Chapter 18.120
18.120.020 Parking spaces required.
18.120.030 Off-street loading facilities.
18.120.040 Size and improvements of parking areas.
18.120.050 General requirements.
18.120.060 Parking exemptions for sites in the downtown central commercial district.
18.120.070 Existing uses within the downtown central business district/parking exemption district.
18.120.010 Purpose.
The intent of this chapter is to provide for the on-site, off-street parking requirements for motor vehicles associated with any use or uses on the premises. It shall be the responsibility of the developer, owner, or operator of any specific use to provide for adequate off-street parking. [Ord. 704-11 § 1, 7-12-11; Ord. 675-07 § 1(9.01), 8-28-07; Ord. 632-91 § 9.01, 10-22-91].
18.120.020 Parking spaces required.
The number of off-street parking spaces shall not be less than specified hereinbelow:
(1) Residential Uses.
(a) One-Family and Two-Family Dwellings.
(i) One-car garage for each dwelling unit containing one bedroom;
(ii) Two-car garage for each dwelling unit containing more than one bedroom.
(b) Multifamily Dwellings.
(i) One covered parking space for each unit containing one bedroom;
(ii) Two covered parking spaces for each dwelling unit with two or more bedrooms.
The required parking shall not be sited in the front yard setback.
(c) Hotels, Motels and Rooming Houses (Including Bed and Breakfast Operations). One parking space for each sleeping unit plus two manager parking spaces.
(d) Transitional Housing/Supportive Housing. Same parking requirements as other residential uses.
(e) Emergency Shelters. One parking space for every 10 beds, plus one additional parking space for each staff person on duty.
(2) Institutional Uses.
(a) Hospitals. One parking space per bed plus one for every three employees and medical staff members.
(b) Clinics/Doctor’s Office. One parking space for every 300 square feet of gross floor area plus one space for each employee and doctor or other professional attendant serving the clinic, with a minimum of four spaces required.
(c) Churches. One parking space for every four seats of seating or occupancy capacity, as determined by the fire marshal, in the largest assembly area of the church, plus one parking space for every 30 square feet of gross floor area in said assembly area not used for seating.
(d) Schools.
(i) Kindergarten or Day Care. One parking space for every 10 children plus one for each employee; additionally, sufficient loading area shall be provided for the safe loading and unloading of children and adults.
(ii) Elementary Schools. One parking space for every 10 children plus one space for each employee.
(iii) High Schools. One parking space for every five students plus one space for each employee.
(iv) College and Trade Schools. One parking space for every three students plus one space for each employee.
(v) Residential Care Homes. One parking space for every five licensed patient beds and the higher of one parking space for every 500 square feet of gross floor area, or one parking space for each employee of the peak shift.
(vi) Libraries, Museums and Art Galleries. One space for each 300 square feet of gross floor area.
(3) Commercial Uses.
(a) Retail Sales or Service. One space for every 300 square feet of gross floor area with a minimum of four spaces plus one space for each employee.
(b) Furniture or Appliance Sales. One parking space for every 750 square feet of gross floor area with a minimum of four spaces plus one space for each employee.
(c) Restaurants and Bars. The higher of one parking space for each 200 square feet of gross floor area or one parking space for every four seats. Additionally, one parking space for every two employees.
(d) Theaters or Stadiums. One parking space for every four seats, plus one space for every two employees.
(e) Offices. One parking space for every 300 square feet of gross floor area plus one space for each employee.
(f) Dance or Amusement Halls. The higher of one parking space for every four seats or one parking space for each 200 square feet of gross floor area.
(g) Shopping Centers. A shopping center covering two acres shall provide one parking space per 200 square feet of gross floor area. Neighborhood shopping centers less than two acres shall provide parking spaces as identified for retail sales or service uses.
(h) Funeral Homes and Mortuaries. One space for each four fixed seats or every eight feet of bench length. Where no permanent seats are provided, one space for every 28 square feet of principal assembly area.
(i) Launderettes. One space for every five washing machines.
EXCEPTION: Parking requirements for commercially zoned property with 50 feet or less street frontage may be reduced or waived by the city manager. All other reductions require approval by the planning commission.
(4) Industrial Uses.
(a) Warehouse, Storage Building, Wholesale Operations and Light Manufacturing. One space for each 2,000 square feet of gross floor area, plus one space for each two employees on the largest shift.
(b) Laboratories and Research Facilities. One space for each 300 square feet of gross floor area.
(c) Machinery and Equipment Sales. One space for each 500 square feet of gross floor area.
(d) Mini Storage. Two spaces for an on-site caretaker, if any, plus one space for each employee plus one space for each 300 square feet of office space.
Off-street parking requirements for uses not herein specified shall be determined by the planning commission. [Ord. 704-11 § 1, 7-12-11; Ord. 675-07 § 1(9.02), 8-28-07; Ord. 632-91 § 9.02, 10-22-91].
18.120.030 Off-street loading facilities.
Private off-street loading space for commercial and industrial uses requiring the handling of goods, materials, and equipment shall be provided as listed below:
For buildings of 10,000 square feet of gross floor area, one off-street loading space, plus one additional space for each additional 35,000 square feet of gross floor area. [Ord. 704-11 § 1, 7-12-11; Ord. 675-07 § 1(9.03), 8-28-07; Ord. 632-91 § 9.03, 10-22-91].
18.120.040 Size and improvements of parking areas.
(1) Parking Spaces. Except as hereinafter provided by this section, each of the parking spaces required by this chapter shall be at least eight and one-half feet in width by 20 feet in length, together with such additional area which the city engineer determines is necessary to safely maneuver a vehicle between the parking space and any street or alley adjoining the property on which the parking space is located.
(2) Compact Parking Spaces. Where three or more parking spaces are required by this section, one-third of such spaces may be compact car spaces seven and one-half feet in width and 16 feet in length; provided, that where one-third of the required spaces is a whole number plus a fraction, the fraction shall be rounded off to the nearest whole number for purposes of determining the number of permitted compact car spaces.
(3) Lighting. Any lights used to illuminate the parking spaces or driveways shall be designed and located so that direct rays are confined to the property where the parking area is located.
(4) Parking Facilities for the Physically Handicapped. Facilities accommodating the general public, including but not limited to auditoriums, theaters, restaurants, hotels, motels, stadiums, retail establishments, medical offices, and office buildings, shall provide parking spaces for the physically handicapped in compliance with the following provisions:
(a) Handicapped parking spaces shall be at least 14 feet wide and 18 feet long.
(b) Parking facilities containing six through 40 spaces, inclusive, shall include one handicapped parking space permanently signed with the international symbol of accessibility. One more handicapped space shall be provided for each additional 40 spaces or increment thereof.
(c) Two handicapped spaces permanently signed shall be required in conjunction with any use or combined uses which occur within a space of more than 10,000 square feet gross floor area. [Ord. 704-11 § 1, 7-12-11; Ord. 675-07 § 1(9.04), 8-28-07; Ord. 632-91 § 9.04, 10-22-91].
18.120.050 General requirements.
(1) Required Off-Street Parking. Off-street parking facilities shall be provided for any new building constructed and for any new use established. Off-street parking facilities shall be provided for any addition or enlargement of an existing building or use, or any manner of operation that would result in additional parking spaces being required; provided, that additional parking shall be required only for such addition, enlargement, or change and not the entire building or use.
(2) Parking Standards for Uses Not in Compliance with Current Standards.
(a) Whenever existing uses not in compliance with the parking standards of this code are transferred to new owners or operators who will continue the use without significant change or when new uses are initiated within existing structures which generate the same level of parking demand as the former use, no additional parking spaces shall be required.
(b) Whenever the use of any premises which is not in compliance with the parking standards of this code is enlarged, expanded, or intensified, additional parking spaces consistent with this code shall be provided only for the enlargement, expansion, or intensification and not for the entire use.
(c) Whenever the use of any premises which is not in compliance with the parking standards of this code is changed to a use where a higher parking demand is identified, additional parking spaces consistent with this code shall be provided for the additional intensity of the use and not for the entire use. When the new use generates a lower parking demand, no additional parking spaces will be required.
(3) Parking Spaces for Uses Not Specified. The parking space requirements for uses not set forth herein shall be fixed by the city manager and be based upon available studies and standards for the most compatible use.
(4) Location of Off-Street Parking. Required parking facilities shall be located on the same building site and conveniently proximate to the use or uses they serve and shall be designed, located, constructed and maintained so as to be fully and independently usable and accessible at all times. If there is no parking area or access to the parking area available on the building site, off-street parking and/or access as required may be provided off site upon first securing a use permit in each case. [Ord. 704-11 § 1, 7-12-11; Ord. 675-07 § 1(9.05), 8-28-07; Ord. 632-91 § 9.05, 10-22-91].
18.120.060 Parking exemptions for sites in the downtown central commercial district.
Uses and structures located within the downtown area, as defined within the CC central commercial zoning district, specifically the downtown parking exemption district area of Butte Street, Tehama Street, and Shasta Street, specifically from Laurel Street to Wood Street as defined by the map below designating the downtown parking exemption zone, are not required to provide on-site parking as normally required by Chapter 18.55 WMC, since new parking will be largely accommodated by existing on-street parking. Two parking spaces per new residential unit within the central business district as defined by the CC central commercial district shall be provided. The parking requirements for all other uses shall be determined by the city manager. However, the city manager shall refer any request to the planning commission when design review is required.
No existing city-required parking spaces in place as of the effective date of the ordinance codified in this section shall be removed within the downtown area.
Figure 18.120.060 – Downtown Parking Exemption District
[Ord. 704-11 § 1, 7-12-11; Ord. 675-07 § 1(9.06), 8-28-07; Ord. 632-91 § 9.06, 10-22-91].
18.120.070 Existing uses within the downtown central business district/parking exemption district.
No existing use of land or structure shall be deemed to be nonconforming solely because of the lack of off-street parking facilities prescribed in this chapter; provided, that if a facility being used for off-street parking at the time of adoption of the ordinance codified in this section, which does not meet the parking requirements set forth in this chapter, converts or changes to a use substantially the same as the previous use in terms of parking characteristics (as determined by the city manager), the new use shall not be required to increase the amount of off-street parking to comply with this chapter. [Ord. 704-11 § 1, 7-12-11; amended during 2009 recodification; Ord. 675-07 § 1(9.07), 8-28-07; Ord. 632-91 § 9.07, 10-22-91].