Chapter 12.10
12.10.020 Numbers on structures.
12.10.030 Delegation of authority.
12.10.050 Assignment of street numbers.
12.10.060 Violation – Penalty.
12.10.010 Numbering required.
All lots, buildings and structures in the city shall be numbered in accordance with the following plan:
A. North and south numbers shall commence at Roseberry Road.
B. East and west numbers shall commence at Main Street.
C. Even numbers shall be on the east and north sides of the streets.
D. Building and structure numbers shall be based upon the ratio between the distance from the intersection and the total distance between intersections, adjusted to the nearest even or odd number, depending upon which side of the street the building or structure shall be on. The point of measurement shall be from the intersection and the main entrance to the building or structure.
E. In the absence of street intersections, building or structure numbers shall be assigned on the basis of 100 numbers per 500 feet adjusted to the nearest even or odd number, depending upon which side of the street the building or structure shall be on. [Ord. 122 § 1, 1991.]
12.10.020 Numbers on structures.
It shall be the duty of the owners and occupants of every structure in the city to have placed thereon, in a place visible from the street, figures at least three inches high in a contrasting color, showing the number of the structure and any person, firm or corporation failing to so number any house, building or structure occupied by him, or if after written notice to do so from the city superintendent shall continue in his failure so to number such house, building or structure, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and punishable as hereinafter set forth. [Ord. 122 § 2, 1991.]
12.10.030 Delegation of authority.
The city superintendent of the city is hereby authorized and directed to establish a system of numbering of houses, structures and buildings in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, and upon proper application by any person, firm or corporation, the city superintendent shall designate an appropriate number to any such house, building or other structure. [Ord. 122 § 3, 1991.]
12.10.040 Chart.
The city superintendent shall keep a chart showing the proper street number of every lot in the city, which shall be open to inspection by anyone interested. [Ord. 122 § 4, 1991.]
12.10.050 Assignment of street numbers.
Street numbers shall be assigned by the city superintendent to structures at the time of issuance of a building permit. [Ord. 122 § 5, 1991.]
12.10.060 Violation – Penalty.
Any person, firm or corporation violating the provisions of this chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not to exceed $300.00 or by imprisonment in the county jail not to exceed 30 days or by both such fine and imprisonment. [Ord. 122 § 6, 1991.]