Chapter 5.72


5.72.010    License required.

5.72.020    Application.

5.72.030    Fee.

5.72.040    Lost or stolen goods.

5.72.050    Collection dates and hours.

5.72.060    Vehicles.

5.72.010 License required.

It is unlawful to operate or carry on the business of junk dealer or to keep any junk shop, store or place for the purpose or sale of junk, rags, old rope, paper or bagging, old iron, brass, copper or empty bottles, without first having secured a license therefor.

5.72.020 Application.

Applications for such licenses shall be made in conformance with the provisions of the ordinance relating to licenses.

5.72.030 Fee.

The annual fee for junk dealer’s license shall be nine hundred thirty-five dollars. No such license shall be issued for any period less than a full calendar year; provided, however, that if an application for junk dealer’s license is made at any time after the month of January in any year, the license may be prorated on a monthly basis to allow prepayment of one year plus the months preceding the annual renewal. (Ord. 2010-08A § 13, 2010; Ord. 2010-08 § 13, 2010; Ord. 2002-07 § 37, 2002; Ord. 89-5 § 34, 1989)

5.72.040 Lost or stolen goods.

Every keeper of a junk shop who shall receive or be in possession of any goods, articles or things of value which may have been lost or stolen shall, upon demand, produce such article or thing to any member of the police department for examination.

5.72.050 Collection dates and hours.

No junk dealer shall pursue said occupation except between the hours of nine a.m. and four p.m. of each weekday, nor shall such occupation be pursued on any Sunday or on a legal holiday as defined by statute.

5.72.060 Vehicles.

Every vehicle used by a junk dealer in the conduct of his business shall bear thereon, in legible characters, the name and address of the owner and proprietor thereof.