Chapter 18.15
18.15.010 Enforcement, compliance by city employees.
18.15.020 All officers so charged.
18.15.040 Violation a nuisance – Abatement.
18.15.050 Remedies not exclusive.
18.15.010 Enforcement, compliance by city employees.
All departments, officials and public employees of the city which are vested with the duty or authority to issue permits or licenses shall conform to the provisions of this title and shall issue no permit or license for uses, building, or purposes where the same would be in conflict with the provisions of this title. [Ord. 632-91 § 4.01, 10-22-91].
18.15.020 All officers so charged.
It shall be the duty of the building inspector and of the officers of the city herein and/or otherwise charged by law with the enforcement of ordinances of the city to enforce this title and all the provisions of the same. [Ord. 632-91 § 4.02, 10-22-91].
18.15.030 Penalty provisions.
(1) It shall be unlawful for any person to violate any of the provisions or to fail to comply with any of the requirements of this title.
(a) Unless otherwise provided, a violation of any of the provisions is a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding six months or by a fine of not less than $50.00 nor more than $1,000, or both.
(b) Alternatively, a violation of any of the provisions in this code may be charged as an infraction punishable by a fine of not less than $50.00 nor more than $500.00.
(2) Any violation declared to be an infraction by this title is punishable by a fine of not less than $50.00 nor more than $500.00. [Ord. 632-91 § 4.03, 10-22-91].
18.15.040 Violation a nuisance – Abatement.
Any building or structure set up, erected, constructed, altered, enlarged, converted, moved or maintained, and any use of any land, building, or premises established, conducted, operated or maintained contrary to the provisions of this title shall be and the same is hereby declared to be unlawful and a public nuisance; and the city attorney shall, upon order of the city council, immediately commence action or proceedings for the abatement and removal and enjoinment thereof in the manner provided by law, and shall take such other steps and shall apply to such courts as may have jurisdiction to grant such relief as will abate and remove such building or structure, and restrain and enjoin any person from setting up, erecting, building, maintaining or using any such building which does not conform to the requirements of this title. [Ord. 632-91 § 4.04, 10-22-91].
18.15.050 Remedies not exclusive.
All remedies provided for herein shall be cumulative and not exclusive. [Ord. 632-91 § 4.05, 10-22-91].