Chapter 5-100


5-100-010    Definitions.

5-100-020    Conformance to codes.

5-100-030    License required.

5-100-040    Application for license.

5-100-050    Floor plan.

5-100-060    Department approval required.

5-100-070    Planning department.

5-100-080    Fire department.

5-100-090    Health inspector.

5-100-100    Inspection.

5-100-110    Register.

5-100-120    Nuisance.

5-100-130    Violation—Penalty.

5-100-140    Interpretation.

5-100-010 Definitions.

For purposes of this chapter

“Rooming house” means and includes every dwelling house, rooming house, furnished rooming house, lodging house, boarding house and any other similarly occupied building, structure or portion thereof kept, held or used, where sleeping or lodging is provided (or which is equipped to provide lodging) by prearrangement for a definite period for compensation for four or more persons in contradistinction to hotels open to transients. (Prior code § 5-57-1)

5-100-020 Conformance to codes.

No house or building hereafter constructed or erected in the city shall be used as a rooming house; and no house or building heretofore erected and not now used for such purpose, or any building, house or portion thereof which is now used or intended to be used or occupied for rooming house purposes shall be converted into, used as or leased for a rooming house unless such building and every part thereof shall conform to the requirements of this chapter and to such other requirements of the building, zoning and health codes of the city as may apply. No rooming house shall provide for more than the number of persons permitted by the zoning code of the city as amended and as may be amended from time to time. (Prior code § 5-57-2)

5-100-030 License required.

It is unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to conduct, keep, manage or operate, or cause to be conducted, kept, managed or operated a morning house without a license therefor. Such license shall be issued only to persons of good moral character and shall not be transferable. All such licenses granted under this chapter shall expire on the thirtieth day of April after the same shall be issued and shall be renewed annually, subject to the same conditions as the original license. Such license shall be issued by the city clerk and the fee for said license shall be as laid out in Chapter 3-01, Fees, Fines, Insurance and Guarantee Requirements. Said fee shall accompany the application therefor. (Ord. 3494 § 2(B), 2024; Ord. 1921 (part), 1972; prior code § 5-57-3)

5-100-040 Application for license.

A written application upon blank forms furnished by the city clerk shall be filed with the clerk each year and shall accurately state the full name and address of the applicant and person in whose name such license is to be issued; the full name and address of the owner of the building and premises where such rooming house use is proposed to be carried on; the number of moms in said building and which of said rooms in said building are to be occupied as sleeping rooms; and the number of persons to be accommodated or allowed in each room. Yearly application for license shall be made on or before May 1st. (Prior code § 5-57-4)

5-100-050 Floor plan.

Such applicant shall file with his initial application, a plan of each floor of said building, which plan shall be drawn to a scale of not less than one-quarter inch to a foot showing all fire escapes, stairs, halls, location and size of all windows, the location and size of habitable rooms and the exits of each floor, and a statement in writing, the number of persons proposed to be accommodated or allowed on each floor, and the intended use of every room in the building must be written in on the plan submitted. (Prior code § 5-57-5)

5-100-060 Department approval required.

Upon receipt of such application and plan, it shall be the duty of the city clerk to submit application and plan to the planning department, to the chief of the fire department and to the health inspector, who shall authorize the proper inspection, and no such license shall be issued by said clerk until he has received the written approval from each of said officials. (Prior code § 5-57-6)

5-100-070 Planning department.

The planning director shall determine that all the requirements of the building code of the city are complied with and that the premises are safe and habitable and are provided with adequate facilities for heat, light and ventilation. (Prior code § 5-57-7)

5-100-080 Fire department.

The chief of the fire department shall determine that all fire hazards have been eliminated from said premises; that said premises have proper and sufficient fire extinguishing equipment that said premises comply with all fire regulations; and that the occupants of said building have adequate fire protection. (Prior code § 5-57-8)

5-100-090 Health inspector.

The health inspector shall determine that all regulations and orders of the Illinois Department of Health, health regulations of the city and the provisions of this chapter pertaining to the sanitation of said rooming house premises and every part thereof have been complied with for the preservation of the health of the occupants thereof. (Prior code § 5-579)

5-100-100 Inspection.

At least once a year after such license has been issued as herein provided or more often if deemed necessary, and before the renewal of any such license to conduct, keep or operate any such rooming house, it shall be the duty of the planning director, fire chief and health inspector to authorize the inspection of said premises and determine that the provisions of this code and the terms and conditions of the chapter are being complied with. (Prior code § 5-57-10)

5-100-110 Register.

The landlord, proprietor, keeper, manager or clerk of every such rooming house, as defined in this chapter, shall keep in the office, or other place therein, a register in which shall be entered the name and residence of every person who becomes a lodger, boarder or guest therein. Such register shall also show the number or location of the room or bed occupied by such person, the date of his or her arrival, and the period for which he engaged board or lodging. The register shall also be accessible, without charge, to any police officer or duly authorized agent of the health inspector, fire department, building department or clerk of the city. (Prior code § 5-57-11)

5-100-120 Nuisance.

The maintenance or use of any morning house as defined in this chapter, in violation of the provisions of this chapter is declared to be and shall constitute a nuisance. (Prior code § 5-57-12)

5-100-130 Violation—Penalty.

Any person, firm or corporation who shall keep or operate a morning house without first having obtained a license therefor as herein provided or any who shall violate, disregard, neglect or refuse to comply with any of the provisions of this chapter shall, upon conviction, be subject to a fine as laid out in Chapter 3-01, Fees, Fines, Insurance and Guarantee Requirements, for each day of violation. (Ord. 3494 § 2(B), 2024; prior code § 5-57-13)

5-100-140 Interpretation.

In the interpretation and application, the provisions of this chapter shall be held to be the minimum requirements with respect to rooming houses as herein defined adopted for the promotion of the public health, safety, comfort, convenience and general welfare. Where this chapter imposes a greater restriction upon the use of buildings or premises for rooming house purposes than are imposed or required by the provisions of any other ordinance, the provisions of this chapter shall control. (Prior code § 5-57-14)