Chapter 16-52


16-52-010    MH mobile home overlay district established.

16-52-020    Purpose.

16-52-030    General requirements.

16-52-040    Site conditions.

16-52-050    Procedure for submission of plans for mobile home developments.

16-52-060    Development standards—Landscaping.

16-52-070    Development standards—Mobile home spaces.

16-52-080    Development standards—Recreation.

16-52-090    Development standards—Street requirements.

16-52-100    Development standards—Driveway requirements.

16-52-110    Development standards—Parking requirements.

16-52-120    Development standards—Mobile home stands.

16-52-130    Development standards—Permanent structures.

16-52-140    Development standards—Pedestrian ways.

16-52-150    Development standards—Signs.

16-52-160    Development standards—Storage.

16-52-170    Development standards—Utilities.

16-52-180    Development standards—Lighting.

16-52-190    Development standards—Other requirements.

16-52-200    Mobile home installation.

16-52-210    Dependent mobile home and occupied travel trailers prohibited.

16-52-220    Availability of records.

16-52-230    Nonconforming mobile home and developments.

16-52-010 MH mobile home overlay district established.

The mobile home overlay district may be established in addition to the underlaying district and shall place additional regulations upon the property located therein. (Ord. 2286 § 17.0 (part), 1982)

16-52-020 Purpose.

The purpose of the mobile home legislation is to provide high density mobile home living in a concentrated area. The intent of this district is to encourage the provision of manufactured housing in a residential environment; to ensure adequate off-street parking, bulk requirement, open space and buffering of mobile home dwellings so as to retain the high quality of development. Any mobile home development that disturbs the quality and character of adjacent neighborhoods will be prohibited. (Ord. 2286 § 17.0 (part), 1982)

16-52-030 General requirements.

In the MH district:

A.    It is unlawful for any person to park, place or locate, or permit the parking, placing or locating of any occupied mobile home within the city except in a mobile home development.

B.    It is unlawful for any person to park, place or locate, or permit the parking, placing or locating of any occupied mobile home within the city except on a mobile sales lot.

C.    It is unlawful for a person to establish, construct, alter or enlarge a mobile home development on land located in the city unless first granted a special exception therefor by the zoning board of appeals.

D.    All mobile home developments shall comply with the city subdivision regulation. (Ord. 2286 § 17.1, 1982)

16-52-040 Site conditions.

In the MH district:

A.    No mobile home shall be used for any purpose other than that of a single-family dwelling or temporary office for a major development. Further, no commercial enterprise shall be carried on within the confines of the mobile home development other than specifically enumerated under the conditions of the special exception.

B.    Minimum area of a mobile home development shall be fifteen (15) acres with the first phase not less than five acres. The maximum density shall be seven and one-half mobile homes per acre.

C.    Mobile home developments shall not be located in manufacturing districts.

D.    Individual mobile home sites within a mobile home park shall not be sold or transferred unless the entire park is sold or transferred to a new owner. (Ord. 2286 § 17.2, 1982)

16-52-050 Procedure for submission of plans for mobile home developments.

A.    Preliminary Conference. Any developer proposing a mobile home development in the city shall submit to the planning department a legal description of the property and a sketch plan of the proposed development The preliminary conference is to permit the applicant and staff the opportunity to review the proposed plans prior to filing.

B.    Final Development Plan. The applicant shall file with the plan commission at least three copies of an application for special exception which shall include the following items:

1.    Name and address of the applicant, name and address of the owner of the property, name and address of person preparing the plan;

2.    Location map and legal description of development;

3.    Development plan of proposed area containing the following information:

a.    Proposed name of development,

b.    Date, scale and north arrow,

c.    Contour information of vertical intervals, of not less than two feet with reference to U.S.G.S. datum,

d.    Indication of gross land area of the development and computation of the density of the development,

e.    Concise drawing of how surface water drainage will be handled,

f.    Concise drawing of how sewage will be treated and how domestic water will be supplied,

g.    Statement of restriction contemplated, if any, such as:

(i)    Placement of oil tanks, storage sheds, fences and patios;

(ii)    Skirting;

(iii)    Pets and livestock;

(iv)    Parking;

(v)    Boats and outside storage;

(vi)    children;

h.    Elevation of water table, percolation data and description of soil type,

i.    Layout and width of all streets,

j.    Service building and maintenance building,

k.    Playground,

l.    Mobile home space and mobile home stands,

m.    Parking spaces, driveways and sidewalks,

n.    Boundaries, fence and screen planting, including types of plant material,

o.    Street lighting,

p.    Landscaping,

q.    Typical lot detail,

r.    Tentative letter from metropolitan sanitation district as to sanitary sewer.

s.    Approval of access by the city traffic coordinator,

t.    Any other information deemed necessary by the planning department and plan commission. (Ord. 2286 § 17.3, 1982)

16-52-060 Development standards—Landscaping.

A.    The outer boundaries of a mobile home development shall contain a buffer zone. This buffer zone shall consist of a green belt strip, not less than thirty (30) feet in width, located along all development boundaries. Such green belt shall be composed of coniferous trees which shall have an ultimate height of at least fifteen (15) feet and shrubs that shall have a minimum height of three feet or more after one full growing season and which shrubs will eventually grow to a height of not less than eight feet. The exact number of trees and shrubs shall be determined by the planning department after reviewing the developer’s plan.

B.    Ground cover shall be provided where needed to prevent erosion.

C.    Each mobile home lot shall include two trees at least one inch in diameter. (Ord. 2286 § 17.4(1), 1982)

16-52-070 Development standards—Mobile home spaces.

A.    The mobile home development shall be divided into lots with permanent markers indicating the corners of each lot.

B.    Setback Lines, Yard Requirements and Lot Coverage.

1.    All mobile homes shall be setback at least fifty (50) feet from any public right-of-way outside the development and at least twenty (20) feet from any private drive or public street within the development

2.    No mobile home or structure shall be located closer than thirty (30) feet to the boundaries of the development

3.    Yard Requirements.

a.    Front yard    fifteen (15) feet;

b.    Side yard    five feet;

c.    Rear yard    ten feet.

4.    Accessory structures shall not be within three feet of any side or rear lot line.

5.    Lot coverage.

a.    No mobile home or stand shall exceed thirty-five (35) percent of the lot area. The accumulated occupied area of the mobile home and its accessory structure shall not exceed forty (40) percent of the lot area.

b.    Minimum lot area four thousand two hundred (4200) square feet.

c.    Minimum lot width thirty-five (35) feet. (Ord. 2286 § 17.4(2), 1982)

16-52-080 Development standards—Recreation.

A.    In all developments there shall be one or more recreation areas which shall be easily accessible to all residents. The size of such recreation areas shall not be less than eight percent of the gross site area.

B.    Extent. Recreation areas and facilities, such as playground, swimming pools and community buildings, should be provided to the extent necessary to meet the anticipated needs of the resident the development is designed to serve and shall meet city regulations.

C.    Recreation areas shall be away from traffic hazards and centrally located. (Ord. 2286 § 17.4(3), 1982)

16-52-090 Development standards—Street requirements.

A.    Each mobile home lot shall abut and have unobstructed access to a public street or private drive at least twenty-five (25) feet wide, excluding parking, curbs and gutters.

B.    Entrances to mobile home development shall abut a public street and shall be designed to allow free movement of traffic onto such public street. Streets within the development shall be laid out to discourage through traffic. Entrance ways shall have radii adequate for safe convenient ingress and egress.

C.    Streets and Drives.

1.    All streets and drives within any mobile home development shall have an approved cross section with a paved surface of twenty-nine (29) feet measured from back to back of curb.

2.    All cul-de-sacs shall have a minimum radius of sixty (60) feet to the outer edge of the pavement.

3.    All streets and drives shall be provided with a smooth, graded, drained, sealed and paved durable surface commencing from the public street to and throughout the developments.

4.    All street and drives shall be maintained by the mobile home park owner and shall be free of holes and other hazards.

5.    Concrete curb and gutter shall be provided along the outside edge of all streets, drives and parking area pavements. Concrete curb, gutter and sidewalk may be one and the same.

6.    All street and drives shall be constructed to city specifications.

7.    Names shall be assigned to all streets and drives operating on the final plan and shall be approved by the fire department. All mobile home stands shall be systematically identified or they appear on the final plan. (Ord. 2286 § 17.4(4), 1982)

16-52-100 Development standards—Driveway requirements.

A.    Driveways shall be provided on the site where necessary for convenient access to service building entrances if any.

B.    Driveways shall be a minimum of ten feet wide. (Ord. 2286 § 17.4(5), 1982)

16-52-110 Development standards—Parking requirements.

A.    At least two off-street parking spaces nine feet by nineteen (19) feet shall be provided per mobile home site, one of which shall abut the mobile home site and other shall be allowed of a distance not exceeding two hundred (200) feet from the mobile home that it is intended to serve.

B.    No parking shall be permitted on any street or drive. (Ord. 2286 § 17.4(6), 1982)

16-52-120 Development standards—Mobile home stands.

A.    Each mobile home stand shall be either.

1.    A reinforced concrete pad of suitable thickness to support the home and appurtenances or the runners with rebar rods, but shall not be less than four inches thick; or

2.    A foundation on suitable concrete footings at least six inches below grade with suitable cross-bracing provided and all remaining open spaces filled with sand or gravel or other suitable material.

B.    Adequate drainage grading a way mobile home shall be provided. (Ord. 2286 § 17.4(7), 1982)

16-52-130 Development standards—Permanent structures.

A.    Buildings shall comply with applicable zoning and building regulations and be approved by the planning department.

B.    Churches, community centers, laundry facilities, libraries, recreation areas, schools, swimming pools, day care centers, management facilities and accessory structures shall be the only structures allowed and shall be conveniently located.

C.    A separate area shall be provided, which is fenced, screened or otherwise enclosed, for storage of residents camping trailers, boats, snowmobiles and other similar items. These items shall not be stored in any other area of the mobile home development. (Ord. 2286 § 17.4(8), 1982)

16-52-140 Development standards—Pedestrian ways.

A.    A common concrete or paved walk system shall be provided and maintained. Such common walk shall have a minimum width of three feet.

B.    All mobile homes shall be connected by concrete or paved individual walks with a minimum width of three feet to common walks or parking areas. (Ord. 2286 § 17.4(10), 1982)

16-52-150 Development standards—Signs.

All signs shall conform with the residential standards as permitted in Chapter 16.64. (Ord. 2286 § 17.4(12), 1982)

16-52-160 Development standards—Storage.

Each lot shall have a minimum of fifty (50) square feet of storage area, whether it be in a central building or in an enclosed accessory structure. (Ord. 2286 § 17.4(13), 1982)

16-52-170 Development standards—Utilities.

All utilities shall be underground except central instrumentation and substations, which must be screened by planted or ornamented walls. (Ord. 2286 § 17.4(14), 1982)

16-52-180 Development standards—Lighting.

All streets, walkways and parking bays within the mobile home development shall be lighted by an adequate system. (Ord. 2286 § 17.4(15), 1982)

16-52-190 Development standards—Other requirements.

Every mobile home development shall also comply with all applicable laws and regulations of the state of Illinois and its administrative agencies. (Ord. 2286 § 17.4(16), 1982)

16-52-200 Mobile home installation.

A.    The mobile home shall be anchored and tied down with a minimum of two cross-frame tie-downs, one at the front and one at the rear of the unit. The tie-down anchor rod shall be a steel rod of not less than 5/8 inch in diameter with a welded or forged eye at the top or a yoke-type fastening and tensioning device or a threaded connector and tension device. The end of the anchor rod shall be hooked to prevent pulling out of concrete footing a minimum of three feet underground level.

B.    Auger type anchors are permitted but shall be as follows: shaft of auger to be at least 5/8 inch in diameter with auger head to be six inches in diameter. Auger shall be anchored at least four feet deep in ground through a four inch concrete pad. (Ord. 2286 § 17.4(11), 1982)

16-52-210 Dependent mobile home and occupied travel trailers prohibited.

A.    A mobile home without bath and kitchen facilities is prohibited in all mobile home developments.

B.    Occupied travel trailers are prohibited in mobile home developments. (Ord. 2286 § 17.4(9), 1982)

16-52-220 Availability of records.

Upon request by the planning department, the development owner shall make available all records, test data, or other information relating to the establishment, construction, alteration or enlargement of the mobile home development. (Ord. 2286 § 17.5, 1982)

16-52-230 Nonconforming mobile home and developments.

Any mobile home or developments lawfully existing or under construction on the adoptive date of the ordinance codified in this title which does not conform to the provision contained in this chapter may be continued or maintained but may not be replaced, structurally altered, reestablished if destroyed or damaged to the extent of fifty (50) percent or more of its value. (Ord. 2286 § 17.6, 1982)