Chapter 18.100
18.100.020 Applicability of regulations.
18.100.030 Special regulations.
18.100.010 Purpose.
The frontage or F combining district is intended to provide special setback and design standards in order to ensure safe and uniform development within certain commercial areas of the city. [Ord. 632-91 § 23.01, 10-22-91].
18.100.020 Applicability of regulations.
In any district with which is combined any F district, the regulations of this chapter shall apply in addition to those hereinbefore specified for such district; provided, that if conflict in regulations occurs, the regulations of this chapter shall govern. [Ord. 632-91 § 23.02, 10-22-91].
18.100.030 Special regulations.
(1) A front yard of not less than 25 feet shall be required for all uses, unless a greater front yard is required in the district with which the F district is combined.
(2) Screen planting or fencing of permitted commercial uses on open land shall be required as a condition to the granting of a use permit in each particular case.
(3) No outdoor advertising signs or structures shall be permitted except such or structures which pertain directly to permitted commercial uses, which are located on or immediately adjacent to such uses, and which do not exceed two square feet of advertising surface for each lineal foot of street frontage.
(4) Directional and informational signs of not more than six square feet may be permitted upon the securing of a use permit in each particular case. [Ord. 664-00 § 23.03, 6-27-00; Ord. 632-91 § 23.03, 10-22-91].