8-7B-1:    Application Requirements Described


A.    Compliance Statement: The compliance statement is the applicant’s explanation of compliance with the standards for review of the proposed application.

1. For a plat and PUD, the compliance statement shall explain impacts of the proposal on the following:

a. The present or potential use and development of each adjoining lot or property;

b. Adjoining land uses;

c. Access by firefighting equipment and emergency vehicles both to the proposed structure and to adjoining dwellings and buildings;

d. Access to existing and planned utility service lines;

e. Ease of access to adjoining streets;

f. Relationship of the proposed site to known natural hazards, such as floodplains and avalanche areas; and

g. Effect of the proposed siting on existing natural drainage patterns.

2. For a variance, the compliance statement shall explain the compliance of the proposal with the following considerations:

a. The need for the variance is not the result of actions of the applicant or property owner;

b. The variance will not unreasonably diminish either the health, safety or welfare of the community neighborhood;

c. The variance is the only reasonable alternative to overcome the undue hardship; and

d. The variance is the minimum relief necessary to allow reasonable use of the subject property.

B.    Covenants Or Deed Restrictions: The draft of any proposed covenants and deed restrictions to be recorded with the plat or plat amendment.

C.    Dedications And Easements: The statement of intent for dedications and/or easements shall include the location, size, dimensions and purpose.

D.    Engineering Drawings And Specifications:

1. Public Improvements: The engineering drawings and specifications are for streets, water systems, sewers and other required public improvements to support the proposal.

2. Conformance: The plans shall contain sufficient information and detail to enable the planning official to make a determination as to conformance of the proposed improvements to applicable regulations, ordinances and standards.

3. Preliminary Form: These drawings and specifications may be in a preliminary form for the preliminary plat application.

4. For Sexually Oriented Business: The applicant shall provide evidence certified by a professional land surveyor licensed in the state of Idaho that the proposed adult entertainment establishment conforms to the separation requirements as set forth in section 8-2C-35 of this title.

E.    Grading Plan: The grading plan is a plan showing existing and proposed topography at a scale of not less than one inch equals twenty feet (1" = 20'). The plan shall show two foot (2') contours for the entire proposal site and one foot (1') contours for details, including all planimetric features. The plan shall include the following information:

1. All existing site features including existing structures, trees, streams, canals, and floodplain hazard areas;

2. All existing easements and utility locations;

3. Approximate limiting dimensions, elevations and finish contours to be achieved by the contemplated grading within the project, showing all proposed cut and fill slopes, drainage channels and related construction; and finish and spot grade elevations for all wall and fence construction, and paved and recreational surfaces; and

4. Slope and soil stabilization and revegetation plan, including identification of areas where existing or natural vegetation will be removed and the proposed method of revegetating. Show all areas of disturbance and construction fencing location; revegetation is required for all disturbed areas.

F.    Hydrology Report: The hydrology report shall be prepared by a licensed engineer and shall include the following information:

1. Description Of Hydrological Conditions: A description of the hydrological conditions existing within the proposed site, the adequacy of the existing conditions for the proposed project and the design criteria for any recommended corrective measures; and

2. Existing Surface Drainage Patterns: A map or drawing showing existing surface drainage patterns in the proposed site and identifying any anticipated changes in those patterns due to the project development.

3. For Preliminary Plat: Preliminary plans and approximate locations of all surface and subsurface drainage devices or other devices to be employed in controlling drainage water within the project site, including proposed, existing and natural drainage swales, culverts, catch basins and subsurface drain piping.

4. For Final Plat: A storm drainage plan shall be submitted showing compliance with the standards of title 4 of this code. The storm drainage plan shall include:

a. A map indicating the on site and off site drainage area applicable to the site;

b. Detailed engineering plans of all subsurface drainage improvements to be constructed as a part of the proposed development; and

c. Location of all drainage easements, or drainage rights of way.

5. For A Subdivision Within Floodplain: For a subdivision within a floodplain, documentation shall be provided that will show and explain at the following to demonstrate conformance with chapter 3, article B, "Flood Hazard", of this title:

a. Location of all planned improvements;

b. The location of the floodway and the floodway fringe per engineering practices as specified by the army corps of engineers;

c. The location of the present water channel;

d. Any planned rerouting of waterways;

e. All major drainageways;

f. Areas of frequent flooding;

g. Means of floodproofing buildings, and means of insuring loans for improvements within the floodplain.

G.    Landscape Plan: The landscape plan shall be prepared by a registered landscape architect, at the same scale as the site plan, and shall include the following information:

1. The existing and proposed arrangement of all trees, shrubs, ground covers, lawn or revegetated areas;

2. A plant list of the variety, size, and quantity of all proposed vegetation; and

3. All areas to be covered by automatic irrigation shall be shown on the plan.

H.    Lighting Plan: The lighting plan shall include the location, type, height, lumen output, and luminance levels of all exterior lighting.

I.    Master Plan: The master plan is a plan that includes narrative information and illustrations about the proposal.

1. The required narrative information shall be as follows:

a. Description of the vision for the master plan area, including design guidelines, land uses and phasing of development;

b. A range of square footage, density, site coverage and locational distribution of land uses;

c. Description of a circulation plan for autos, bicycles, transit and pedestrians within the site and to other off site systems including the Boise River greenbelt and other waterways;

d. Description of the amenities within the site including both natural and manmade;

e. Description of the general mass, scale and character of the buildings;

f. Summary of general public facility requirements to serve the development; and

g. Proposal for incorporation of existing structures in future development plans.

2. The required illustrative plans shall be as follows:

a. A map showing property dimensions and legal description;

b. A map showing existing and proposed building footprints;

c. A map showing the circulation system including streets, alleys, parking, pedestrian walkways and linkages both within and outside the district;

d. A diagram showing development parcels, maximum unit densities, site ingress and egress, and relationship of development to public amenities, public facilities and/or open site areas; and

e. A section showing the relationship of the buildings, public spaces and the street edge to adjacent properties.

J.    Natural Resources And Hazards Analysis: The natural hazards and resources analysis shall provide an inventory and recommendation regarding natural conditions existing on the site. The analysis shall include the following information:

1. Significant Natural Resources: Significant natural resources existing on the site shall be identified including vegetation; fish and wildlife habitat; and water, including streams and riparian zones. A plan for preservation and/or mitigation of significant resources should be prepared by a qualified professional.

2. For Subdivisions Within A Floodplain: Detailed information on the nature, source and extent of the hazard and the proposed actions to minimize or eliminate danger to public health, safety or property. The analysis shall include the following information:

a. The location of existing water channels and drainageways, floodway, floodplain and base flood elevation;

b. The location of all planned improvements including dams, dikes and similar structures; and

c. All planned diversions, alterations or rerouting of channels and drainageways.

K.    Neighborhood Map: The neighborhood map is a map showing the location of the proposed project within the city, the subdivision or the neighborhood.

1. The map shall show the location of contiguous lots and lot(s) immediately across any public or private street, building envelopes and/or existing buildings and structures at a scale of not less than one inch equals one hundred feet (1" = 100').

2. For design review applications, the map shall show the impact of the proposed siting on existing buildings, structures and/or building envelopes.

3. For subdivision applications, the map shall show the location of the subdivision in relation to the alignment of streets and other public right of way within the subdivisions with those existing in the immediately surrounding areas.

L.    Schematic Drawings: The schematic drawings are of proposed structures, and shall be provided of a scale not less than one-eighth inch equals one foot (1/8" = 1') and include the following information:

1. Floor plans; elevations, including recorded grade lines; or cross sections that describe the highest points of all structures and/or buildings, showing relationship to recorded grade existing prior to any site preparation, grading or filling;

2. Decks, retaining walls, architectural screen walls, solid walls, and other existing and proposed landscape features shall be shown in elevations and sections with the details to show the completed appearance of those structures;

3. Overall dimensions of all proposed structures; and

4. Specifications on exterior surface materials and color.

M.    Site Plan: The site plan is a map showing the building lot, at a scale of not less than one inch equals twenty feet (1" = 20'), and shall include the following information:

1. Property dimensions and legal description of the land;

2. Location of the proposed building, improvement, sign, fence or other structure, and the relationship to the platted building envelope and/or building zone;

3. Building envelope dimensions with the center of the envelope location established in relation to property lines;

4. Front, rear and side yard dimensions and setbacks from all structures to property lines;

5. Adjacent public and private street right of way lines; and

6. Total square footage of all proposed structures calculated for each floor. If the application is for an addition or alteration to an existing building or structure then the new or altered portions shall be clearly indicated on the plans and the square footage of new or altered portions and the existing building shall be included in the calculations.

7. For uses classified as drive-through, the site plan shall demonstrate safe pedestrian and vehicular access and circulation on the site and between adjacent properties as required in section 8-2C-13 of this title.

N.    Sketch Plat: A plat preliminary to the preparation of a preliminary plat that shows the basic outline of the plat including lots, roads, and dedicated sites.

O.    Soils Engineering Report: The soils engineering report shall be prepared by a licensed engineer and shall include the following information:

1. The nature, distribution and strength of existing soil;

2. Conclusions and recommendations for grading procedures;

3. Opinions and recommendations regarding the adequacy of the soil for the proposed development; and

4. The design criteria for any corrective measures which are recommended. (Ord. 898-08, 9-8-2008)

P.    Subdivision Map:

1. The preliminary plat map shall be provided on paper with the dimensions of twenty four inches by thirty six inches (24" x 36"), and which shall be drawn to a scale of not less than one inch to one hundred feet (1" = 100'). The preliminary plat map shall include the following information: (Ord. 904-08, 11-24-2008)

a. The name of the proposed subdivision;

b. The names, addresses and telephone numbers of the planners, engineers, surveyors or other persons who designed the subdivision and prepared the plat;

c. The legal description of the proposed subdivision, and a topographical map showing the proposed subdivision at a scale of not less than one inch to one hundred feet (1" = 100');

d. The intended use of the lot such as: residential single-family, duplex, townhouse and multiple housing, commercial, industrial or recreational;

e. Sites proposed within the subdivision for parks, playgrounds, schools and other similar public facilities;

f. A proposed building envelope shall be designated and dimensioned on each lot to demonstrate that a building can comply with the required setbacks. This building footprint is not binding on future building on the lot.

g. Streets and public rights of way, including proposed street names and dimensions;

h. Blocks, if any, building envelopes and lot lines as required by section 8-5A-5 of this title, showing the dimensions and numbers of each. In addition to providing this information on the plat or supporting addenda, the applicant shall stake the perimeters of each lot and the center of its building envelope sufficiently to permit the commission to locate the same when inspecting the site of the proposed subdivision;

i. Contour lines, shown at two foot (2') intervals and perimeter spot elevations referenced to an established bench mark, including location and elevation; and

j. Location of any proposed or existing utilities, including, but not limited to, domestic water supply, storm and sanitary sewers, irrigation laterals, ditches, drainages, bridges, culverts, water mains, fire hydrants, and their respective depths.

2. The final plat map shall include and be in compliance with all items required under Idaho Code section 50-13, and shall be drawn at such a scale and contain lettering of such size as to enable the same to be placed on one sheet of eighteen inch by twenty four inch (18" x 24") drawing paper, with no part of the drawing nearer to the edge than one-half inch (0.5"). The reverse of said sheet shall not be used for any portion of the drawing, but may contain written matter as to dedications, certifications and other information. In addition the application shall include:

a. Proof of current ownership of the real property included in the proposed final subdivision and consent of recorded owners of the subdivision;

b. Such other information as the planning official or city engineer may deem necessary to establish whether or not all proper parties have signed and/or approved said final subdivision;

c. A statement of conformance with the approved preliminary subdivision and meeting all requirements or conditions thereof;

d. A statement of conformance with all requirements and provisions of this title;

e. A statement of conformance with acceptable engineering, architectural and surveying practices and local standards; and

f. Construction plans for all infrastructure improvements.

Q.    Topographic Survey: The topographic map is a map of the application site and adjoining parcels prepared by an engineer and/or land surveyor, and at a scale of not less than one inch to twenty feet (1" = 20'). If the site has been known to have been altered over time then the applicant shall provide evidence of the natural topography of the site. (Ord. 898-08, 9-8-2008)

R.    Will Serve: A letter from the city public works indicating that water and sewer facilities and services can be provided to the proposed development. (Ord. 944-12, 5-14-2012)