Chapter 17.10
17.10.010 Definitions.
“Advisory agency,” as referred to herein, shall be the Willows planning commission which is also referred to herein as the “planning commission” and as the “commission,” and it is hereby charged with the duty of making investigations and reports on the design and improvement of all proposed subdivisions and other divisions of land, and has map processing and other duties with respect to such subdivisions and other divisions of land, and the procedures relating thereto, as are specified by law and by this title.
“Appeal board,” as referred to herein, shall be the city council of the city of Willows, which is also referred to herein as the “city council,” and it shall hear and make determinations upon appeals from actions of the planning commission with respect to the provisions of this title.
“Authorized representative,” as referred to herein, shall be a qualified person who is authorized by a city official defined herein to act in the place of such official with respect to the operation or administration of this title.
“Building official,” as referred to herein, shall be the person so designated by the city council.
“City engineer,” as referred to herein, shall be the person so designated by the city council.
“City health officer” or “health officer,” as referred to herein, shall be the person so designated by the city council.
“City planner,” as referred to herein, shall be the agent of the planning commission designated by the city council.
(a) “Civil engineer” shall mean a civil engineer competent to practice civil engineering as defined in Section 6731 of, and who is registered under the provisions of, the Business and Professions Code of the State of California, who is retained to provide civil engineering services related to land subdivision.
(b) “Soils engineer” shall mean a civil engineer registered in the state of California with a specialty and experience in the investigation and analysis of soils.
“Lease,” as used herein, shall be subject to the definition of “subdivision” in this section.
“Lot line adjustment” means the adjustment of the boundary between two or more adjacent parcels, where the land taken from one parcel is added to an adjacent parcel and where a greater number of parcels than originally existed is not thereby created.
“Map Act” shall mean the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California as amended.
(a) “Preliminary map” shall mean a map prepared from existing records in sufficient detail to show clearly the development plan proposed for the total subdivision land area which is intended to be developed progressively in two or more development units.
(b) “Tentative map” shall mean a map prepared from existing records and field data in sufficient detail to meet the requirements for filing as prescribed herein, and to constitute an adequate basis for the preparation of a final or parcel map.
(c) “Final map” shall mean a map supported by complete engineering data prepared in accordance with the conditions of approval of a tentative map and in acceptable form for processing and filing for record, as provided herein.
(d) “Parcel map” shall mean a map of a type of subdivision described herein, containing complete engineering data and prepared in accordance with the conditions of approval of a tentative map and in acceptable form for processing and filing for record, as provided herein.
(e) “Record of survey” shall mean a map prepared in accordance with provisions of the Land Surveyors Act to delineate land boundaries, property lines or other lines or points of survey.
(f) “Reversion to acreage map” shall mean a map prepared in accordance with provisions of state law for purposes of reverting previously divided parcels to acreage and as otherwise provided herein.
“Minor division” means any division of land for which the requirement for a parcel map is waived by the planning commission.
“Owner” shall mean any individual, firm, association, syndicate, co-partnership, trust or any other legal entity having a proprietary interest in the land sought to be subdivided, divided or otherwise utilized who commences and maintains proceedings to utilize the same under the provisions of this title.
(a) “General plan” shall mean any element thereof as set forth in the Planning and Zoning Law, Title 7 of the Government Code of the State of California, adopted by the city council.
(b) “Specific plan” shall mean any unit thereof, as set forth in the Planning and Zoning Law, Title 7 of the Government Code of the State of California, which has been adopted by the city council.
(a) “City street” shall mean a way for vehicular traffic, however designated, which has been dedicated for public use and accepted by the city or has been laid out and constructed as a city street or has been made a public street or road pursuant to law. It includes public streets constructed by federal, state and county agencies but not private streets or private alleys.
(b) “Private street” shall mean a way for vehicular traffic, however designated, which is not intended or proposed to be accepted by the city and for which any offer of dedication or other offer for acceptance by the city shall be rejected until such time as specified conditions for acceptance have been fully complied with.
(c) “Alley” shall mean a way for secondary vehicular access to private property for on-site parking, freight handling and related purposes.
“Subdivider” shall mean a person, firm, corporation, partnership or association who proposes to divide, divides or causes to be divided real property into a subdivision for himself or for others.
“Subdivision” shall mean the division of any improved or unimproved land, shown on the last equalized county assessment roll as a unit or as contiguous units, for the purpose of sale, lease or financing, whether immediate or future. Property shall be considered as contiguous units even if it is separated by roads, streets, utility easements or railroad rights-of-way. “Subdivision” includes a condominium project, as defined in Section 1350 of the Civil Code or a community apartment project, as defined in Section 11004 of the Business and Professions Code. Any conveyance of land to a governmental agency, public entity or public utility shall not be considered a division of land for purposes of computing the number of parcels.
“Subdivision” shall not include land dedicated for cemetery purposes under the Health and Safety Code; or the financing or leasing of apartments, offices, stores or similar space within apartment, industrial or commercial buildings; or mobile home or trailer parks; or mineral, oil, or gas leases; or exclusively agricultural use leases of parcels of 10 or more acres; or “short-term” leases as described in Section 66411 of the Subdivision Map Act.
“Subdivision standards” shall mean a set of detailed standards adopted by resolution of the city council to set forth the regulations, standards and specifications for land development improvements; the type and nature of investigations, tests and reports; schedules for fees to be charged, and such other matters as the city council finds to be necessary to properly supplement the provisions of this title in the processing of subdivisions and the improvements thereof. Reference to “this title” herein shall include the subdivision standards.
“Surveyor” shall mean a land surveyor licensed under the Land Surveyors Act of the state of California or a civil engineer registered in the state of California and retained by the subdivider, owner, developer, or contractor to provide land surveying services. [Ord. 550-79, 5-8-79. Prior code §§ 14-201 – 14-220].