanently mounted to a post, and highly visible from all directions of traffic flow. Where unusual circumstances exist a direction indicator may be required to show specific direction of building(s).

All numbering shall be in sequence as approved by the Building and Fire Department.

The developer or property owner shall submit to the Fire Department and Building Department detailed plans for review and approval showing size, materials, method of construction, electrical components and wiring diagram, and location of the installation.

California Building Code Section 903.2:

(1) An approved automatic fire-extinguishing system shall be installed and maintained in all occupancies and locations as set forth in this section. A standard automatic sprinkler system shall be installed throughout all buildings:

(a) New commercial, industrial and R occupancies.

(1) Exceptions:

(a) Detached non-combustible vehicle dispensing canopies classified as a Group M occupancy.

(b) Detached Car ports of non-combustible construction

(c) Detached Group B and M occupancies 500 sq. ft. or less

(2) Fire Department Connection (FDC) shall be accessible, identified, and placed within 50 feet of a City Standard Fire Hydrant.

(3) All existing structures shall meet the requirements of this sections when, in the opinion of the chief, a change of occupancy or character of the occupancy is made and a greater hazard to life or property exists or the required fire flows are increased.

[Ord. 757-22 § 1, 11-8-22; Ord. 748-19 § 1, 12-10-19; Ord. 729-16 § 1 (Exh. A), 10-25-16; Ord. 708-13 § 1, 10-22-13; Ord. 690-10 § 1, 11-23-10; Ord. 679-07 § 2, 11-27-07. Prior code § 4-43].


State law reference—Authority to regulate buildings, § 38660, Gov. Code.