Chapter 15.40
15.40.030 Permit – Application.
15.40.060 Rules and regulations for installations.
15.40.070 Powers and duties of electrical inspector.
15.40.080 Interference with electrical inspector.
15.40.090 License requirements.
15.40.100 Application to existing antennas.
15.40.010 Definitions.
For the purposes of this chapter the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this section:
“Antenna” means the outdoor portion of the receiving or broadcasting equipment used for receiving or broadcasting television or radio waves from space.
“Electrical inspector” means the building inspector of the city or other city official as designated by the city council.
“Height” means the overall vertical length of the antenna system above the ground, or, if such system is located on a building, then above that part of the level of such building upon which the system rests.
“Mast” means that portion of the outside antenna system to which the antenna is attached, and the support or extension required to elevate the antenna to a height deemed necessary for adequate operation. [Code 1959 § 19.1; prior code § 4-117].
15.40.020 Permit – Required.
It shall be unlawful for any person to install, repair or maintain, either as owner or as agent, servant or employee of the owner, or as an independent contractor for the owner, or otherwise, any outside television or radio receiving or broadcasting antenna, or any additions to, or substitutions for, the antenna unless and until an inspection permit shall have first been obtained from the electrical inspector. [Code 1959 § 19.2; prior code § 4-118].
15.40.030 Permit – Application.
Application for the antenna permit shall be made upon blanks provided by the city, and shall contain or have attached thereto the following information:
(1) Name, address and telephone number of the owner for whom to be made.
(2) Whether it is a new installation, or repair or maintenance work.
(3) Whether a radio or television receiving or broadcasting antenna.
(4) Name of the person making the installation.
(5) Such other information as the electrical inspector shall require to show full compliance with this and all other laws and ordinances of the city. [Code 1959 § 19.3; prior code § 4-119].
15.40.040 Permit – Fees.
An inspection fee of $2.00 shall be paid for each antenna permit issued under the provisions of this chapter. [Code 1959 § 19.4; prior code § 4-120].
15.40.050 Bond requirements.
Every person engaged in the business of making television or radio receiving or broadcasting antenna installations or repairs or doing maintenance work on same, except an electrical contractor licensed by the city, shall annually file with the city clerk a good and sufficient bond in the sum of $300.00, executed by a bonding or surety company authorized to do business in the state, and approved by the city attorney. The bond shall be conditioned upon the faithful observance of all the laws and ordinances of the city, and shall run to the city for the use and benefit of any person who may suffer injury or property damage by reason of the permit granted hereunder. The maintenance of the bond in full force and effect shall be requisite to the issuance of any permit required under the provisions of this chapter.
This provision shall not apply to personal installations, repairs or maintenance of the antenna by the owner or occupant; provided, however, the owner or occupant gives sufficient proof to the electrical inspector or other authorized city official that he is qualified to perform the work in conformity with the provisions of this chapter. [Code 1959 § 19.5; prior code § 4-121].
15.40.060 Rules and regulations for installations.
All television and radio receiving or broadcasting antenna installations shall be made in accordance with the following rules and regulations:
(1) All structural requirements shall conform to the standard structural specifications as adopted and approved by the city council by resolution and as from time to time amended by the council, copies of which specifications shall at all times be on file in the office of the city clerk.
(2) Each supporting pole or mast extending above the supporting building shall be permanently grounded to a cold water pipe or by other methods which conform to requirements as set forth in the city electrical code. A mast and a lightning arrestor may be served by a common grounding conductor.
(3) Outdoor antennas and counterpoise and lead-in conductors shall be securely supported. They shall not be attached to poles or similar structures carrying electric light or power wires. Standoff insulators shall have sufficient mechanical strength to sustain the lead-in cable. Lead-in conductors shall be securely attached to the antennas.
(4) Lead-in conductors attached to buildings shall be so installed that they cannot swing closer than two feet to the conductors of circuits of 250 volts or less, or closer than 10 feet to conductors of circuits of more than 250 volts. The clearance between lead-in conductors and any conductor forming part of a lightning rod system shall not be less than six feet. Lead-ins shall be supported at intervals of not less than 10 feet. A minimum clearance of at least two inches from combustible materials shall be maintained until past the lightning arrestor.
(5) No antennas shall be affixed or attached to chimneys or flues on buildings without permission of the electrical inspector. No such antenna shall be erected or affixed to a chimney or flue exceeding 20 feet in height above the top of such chimney or flue. Any installation authorized hereunder shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of the electrical inspector.
(6) All pipe masts requiring guy wires shall be guyed by not less than three, and preferably four, guys evenly spaced. Guy wires shall be of noncorrosive stranded cable or wire, and have a 300-pound test strength.
(7) In the case of an amateur or domestic radio or television receiving or broadcasting antenna where the set is installed in a private residence, the antenna may be installed on the roof of a frame structure; provided, the supports and anchor screws are securely fastened to rafters or beams or other substantial members; and, provided further, no antenna installed on the roof of a frame construction or in any way supported by material of combustible construction shall exceed the height of 50 feet above the roof of the building.
(8) All guys shall be made mechanically secure to the roof, parapet or other masonry, attached to mast with guy rings and may contain turnbuckles installed at the base end. Guys shall not be installed at an angle of less than 30 degrees to the vertical to the mast. Guys shall not be tightened in such a manner as to cause the mast to buckle.
(9) The miscellaneous hardware, such as brackets, turnbuckles, thimbles, clips, and so forth, must be hot-dipped galvanized, or similarly treated for weather protection. The turnbuckles must be protected against turning by threading the guy wire through the turnbuckles.
(10) Pipe masts over eight feet in height, exclusive of the beam elements, shall be guyed as outlined in subsections (6) through (9) of this section.
(11) Pipe masts over eight feet but not greater than 20 feet in height, exclusive of beam elements, shall be guyed to at least one position, within four feet of the top if possible, and, if not, as close as practicable, and shall be guyed as outlined in subsections (6) through (9) of this section.
(12) Pipe masts over 20 feet in height, exclusive of the antenna elements, shall be guyed within two feet of the top of the mast. Guys shall be installed as outlined in subsections (6) through (9) of this section.
(13) Fabricated mast towers shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations and with the approval of the building official. If the tower is over 20 feet high, it shall be supported by at least two sets of guys installed in accordance with the regulations outlined in subsections (6) through (9) of this section.
(14) All masts and towers erected under this title shall be so erected and installed in such a manner that the same cannot fall on power lines carrying more than 250 volts.
(15) All installations shall be made in a neat, safe and workmanlike manner.
(16) No wires, cables or guys, electrical or mechanical, used for a television antenna system, shall cross over or under any existing light or power circuit wires. No such television antenna system wires, run aerial, shall cross any public street or way, except that the city may grant permission if it deems the crossing to be in the public interest. [Code 1959 § 19.6; prior code § 4-122].
15.40.070 Powers and duties of electrical inspector.
(1) It shall be the duty of the electrical inspector or other duly authorized city official to inspect all television and radio receiving or broadcasting antennas to ascertain if the work has been done in a workmanlike manner and to investigate all complaints from the general public pertaining to such antenna installations and interference caused thereby.
(2) The electrical inspector or other authorized official is empowered to inspect or reinspect any wiring, equipment or apparatus, conducting or using electrical current for radio and television receiving and broadcasting service in the city, and if conductors, equipment or apparatus are found to be unsafe to life or property, or not in conformity with the provisions of this title, the electrical inspector or other authorized official shall notify the person owning or operating the hazardous wiring or equipment to correct the condition within a 48-hour period. For the purpose of performing his duties hereunder, the electrical inspector or other authorized official is authorized and empowered to go in or upon private property. Failure to correct violations within the specified time shall constitute a violation of this title. [Code 1959 § 19.7; prior code § 4-123].
15.40.080 Interference with electrical inspector.
It shall be unlawful for any person to hinder or interfere with the electrical inspector or other authorized representative in the discharge of his duties under the provisions of this chapter. [Code 1959 § 19.8; prior code § 4-124].
15.40.090 License requirements.
Every person engaged in the business of installing television or radio antennas, except electrical contractors licensed by the city, shall first obtain a license therefor from the city tax collector. Such license may be granted upon the recommendation of the electrical inspector or other authorized official after an examination has been taken by the applicant as to his proficiency in the installation, erection, grounding and similar techniques of television and radio antennas. A license fee for the issuance of the first license to the applicant shall be $5.00, which fee shall cover the operation to June 30th of the year following the date of issuance, and all renewals of such license shall be $5.00 per annum. The license herein provided for shall be in addition to any other license required by the city. [Code 1959 § 19.9; prior code § 4-125].
Cross reference—Business licenses and regulations, WMC Title 5.
15.40.100 Application to existing antennas.
Any television or radio receiving or broadcasting antenna erected prior to October 5, 1953, and continuing in use to the present time, may be maintained and operated in its present location, unless the antenna is so constructed and maintained as to be unsafe and dangerous as determined by the electrical inspector or other official as provided in this chapter. [Code 1959 § 19.10; prior code § 4-126].
State law reference—For authority, see § 53066, Gov. Code.