Chapter 4.10
4.10.010 Fire district development impact fee advisory committee.
4.10.010 Fire district development impact fee advisory committee.
A. Committee Created. A development impact fee advisory committee of the city council is established as a standing permanent committee.
B. Committee Name. The standing permanent committee is known and shall continue to be known and designated as the “city of Donnelly – Donnelly rural fire protection district development impact fee advisory standing committee” (hereinafter in this section referred also as “advisory committee” or “committee”).
C. Membership. The members on the committee shall be appointed by the board of commissioners of the Donnelly rural fire protection district for a term stated of at least one year. Notice of these appointments shall be provided to the city clerk and the city council within seven days of any such appointment. There shall not be fewer than five members of which two or more members shall be active in the business of development, building, or real estate. All members must reside within the service area of the Donnelly rural fire protection district (the “fire district”). No members shall be employees or officials of the city of Donnelly or a governmental entity with whom the city has an intergovernmental agreement to enact an impact fee ordinance.
1. Any vacancy occurring on the committee during the year shall be filled during the year, by appointment of the fire district board of commissioners.
D. Charge. The advisory committee shall serve as an advisory committee to the city council and the fire district with whom the city has an intergovernmental agreement to enact an impact fee ordinance and is charged with the following responsibilities:
1. Assist the city and the Donnelly rural fire protection district in adopting land use assumptions; and
2. Review the capital improvements plan; and
3. Monitor and evaluate implementation of the capital improvements plan; and
4. File with the impact fee administrator (the “administrator”) and the city clerk, at least annually (with respect to the capital improvements plan), a report of any perceived inequities in implementing the capital improvements plan or imposing development impact fees; and
5. Advise the city council and the fire district board of commissioners of the need to update or revise land use assumptions of capital improvements plans; and
6. The city and the fire district shall make available to the advisory committee, upon request, all financial and accounting information, professional reports in relation to other development and implementation of land use assumptions of the capital improvements plans, and of the need for periodic updates to the capital improvements plans.
E. Advisory Committee Organization. The administrator shall staff the advisory committee to: provide the committee with needed factual information for the committee’s review, and facilitate the committee’s compliance with the Open Meeting Law (Chapter 2 of Title 74 of the Idaho Code):
1. The advisory committee shall select its officers, which include a chairman, vice chairman and a secretary of the committee; and
2. The chairman shall conduct the meetings of the committee. The duties of the chairman shall be performed by the vice chairman in the absence of the chairman or as delegated by the chairman. The chairman and the vice chairman shall be members of the committee; and
3. The administrator shall serve as the secretary of the committee and shall take minutes and post agenda notices required by the Open Meeting Law. The secretary is not a member of the committee; and
4. The committee shall establish a regular meeting schedule; and
5. The agenda of each meeting shall include the approval of the minutes of the last meeting and the secretary shall provide a copy of the approved minutes to the city council and the fire district board of commissioners; and
6. Fifty percent of the membership of the committee shall constitute a quorum. Once a quorum is established for a meeting, the subsequent absence of a member present for creating the quorum shall not dismiss the quorum; and
7. A majority vote of those present at any meeting is sufficient to carry motions.
F. Reporting. The advisory committee reports directly to the city council and the fire district board of commissioners.
G. City Council and the Fire District Board of Commissioners Each Review Committee’s Reports and Recommendations. The city council and the fire district board of commissioners shall each consider the advisory committee’s recommended revision(s) at least once every 12 months. The advisory committee’s recommendations shall be intended to ensure that the benefits to a development paying impact fees are equitable, so that the impact fee charged to the development shall not exceed a proportionate share of system improvements costs, and that the procedures for administering impact fees remain efficient. [Ord. 261 § 1, 2023.]