Pursuant to the adoption of the Charter Commission by the citizens of the Town of Glendale, Colorado, on the March 14, 1972, the Charter Convention Delegates were elected at a special election on March 14, 1972, under the authority and method provided in Article XX of the Constitution of the State of Colorado, as amended, and pursuant to the Municipal Home Rule Act of 1971. In accordance with the responsibility placed upon them, the Delegates respectfully submitted this Charter to the Board of Trustees of the Town of Glendale, who respectfully present this Charter to the registered electors of the Town of Glendale for their consideration at a special election to be held on the 30th day of May, 1972.
The Delegates of the Convention have viewed their task as one of great responsibility. They have not limited their goals for the City government of Glendale to a consideration of the present, but have extensively considered the future needs of the City and envision continued growth and progress for the City.
In their effort to submit the best possible Charter to the people of Glendale, the Charter Convention Delegates have studied the Charters of several other Colorado cities, have invited suggestions and advice from the citizens of Glendale, and have employed legal counsel in evolving the final draft of this Charter.
Two objectives of the Charter Convention Delegates have been most predominant throughout the Convention:
1. That the Charter must reserve to the people of Glendale absolute right and power of self-government under the Home Rule provisions of the Constitution of the State of Colorado, and the Municipal Home Rule Act of 1971.
2. That the Charter must insure the orderly and economical management of the City government, guided and controlled by the people through their elected representatives.
To accomplish these objectives, this Charter authorizes the City to have great latitude and freedom in exercising its governmental functions.
The organization of the City government has been drawn to assure maximum flexibility in organizational arrangements so that it will be possible for the government of the City to readily adjust to new demands and changing circumstances as our City grows and prospers.
In keeping with this principle of government the Charter provides for the Council-Manager form of City government. The City Manager shall be the chief administrative official of the City and shall hold office for an indefinite term.
The policy-making and legislative powers are vested in a City Council composed of six (6) members, plus the Mayor. The Mayor shall be elected from the City at large every four (4) years. Six (6) Councilmen and the Mayor shall be elected from the City at large. Their terms shall be for four (4) years and shall be staggered so as to permit a continuity of government. In addition to its other powers, the Council shall appoint the City Manager, the City Attorney, the Municipal Judge and members of certain boards and commissions.
The democratic techniques of initiative and referendum and recall have been included in the Charter. Such provisions provide the means by which the people can, if necessary, directly control the policies of their City government, enact or reject legislation as they see fit, and rid themselves of an elected official who fails to perform his duties properly. In addition, other safeguards have been included in the Charter to prevent abuse of any office in the City.
The Delegates of the Charter Convention sincerely feel that the Town of Glendale will, under this Charter, have a sound and progressive government and, therefore, it is unanimously recommended that this Charter be approved by the registered electors of Glendale at the election on May 30, 1972.
We, the people of Glendale, Colorado, under the authority of the Constitution of the State of Colorado, and the Municipal Home Rule Act, do ordain, establish and adopt this Home Rule Charter for the City of Glendale.