Finance Ordinances
Authorizing appropriations, reappropriations, repeals, and additional appropriations of funds within the department of metropolitan development | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations, and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
F-2024-19 | (Pending) |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations additional appropriations, and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations, and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing appropriations, transfer, re-appropriations, repeals, and additional appropriations of funds within the Department of Metropolitan Development | |
Approving and adopting the 2025 budget for the Port Authority of Evansville | |
Appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the expenditures of Evansville-Vanderburgh Levee Authority District for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2025 | |
Appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the expenditures of departments of the city government for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2025 | |
Fixing the salaries of elected officials for the city of Evansville, Indiana for the year 2025 | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing appropriations within the department of metropolitan development | |
Approving the annual community development plan and appropriating community development block grant, emergency solutions grant and HOME investment partnerships program grant funds | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing repeal and re-appropriation of funds within the department of metropolitan development | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing repeal and re-appropriation of funds within the department of metropolitan development | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Approving and adopting the 2024 budget for the Port Authority of Evansville | |
Appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the expenditures of Evansville-Vanderburgh Levee Authority District for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2024 | |
Appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the expenditures of departments of the city government for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2024 | |
Fixing the salaries of elected officials for the city of Evansville, Indiana for the year 2024 | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations, and additional appropriations of funds within the department of metropolitan development | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing transfers, repeals, and re-appropriations, and additional appropriations of funds within the department of metropolitan development | |
Approving the annual community development plan and appropriating community development block grant, emergency solutions grant and HOME investment partnerships program grant funds | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing repeals and reappropriations of funds within the department of metropolitan development | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the expenditures of departments of the city government for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2023 | |
Fixing the salaries of elected officials for the city of Evansville, Indiana for the year 2023 | |
Appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the expenditures of Evansville-Vanderburgh Levee Authority District for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2023 | |
Approving and adopting the 2023 budget for the Port Authority of Evansville | |
Authorizing repeals, repeal and re-appropriations, and additional appropriations of funds within the department of metropolitan development | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing repeals, and additional appropriations of funds within the department of metropolitan development | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing additional appropriations within the department of metropolitan development | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing repeals and re-appropriations of funds within the department of metropolitan development | |
Approving the annual community development plan and appropriating community development block grant, emergency solutions grant and HOME investment partnerships program grant funds | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing repeals and re-appropriations of funds within the department of metropolitan development | |
Authorizing re-appropriations of funds within the department of metropolitan development | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing repeal and re-appropriation and additional appropriation of funds within the department of metropolitan development | |
Appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the expenditures of departments of the city government for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2022 | |
Appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the expenditures of Evansville-Vanderburgh levee authority district for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2022 | |
Fixing the salaries of elected officials for the city of Evansville, Indiana for the year 2022 | |
Approving and adopting the 2022 budget for the Port Authority of Evansville | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing additional appropriations of funds within the department of metropolitan development | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing additional appropriation of funds | |
Authorizing repeal and re-appropriations of funds within various departments | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Establishing an account to deposit funds received by the city of Evansville under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARP) | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Approving the annual community development plan and appropriating community development block grant, emergency solutions grant and HOME investment partnerships program grant funds | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing additional appropriations of funds within the department of metropolitan development | |
Approving a substantial amendment to the annual action plan and appropriating community development block grant (CDBG-CV3) funds | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Approving and adopting the 2021 budget for the Port Authority of Evansville | |
Fixing the salaries of elected officials for the city of Evansville, Indiana for the year 2021 | |
Appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the expenditures of Evansville-Vanderburgh levee authority district for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2021 | |
Appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the expenditures of departments of the city government for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2021 | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing repeal and re-appropriation of funds within the department of metropolitan development | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Approving a substantial amendment to the annual action plan and appropriating emergency solutions grant (ESG-CV2) funds | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Approving the substantial amendment to the 2019 community development annual action plan | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Approving the substantial amendment to the 2019 annual action plan and appropriating emergency solutions grant funds | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Approving the annual community development plan and appropriating community development block grant, emergency solutions grant and HOME investment partnerships program grant funds | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing appropriation, repeal and re-appropriation of funds within the department of metropolitan development | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing re-appropriations within the department of metropolitan development | |
Authorizing appropriations and repeal and appropriations of funds within the department of metropolitan development | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing appropriations and repeal and appropriations of funds within the department of metropolitan development | |
Approving and adopting the 2020 budget for the Port Authority of Evansville | |
Appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the expenditures of Evansville-Vanderburgh levee authority district for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2020 | |
Appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the expenditures of departments of the city government for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2020 | |
Fixing the salaries of elected officials for the city of Evansville, Indiana for the year 2020 | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing repeals and re-appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds within the department of metropolitan development | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing re-appropriations within the department of metropolitan development | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing additional appropriations and re-appropriations within the department of metropolitan development | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing additional appropriations within the department of metropolitan development | |
Authorizing the city of Evansville to issue up to $25,000,000 aggregate principal amount of its city of Evansville, Indiana multifamily tax-exempt mortgage-backed bonds (M-TEMS) Series 2019 (FN) (the “bonds”) in one or more series and approving and authorizing other actions in respect thereto | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Approving the annual community development plan and appropriating community development block grant, emergency solutions grant and HOME investment partnership program grant funds | |
Authorizing additional appropriations within the department of metropolitan development | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing repeals and appropriations within the department of metropolitan development | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing repeals and appropriations within the department of metropolitan development | |
Authorizing repeals and appropriations within the department of metropolitan development | |
Approving bonds of the Vanderburgh County redevelopment district | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Fixing the salaries of elected officials for the city of Evansville, Indiana for the year 2019 | |
Approving and adopting the 2019 budget for the Port Authority of Evansville | |
Appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the expenditures of Evansville-Vanderburgh levee authority district for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2019 | |
Appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the expenditures of departments of the city government for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2019 | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing repeals and re-appropriations within the department of metropolitan development | |
Authorizing the city of Evansville, Indiana, to issue one or more series of its “Economic Development Revenue Bonds (SP Evansville, LLC project)” | |
Authorizing repeals and re-appropriations within the department of metropolitan development | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing repeal, re-appropriations within the department of metropolitan development | |
Regarding city of Evansville funds allocated to Echo Housing Corp. | |
Approving the annual community development plan and appropriating community development block grant, emergency solutions grant and home investment partnership program grant funds | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing repeal and re-appropriations within the department of metropolitan development | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing repeal and re-appropriations within the department of metropolitan development | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Approving and adopting the 2018 budget for the port authority of Evansville | |
Appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the expenditures of Evansville-Vanderburgh levee authority district for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2018 | |
Appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the expenditures of departments of the city government for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2018 | |
Fixing the salaries of elected officials for the year 2018 | |
Authorizing repeal and re-appropriations within the department of metropolitan development | |
Authorizing the issuance of multifamily housing revenue bonds, Series 2017 (EHA RAD IV Project) | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Adds Ch. 3.115, tax phase-ins and guidelines (3.115) | |
Authorizing additional appropriations of funds within various accounts | |
Authorizing the issuance of the city of Evansville, Indiana multifamily housing revenue bonds (Silver Birch of Evansville project), Series 2017 in a maximum aggregate principal amount not to exceed seventeen million dollars ($17,000,000) and approving and authorizing other actions in respect thereto | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing repeal, re-appropriations within the department of metropolitan development | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing re-appropriations within the department of metropolitan development | |
Authorizing transfers and re-appropriations within the department of metropolitan development | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing re-appropriations within the department of metropolitan development | |
Authorizing additional appropriations within the department of metropolitan development | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing re-appropriations of funds within various accounts (DMD) | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing the issuance of sewage works revenue bonds of the city of Evansville, Indiana and the issuance of notes in anticipation of the issuance of bonds | |
Amends §§ 13.05.280(B)(1), (B)(2) and (C)(1) and 13.05.320, sewer rates and charges (13.05) | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of fund for various city funds | |
Approving and adopting the 2017 budget for the Port Authority of Evansville | |
Appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the expenditures of Evansville-Vanderburgh levee authority district for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2017 | |
Appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the expenditures of departments of the city government for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2017 | |
Fixing the salaries of elected officials for the city of Evansville, Indiana for the year 2017 | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing re-appropriations of funds within various accounts (DMD) | |
Approving the annual community development plan and appropriating community development block grant, emergency solutions grant and home investment partnership program grant funds | |
Authorizing additional appropriations and transfer of funds within various departments (DMD) | |
Authorizing repeal and re-appropriation and additional appropriations of funds within various city departments (DMD) | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing additional appropriations of funds within various accounts (DMD) | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing repeal, re-appropriations and additional appropriations of funds within the department of metropolitan development | |
Consenting to the issuance by the Vanderburgh County redevelopment commission of certain tax increment refunding revenue bonds | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing repeal and additional appropriations of funds within various departments (DMD) | |
Authorizing repeal and re-appropriations of funds within various accounts (DMD) | |
Authorizing additional appropriations of funds within various accounts (DMD) | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing the issuance of multifamily housing revenue bonds, Series 2016 (Consolidated RAD Projects) | |
Authorizing repeal, re-appropriations and additional appropriations of funds within various departments (DMD) | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Approving a lease between the city of Evansville redevelopment commission and the Evansville Brownfields Corp. relating to the downtown convention hotel project, and addressing other matters related thereto | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing additional appropriations of funds within various departments | |
Appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the expenditures of departments of the city government for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2016 | |
Approving and adopting the 2016 budget for the Port Authority of Evansville | |
Appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the expenditures of the Evansville – Vanderburgh levee authority district for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2016 | |
Appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the expenditures of departments of the city government for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2016 | |
Fixing the salaries of elected officials for the city of Evansville, Indiana for the year 2016 | |
Authorizing appropriations of funds within various departments | |
Approving the annual community development plan and appropriating community development block grant, emergency solutions grant and home investment partnership program grant funds | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing appropriations of funds within various departments | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing repeals, re-appropriations and additional appropriations of funds within a city department | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriations of funds for various city funds (donations) | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing repeals, re-appropriations and additional appropriations of funds within various departments | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing repeals, re-appropriations and additional appropriations of funds within various departments | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing the investment of public funds | |
Authorizing transfer, re-appropriations and additional appropriations of funds within various departments | |
Authorizing appropriation of funds within a city department | |
Transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Adds § 13.05.340; amends § 13.05.010; renumbers § 13.05.340 as 13.05.350, sewer rates and charges (13.05) | |
Appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the expenditures of departments of the city government for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2015 | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing the issuance of the city of Evansville, Indiana, economic development tax increment revenue bonds in a maximum aggregate principal amount not to exceed one million five hundred thousand dollars ($1,500,000) and approving and authorizing other actions in respect thereto | |
Approving and adopting the 2015 budget for the port Authority of Evansville | |
Appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the expenditures of Evansville-Vanderburgh levee authority district for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2015 | |
Appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the expenditures of departments of the city government for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2015 | |
Authorizing re-appropriations of funds within a city department | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing appropriation of funds within a city department | |
Fixing the salaries of elected officials for the city of Evansville, Indiana for the year 2015 | |
Approving the annual community development plan and appropriating community development block grant, emergency shelter/solutions grant and home investment partnership program funds | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing re-appropriations and additional appropriations of funds within a city department | |
Authorizing repeal of appropriations of funds within a city department | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing re-appropriations and additional appropriations of funds within a city department | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing additional appropriations of funds within a city department | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriations of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing re-appropriations and additional appropriations of funds within a city department | |
Authorizing appropriations, transfers and repeal of funds within various departments | |
An ordinance authorizing the issuance of sewage works revenue bonds of the city of Evansville, Indiana, and issuance of notes in anticipation of the issuance of bonds; prescribing the form and other details of the bonds; providing for the collection and disposition of the revenues to be derived from its sewerage system; making other provisions with respect to the operation of the system and the issuance and sale of the bonds and notes; and providing for the security and payment of the bonds and notes; other matters connected therewith, and repealing ordinances inconsistent herewith. | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriations of funds for various city funds | |
Appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the expenditures of Vanderburgh County levee authority for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2014 | |
Approving and adopting the 2014 budget for the Port Authority of Evansville | |
Appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the expenditures of departments of the city government for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2014 | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Fixing the salaries of elected officials for the city of Evansville, Indiana for the year 2014 | |
Amends §§ 13.05.010, 13.05.280 and 13.05.320, sewer rates (13.05) | |
Approving the annual community development plan and appropriating community development block grant, emergency shelter/solutions grant and home investment partnership funds | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing re-appropriations of funds within various departments | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing repeal and appropriations of funds within various departments | |
Authorizing the issuance of sewage works revenue bonds of the city of Evansville, Indiana; prescribing the form and other details of the bonds; providing for the collection and disposition of the revenues to be derived from its sewerage system; making other provisions with respect to the operation of the system and the issuance and sale of bonds; and providing for the security and payment of the bonds; other matters connected therewith, and repealing ordinances inconsistent herewith. | |
Authorizing appropriations and re-appropriations of funds within various departments | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing appropriations and re-appropriations of funds within various departments | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing repeal, re-appropriations and additional appropriations of funds within a city department | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
To amend the sewer rates and charges for the town of Darmstadt | |
Authorizing re-appropriations and additional appropriations of funds within a city department | |
Authorizing additional appropriations of funds for fire riverboat | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing additional appropriations of funds within a city department | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations, repeal, and re-appropriations of funds for various city funds | |
Appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the expenditures of Vanderburgh County levee authority of the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2013 | |
Approving and adopting the 2013 budget for the Port Authority of Evansville | |
Appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the expenditures of departments of the city government for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2013. | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Allocating the appropriation of home investment partnerships program grant funds | |
Fixing the salaries of elected officials for the city of Evansville, Indiana for the year 2013 | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds. | |
Authorizing transfers, repeals, and re-appropriations, and additional appropriations of funds within a city department | |
Approving the annual community development plan and appropriating community development block grant and emergency solutions grant program funds | |
Authorizing transfers and appropriations, additional appropriations, and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds (salaries of SAC recommendations) | |
Authorizing transfers and re-appropriations of funds with a city department | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriations of funds for various city funds | |
Approving the issuance of refunding bonds of the city of Evansville, Indiana, park district; other matters connected therewith, and repealing ordinances inconsistent herewith | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing transfers and re-appropriations of funds within a city | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds. | |
Authorizing transfers and re-appropriations of funds within a city department | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds. | |
Authorizing the issuance and sale of city of Evansville, Indiana taxable economic development revenue bonds, Series 2012 (Earthcare project), and the lending of proceeds thereof to Earthcare Energy, LLC and authorizing and approving other actions in respect thereto | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing additional appropriations of funds within a city department | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations, and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Vanderburgh County levee authority authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations, and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing repeals, re-appropriations and additional appropriations of funds within a city department | |
Approving the annual community development plan and appropriating community development block grant, emergency shelter/solutions grant, and home investment partnerships program grant funds | |
Fixing the salaries of elected officials for the city of Evansville, Indiana for the year 2012. | |
Approving and adopting the 2012 budget for the Port Authority of Evansville | |
Appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the expenditures of Vanderburgh County levee authority for the fiscal year beginning January1, 2012 | |
Appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the expenditures of departments of the city government for the fiscal year beginning January1, 2012 | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds (water and sewer dept.) | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations and additional appropriations of city funds (water and sewer dept.) | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations, and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing appropriation of funds within a city department | |
authorizing re-appropriations, additional appropriations, repeals and transfers of funds within a city department. | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds (for parks) | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing transfer, re-appropriations and additional appropriations of funds within a city department. | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriations of funds for various city funds | |
Approving the annual community development plan and appropriating community development block grant, emergency solutions grant, and home investment partnerships grant funds | |
Authorizing additional appropriations of funds within a city department | |
Approving and adopting the 2011 budget for the Port Authority of Evansville | |
Appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the expenditures of departments of Vanderburgh County levee authority for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2011 | |
Fixing the salaries of elected officials for the city of Evansville, Indiana for the year 2011 | |
Appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the expenditures of departments of the city government for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2011. | |
Authorizing transfer, re-appropriations and additional appropriations of funds within a city department | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriations of funds for various city funds | |
Amends § 13.05.280(C), sewer rates (13.05) | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriations of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing transfer, re-appropriations and additional appropriations of funds within a city department | |
Authorizing transfer, re-appropriations and additional appropriations of funds within a city department | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Approving the lease between the Evansville redevelopment authority and the Evansville redevelopment commission, pledging certain revenues to the Evansville redevelopment commission to pay amounts due pursuant to the lease, appropriating funds and matters related thereto | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for the Evansville Vanderburgh county levee authority | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations, additional appropriations, and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing additional appropriations of funds within a city department (Berry Plastics OCRA grant) | |
Amends § 9.93.27(B)(1) [8.05.090(B)(1)], refuse rates and charges (8.05) | |
Amending the refuse rates and CHARGES | |
Amended § 5.50.56(C)(1) [13.05.280(C)(1)], sewer rates and charges (5.50) | |
Amending the sewer rates and charges | |
Approving and adopting the 2010 budget for the Port Authority of Evansville | |
Approving the annual community development plan and appropriating community development block grant, emergency shelter grant, home investment partnerships grant and other funds | |
Appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the expenditures of Vanderburgh County levee authority for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2010 | |
Appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the expenditures of departments of the city government for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2010 | |
Authorizing additional appropriations of funds within a city department | |
Fixing the salaries of elected officials for the city of Evansville, Indiana for the year 2010 | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for the Evansville Vanderburgh County levee authority | |
Authorizing additional appropriations of funds within a city department (CDBG/home funds) | |
Authorizing additional appropriations of funds within a city department | |
Authorizing transfer, re-appropriations and additional appropriations of funds within a city department | |
Amending Ordinance No. F-2008-1 annexing contiguous territory | |
Annexing adjacent and contiguous territory | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing repeals, repeal and re-appropriations, and additional appropriations of funds within a city department | |
Approving the substantial amendment to the 2008 annual action plan and appropriating neighborhood stabilization program grant FUNDS | |
Designating an economic development target area | |
Annexing adjacent and contiuous territory | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Approving the annual community development plan and appropriating community development block grant, emergency shelter grant and home investment partnerships grant funds | |
Authorizing repeals, repeal and re-appropriation and additional appropriations of funds within a city department | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriations of funds for various city funds | |
Approving and adopting the 2009 budget for the Port Authority of Evansville | |
Fixing the salaries of elected officials for the city of Evansville, Indiana for the year 2009 | |
Appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the expenditures of departments of the city government for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2009 | |
Appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the expenditures of Vanderburgh County levee authority for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2009 | |
Authorizing additional appropriation of funds within a city department | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Amends § 5.50.56(C), sewer rates and charges (13.05) | |
Designating an economic development target area (suspended the rules to hear on all three readings) | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Annexing adjacent and contiguous territory | |
Authorizing additional appropriation of funds within a city department | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Concerning the annexation of adjacent and contiguous territory known as Marina Point | |
Authorizing repeal and reappropriation of funds within a city department | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing the additional appropriation of funds within a city department | |
Authorizing the additional appropriation of funds within a city department | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing transfer of funds within a city department | |
Authorizing additional appropriation, repeal and transfer of funds within a city department | |
Approving the annual community development plan and appropriating community development block grant, emergency shelter grant, home investment partnerships grants and other funds | |
Fixing the salaries of elected officials for the city of Evansville, Indiana for the year 2008 | |
Appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the expenditures of departments of the city government for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2008 | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds. | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds. | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds. | |
Appropriating an annual budget for the Port Authority of Evansville | |
Amending Ordinance No. G-2004-7 | |
Authorizing the temporary transfer of funds for cash flow purposes | |
Authorizing the temporary transfer of funds for cash flow purposes | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Amending the sewer rates and charges | |
Ambulance fees (Repealed by G-2009-13) | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing additional appropriation, repeal and transfer of funds within a city department | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Appropriating the proceeds of the general obligation bonds of 2006 | |
Approving the annual community development plan and appropriating community development block grant, emergency shelter grant, home investment partnerships grants and other funds | |
Authorizing appropriating repeal and re-appropriation of funds within a city department | |
Appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the expenditures of departments of the city government for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2007 | |
Fixing the salaries of elected officials for the city of Evansville, Indiana | |
Authorizing additional appropriations and re-appropriation of funds within a city department | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing additional appropriations, repeal and reappropriation of funds within a city department | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds. | |
Authorizing transfer, additional appropriations and repeals of funds within a city department | |
Appropriating an annual budget for the Port Authority of Evansville | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and reappropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing the temporary transfer of funds for cash flow purposes | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations and additional appropriations within a city department | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing additional appropriation of funds within a city department | |
Authorizing transfer of funds within a city department | |
Authorizing appropriations and reappropriations of funds within a city department | |
Fixing the salaries of elected official for the city of Evansville, Indiana for the year 2006 | |
Appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the expenditures of departments of city government for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2006 | |
Approving the annual community development plan and appropriating community development block grant, American Dream Downpayment Initiative and other funds | |
Authorizing transfer and additional appropriations of funds within a city department | |
Authorizing additional appropriations of funds within a city department | |
Authorizing repeal, transfer of funds and additional appropriations within a city department | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing additional appropriations of funds and repeal and reappropriations of funds within a city department | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriations of funds for various city funds | |
Authorizing repeal, additional appropriations and transfer of funds within a city department | |
Authorizing additional appropriations of funds within a city department | |
Authorizing additional appropriations for various city funds | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations repeal, additional appropriations and reappropriation of funds from various city funds | |
Amending Ordinance F-2004-8 concerning sewer rates and charges | |
Authorizing the temporary transfer of funds for cash flow purposes | |
Authorizing additional appropriations and transfer of funds within a city department | |
Authorizing additional appropriations and transfer of funds within a city department | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and reappropriation of funds from various city funds | |
Appropriating the proceeds of the property tax note of 2004 | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations, additional appropriations and repeal and reappropriations of funds from various city funds | |
Authorizing appropriation of funds within a city department | |
Authorizing appropriations and transfer of funds within a city department | |
Approving the annual community development plan and appropriating community development block grant, American Dream Downpayment Initiative and other funds | |
Appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the expenditures of departments of the city government for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2005 | |
Fixing the salaries of elected officials for the city of Evansville, Indiana for the year 2005 | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations | |
Authorizing appropriations and reappropriations of funds within a city department | |
Authorizing repeal and appropriations of funds within a city department | |
Amending the sewer rates and charges (13.05) | |
Authorizing additional appropriations and repeal and re-appropriation of funds from various city funds | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations and additional appropriations within a city department | |
Authorizing additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Authorizing repeal and re-appropriation of funds within a city department | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Authorizing repeal, transfer, appropriation and reappropriation of funds within a city department | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Authorizing appropriation of funds within a city department | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Authorizing appropriation of funds within a city department | |
Authorizing appropriation of funds within a city department | |
Authorizing appropriation of funds within a city department | |
Authorizing appropriations, reappropriations and transfer of funds within a city department | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Approving the annual community development plan and appropriating community development block grant, emergency shelter grant, home investment partnerships grant and other funds | |
Fixing the salaries of elected officials for the city of Evansville, Indiana for the year 2004 | |
Appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the expenditures of departments of the city government for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2004 | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Amending the city of Evansville’s law enforcement fund | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Approving the amendment of the annual action plan and appropriating community development block grant, emergency shelter grant, and home investment partnership grant funds | |
Authorizing appropriation and transfer of funds within a city department | |
Authorizing additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Authorizing appropriation and repeal of funds within a city department | |
Amending the salary ordinance for 2003 | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Authorizing appropriations from various city departments | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations from various city departments | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Approving the amendment of the annual action plan and appropriating community development block grant, emergency shelter grant, and home investment partnership grant funds | |
Authorizing appropriation of funds within a city department | |
Appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the expenditures of the departments of the city government for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2003 | |
Fixing the salaries of elected officials for the city of Evansville, Indiana for the year 2003 | |
Authorizing a projected revenue correction and appropriation of funds from various city funds | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Decreasing certain appropriations | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Authorizing appropriation and repeal of funds within a city department | |
Authorizing appropriation and repeal of funds within a city department | |
Authorizing appropriation and repeal of funds within a city department | |
Authorizing appropriation of funds | |
Amending the salary ordinance 2002 | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriation of funds within a city department | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Authorizing appropriation of funds within a city department | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Authorizing repeal and appropriation of funds within a city department | |
Authorizing repeal and appropriation of funds within a city department | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Authorizing repeal and appropriation of funds within a city department | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations | |
Approving the amendment of the annual action plan and appropriating community development block grant, emergency shelter grant, and home investment partnership grant funds | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the expenditures of departments of the city government for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2002 | |
Fixing the salaries of elected officials for the city of Evansville, Indiana for the year 2002 | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Authorizing repeal and appropriation within a city department | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Authorizing additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Amending the salary ordinance for 2001 | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Authorizing the appropriation of funds | |
Approving the amended annual action plan and authorizing the appropriation and repeal of funds | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Authorizing additional appropriations | |
Establishing a new fund | |
Approving the amended annual action plan and authorizing the appropriation and repeal of funds | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Authorizing appropriations and transfer of appropriations within various departments | |
Authorizing repeal and appropriation within a city department | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Authorizing additional appropriations | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Authorizing repeals and appropriations and transfer of appropriations within various departments and for additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Approving the amendment of the annual action plan and appropriating community development block grant, emergency shelter grant, and home investment partnership grant funds | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Fixing the salaries of elected officials of the city of Evansville, Indiana for the year 2001 | |
Appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the expenditures of departments of the city government for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2001 | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Approving the amended annual action plan and authorizing the appropriation and repeal of funds | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Authorizing additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Approving the annual community development plan and appropriating community development block grant, emergency shelter grant, home investment partnerships grand and other funds | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the expenditures of departments of the city government for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2000 | |
Fixing the salaries of elected officials of the city of Evansville, Indiana for the year 2000 | |
Passenger fares for municipal buses (10.35) | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Authorizing additional appropriations | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Authorizing the appropriation and repeal of funds | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations of funds | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Approving the annual community development plan and appropriating community development block grant, emergency shelter grant, home investment partnerships grant and other funds | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the expenditures of departments of the city government for the fiscal year beginning January1, 1999 | |
Fixing the salaries of elected officials of the city of Evansville, Indiana for the year 1999 | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Amending Ordinance F-97-10, sewer bond ordinance | |
Code of ordinances, Ordinance schedule of salary grades; salary administration plan | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Approving appropriating additional funds | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Approving appropriating additional community development block grant, emergency shelter grant, and home partnerships grant funds | |
Authorizing the appropriation and repeal of funds | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Approving the annual community development plan and appropriating community development block grant, emergency shelter grant, home investment partnerships grants and other funds | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Authorizing the issuance of sewage works revenue bonds of the city of Evansville, Indiana and issuance of notes in anticipation of the issuance of bonds; prescribing the form and other details of the bond,; providing for the collection and disposition of the revenues to be derived from its sewerage system; making other provisions with respect to the operation of the system and the issuance and sale of the bonds and notes; and providing for the security and payment of the bonds and notes; other matters connected therewith, and repealing ordinances inconsistent therewith. | |
Fixing the salaries of elected officials of the city of Evansville, Indiana for the year 1998 | |
Appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the expenditures of departments of the city government for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1998 | |
Fixing the salaries of every appointive officer, employee, deputy, assistant, departmental and institutional head of the city of Evansville for the year 1998, establishing salary administration committee (SAC) and establishing salary administration procedures | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Authorizing the appropriation and repeal of funds | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Authorizing the transfer of appropriations | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Authorizing the appropriation and repeal of funds | |
Repealing community development block grant, emergency shelter grand, and home investment partnerships grant funds | |
Allowing the payment of certain claims | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Approving bonds of the park and recreation district of the city of Evansville, Indiana | |
Authorizing the appropriation and transfer of funds | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Authorizing additional appropriations | |
Approving the annual community development plan and appropriating community development block grant, emergency shelter grant, home investment partnerships grant and other funds | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Fixing the salaries of elected officials of the city of Evansville, Indiana for the year 1997 | |
appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the expenditures of departments of the city of Evansville, Indiana for the year 1997 | |
Fixing the salaries of every appointive officer, employee, deputy, assistant, departmental and institutional head of the city of Evansville for the year 1997 and establishing a salary administration committee (SAC) and establishing salary administration procedures | |
Authorizing the appropriation and transfer of funds | |
Authorizing the appropriation of funds | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations from various city funds | |
To amend Chapter 3.30 of the municipal code and approve related matters, redevelopment authority (2.50) | |
Authorizing the transfer of funds | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Authorizing the appropriation and repeal of funds | |
Authorizing the appropriation and repeal of funds | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Authorizing the appropriation and transfer of funds | |
Authorizing the appropriation and transfer of funds | |
Authorizing the appropriation and transfer of funds | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Approving the annual community development plan and appropriating community development block grant, emergency shelter grant, home investment partnerships grant and other funds | |
Appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the expenditures of departments of the city government for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1996 | |
Fixing the salaries of elected officials of the city of Evansville for the year 1996 | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Authorizing the appropriation of funds | |
Fixing the salaries of every appointive officer, employee, deputy, assistant, departmental and institutional head of the city of Evansville for the year 1996 and establishing salary administration procedures | |
Authorizing the appropriation of funds | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Authorizing the appropriation and transfer of funds | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Authorizing the appropriation and transfer of funds | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Approving the annual community development plan and appropriating community development block grant, emergency shelter grant, home investment partnerships grant and other funds | |
Appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the expenditures of departments of the city government for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1995 | |
Authorizing the appropriation and transfer of funds | |
Fixing the salaries of elected officials of the city of Evansville for the year 1995 | |
Fixing the salaries of every appointive officer, employee, deputy, assistant, departmental and institutional head of the city of Evansville for the year 1995, establishing a salary administration Committee (SAC) and establishing salary administration procedures | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Authorizing the appropriation and transfer of funds | |
Authorizing the appropriation and transfer of funds | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Authorizing the appropriation and transfer of funds | |
Authorizing the appropriation and transfer of funds | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Authorizing the appropriation and transfer of funds | |
Transferring and appropriating funds for the economic development loan account | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Authorizing the appropriation and transfer of funds | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Approving the annual community development plan and appropriating community development block grant and other funds | |
Amending Section 93.01 of the municipal code regarding ambulance services and authorizing additional appropriations for the payment of services (Repealed by G-2009-13) | |
Fixing the salaries of elected officials of the city of Evansville for the year 1994 | |
Appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the expenditures of departments of the city government for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1994 | |
Authorizing the issuance of sewage works revenue bonds of the city of Evansville, Indiana and issuance of notes in anticipation of the issuance of bonds; prescribing the form and other details of the bonds; providing for the collection and disposition of revenues to be derived from its sewerage system; making other provisions with respect to the operation on the system and the issuance and sale of the bonds and notes; and providing for the security and payment of the bonds and notes; other matters connected therewith, and repealing ordinances inconsistent therewith | |
Fixing the salaries of every appointive officer, employee, deputy, assistant, departmental and institutional head of the city of Evansville for the year 1994, establishing a salary administration committee and establishing salary administration procedures | |
Authorizing the appropriation of funds within the community development block grant fund | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various funds | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations from various city funds | |
Amending Ordinance F-92-16 of the city of Evansville | |
Amending Section 50.58(B)(2) of the municipal code regarding tap-in fees (13.05) | |
Appropriating additional community development block grant funds | |
Concerning exemptions from tap-in fees and building permit fees (13.05, 15.05) | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations in the general fund, local income tax, highway, parks & recreation, DMD/miscellaneous grants, police donations and worker’s compensation | |
Authorizing application to the Indiana Department of Commerce for a loan to assist the Evansville Industrial Foundation, Inc. in constructing a manufacturing facility for lease to Collis Inc. | |
Authorizing a loan to Collis, Inc. and appropriating unobligated urban development action grant program income for said loan | |
Amending Chapter 76 of the municipal code concerning fares for METS (10.35) | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various departments and for additional appropriations in the general fund, printing & supply, local income tax, highway, parks and recreation, golf courses, sewer, unemployment, CDBG, DMD/miscellaneous grants, and worker’s compensation | |
Authorizing the issuance of sewage works revenue bonds of the city of Evansville, Indiana and issuance of notes in anticipation of the issuance of bonds; prescribing the form and other details of the bonds; providing for the collection and disposition of the revenues to be derived from its sewerage system; making other provisions with respect to the operation of the system and the issuance and sale of the bonds and notes and providing for the security and payment of the bonds and notes; other matters connected therewith and repealing ordinances inconsistent therewith | |
Amending Section 93.27(B) of the municipal code concerning residential refuse collection fees (8.05) | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various departments and for additional appropriations in the general fund, printing & supply, local income tax, parks and recreation, golf course non-reverting, sewer and small business development | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various departments and for additional appropriations in the general fund, local income tax | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within the community development block grant fund | |
Appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the expenditures of departments of the city government for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1993 | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within the community development block grant fund | |
Fixing the salaries of elected officials of the city of Evansville, Indiana for the year 1993 | |
Fixing salaries of every appointive officer, employee, deputy, assistant, departmental and institutional head of the city of Evansville for the year 1993 and establishing a salary administration committee (SAC) and establishing salary administration procedures | |
Authorizing transfer and appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations in the general fund, local income tax, highway, parks and recreation, golf, sports, local roads and streets, EUTS, CDBG, police donations and unemployment funds | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within the community development block grant fund and the local income tax fund and for additional appropriations to the community development, local roads and streets and local income tax fund | |
Appropriating home investment partnership grant funds and transferring community development block grant funds | |
Appropriating community development block grant funds | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various departments and for additional appropriations in the general fund, local income tax, parks & recreation, sports, and community development block grant | |
Appropriating emergency shelter grant and community development block grant funds | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various departments and for additional appropriations in the general fund, local income tax and sports | |
Transfer of appropriations in the park operating fun in order to fund a Roberts Stadium And Mesker Music Theatre management agreement | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various departments and for additional appropriations in the general fund, local income tax, highways, parks & recreation, golf courses, local roads & streets, DMD/miscellaneous grants, and waterworks | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various departments and for additional appropriations in the general fund, local income tax, highways, parks & recreation, and golf fund | |
Approving the community development plan and appropriating community development block grant funds and urban development action grant program income | |
Appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the expenditures of departments of the city government for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1992 | |
Fixing the salaries of elected officials of the city of Evansville, Indiana | |
authorizing transfer of appropriations within various departments and for additional appropriations in the general fund, printing & supply, local income tax, parks & recreation, parking violations, rental rehab, DMD/miscellaneous grants, police donations, and levee authority funds | |
Fixing the salaries of every appointive officer, employee, deputy, assistant, departmental & institutional head of the city of Evansville for the year 1992, establishing a salary administration committee & establishing salary procedures | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various departments and for additional appropriations in the general fund, local income tax, golf fund, Evansville urban transportation (EUTS) study, metropolitan development, police donations, and the Evansville-Vanderburgh County levee authority | |
Amending the municipal code concerning petty cash funds | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various departments and for additional appropriations in the general fund, local income tax, highways, parks & recreation, sports, local roads and streets, community development block grant, DMD/miscellaneous grants, police donations, waterworks, and wastewater treatment plan replacement | |
Authorizing additional appropriations to the community development block grant fund | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various departments and for additional appropriations in the general fund, building, demolition, local income tax, parks & recreation, golf courses, sewer, local roads & streets, community development block grant, rental rehab, police donations, and levee authority | |
Establishing a law enforcement fund (police revolving fund – seizures, etc.) | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various departments and for additional appropriations in the general fund, local income tax, central dispatch bond, highway, parks & recreation, golf non-reverting, community development block grant, DMD/miscellaneous grant, police donations and hospitalization | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within the street and highway fund for the department of code enforcement | |
Concerning the renovation and improvement of Roberts Stadium by the Evansville board of park commissioners through the issuance and sale of bonds | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within the community development fund for the health department (rodent control program) | |
Approving the annual community development plan and appropriating community development block grant funds and urban development action grant program income | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various departments and for additional appropriations in the general fund, printing & supply, local income tax, parks & recreation, park bond & interest, golf non-reverting, sports, local roads & streets, rental rehab, CDBG, DMD/miscellaneous grants and police donations | |
Appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the expenditures of departments of the city government for the fiscal year beginning January 31, 1991 | |
Fixing the salaries of elected officials of the city of Evansville, Indiana | |
Amending Chapter 72 of the municipal code (increasing parking fee at Roberts Stadium to $3.00) | |
Fixing the salaries of every appointive officer, employee, deputy, assistant, departmental & institutional head of the city of Evansville for the year 1991, establishing a salary administration committee (SAC) & establishing salary procedures | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations in the general fund, parks & recreation, golf, EUTS, DMD/miscellaneous grants, auto collision and insurance liability | |
Temporary loans to meet current expenses for the use of the general fund for the issuer, in anticipation of and not in excess or current taxes levied in the year 1989, and collectable in the year 1990; authorizing the issuance of temporary loan tax anticipation time warrants to the Indiana Bond banks; and appropriating and pledging the taxes to be received in such to the punctual payment of such warrants including the interest thereof | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various departments and for additional appropriations in the general fund, printing & supply, local income tax, highway, parks & recreation, local roads & streets and old post office | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various departments and for additional appropriations in the general fund, printing & supply, local income tax, highway, parks & recreation, stadium bond project, community development block grant, hospitalization, DMD/ miscellaneous grants, worker’s compensation & levee authority | |
Approving a bond or other instrument of indebtedness in an amount not to exceed five million dollars (Roberts Municipal Stadium) | |
Amending Chapter 52 of the municipal code concerning water rates and charges (Repealed by G-2016-22) | |
Amending the 1990 community development block grant program budget and appropriating program income and emergency shelter grant funds | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various departments and for additional appropriations in the general fund, local income tax, waterworks operating, wastewater treatment plant replacement & hospitalization | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations in the general fund, local income tax, parks & recreation, golf, and DMD/miscellaneous grants | |
Amending & restating Ordinance F-89-8 authorizing the issuance of sewage works revenue bonds of the city of Evansville, Indiana and issuance of notes in anticipation of the issuance of bonds; prescribing the form & other details of the bonds; providing for the collection & disposition of the revenues to be derived from its sewerage system; making other provisions with respect to the operation of the system and the issuance and sale of bonds, including the repayment of outstanding notes; and providing for the security & payment of the bonds; other matters connected therewith, and repealing ordinances inconsistent therewith | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations in the general fund, printing & supply, local income tax, parks & recreation, sports, local roads & streets, community development block grants, DMD/miscellaneous grants, and hospitalization | |
Approving the annual community development plan and appropriating community development block grant funds & urban development action grant program income | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations in the general fund, local income tax, central dispatch, parks & recreation, golf course, and community development block grants | |
Appropriating movies for the purpose of defraying the expenditures of departments of the city government for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1990 | |
Fixing the salaries of elected officials | |
Authorizing the issuance of sewage works revenue bonds and issuance of notes in anticipation of the issuance of bonds; prescribing the form and other details of the bonds; providing for the collection & disposition of the revenues to be derived from its sewerage system; making other provisions with respect to the operation of its system and the issuance and sale of the bonds, including the repayment of outstanding notes; and providing for the security and payment of the bonds; other matters connected therewith, and repealing ordinances consistent therewith | |
Fixing the salaries of every appointive officer, employee, deputy, assistant, departmental & institutional head of the city of Evansville for the year 1990, establishing a salary administration committee & establishing salary procedures | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various departments and for additional appropriations in the general fund, printing & supply, local income tax, highway, parking meter, golf, redevelopment bond, sports, local roads & streets, EUTS, community development block grant, DMD/miscellaneous grants and hospitalization | |
Concerning reprogramming of unobligated urban development action grant program income (loan guaranty for LBR Associates – old post office place) | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various departments and for additional appropriations in the general fund, local income tax, community development block grants and waterworks | |
Concerning the renovation and improvement of Roberts Stadium by the Evansville board of park commissioners through the issuance and sale of bonds | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various departments and for additional appropriations in the general fund, local income tax, community development block grant, and old post office | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various departments and for additional appropriations in the general fund, highway, Meade Johnson/Child Heath, parks & recreation, sewer and local roads & streets | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various funds and appropriating monies in the local income tax fund | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and additional appropriations in the general fund, parks & recreation, sports, community development block grants, old post office, hospitalization, and levee authority | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and additional appropriations in the general fund | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments (CDBG transfers for funding the 27th payroll) | |
Approving the annual community development plan and appropriating community development block grant funds and urban development action program income | |
Authorizing the issuance and sale of bonds of said city for the purpose of providing funds to be applied on the city’s share of the cost of the acquisition of land, construction of a building, and purchase and installation of new central dispatch (emergency communication) equipment for use by the city’s police & fire departments and the county sheriff’s department, together with the incidental expenses in connection therewith and on account of the issuance of bonds therefor | |
Authorizing the transfer of appropriations within various city departments for additional appropriations in the general fund, local income tax, parks & recreation, community development block grants, and UDA/EDA grants | |
Authorizing the transfer of appropriations within various city departments (housing rehab and code enforcement | |
Appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the expenditures of departments of the city government for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1989 | |
Fixing the salaries of elected officials of the city of Evansville | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations in the general fund, parks & recreation, sewer, rental rehabilitation, and road & street funds | |
Fixing the salaries of every appointive officer, employee, deputy, assistant, departmental and institutional head of the city of Evansville for the year 1989 establishing a salary committee and establishing salary administration procedures | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations in the general fund, local income tax, CCI ’65, parks & recreation, sewer, Evansville urban transportation study, community development block grant, and ERA/UDA grants | |
Amending Chapter 30 of the municipal code concerning a special vehicle inspection | |
Authorizing the issuance and sale of bonds of said city for the purpose of providing funds to be applied on the city’s share of the cost of the acquisition of land, construction of a building, and purchase and installation of new central dispatch (emergency communication) equipment for use by thy city’s police & fire departments and the county sheriff’s department, together with the incidental expense in connection wherewith and on account of the issuance of bonds therefor | |
Appropriating the sum of not exceeding $3,250,000 to be applied to the city’s share of the cost of acquisition of land, construction of a building, and purchase and installation of new central dispatch (emergency communication) equipment for use by thy city’s police & fire departments and the county sheriff’s department, together with the incidental expense in connection wherewith and on account of the issuance of bonds therefor | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations in the general fund, local income tax, community development block grants, EDA/UDA grants, and old post office funds | |
Appropriated unobligated community development block grant funds (University of Southern Indiana) | |
Appropriated unobligated community development block grant funds (Walnut Centre) | |
Authorizing additional appropriations in the general fund, local income tax, sports non-reverting and community development block grants | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations in the general fund, local income tax, parks & recreation and sewer | |
Authorizing additional appropriations for reorganization of the law department | |
Amending Chapter 72 of the municipal code concerning timed-free parking | |
Amending the food sanitation code, Title 9, Chapter 93 of the municipal code (8.05) | |
Amending Title Five, Chapter 50, Section 50.59 of the Evansville code (recording sewer liens) (13.05) | |
Appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the sewer utility for fiscal year beginning January 1, 1988 | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments | |
Authorizing for additional appropriations in the general fund, local income tax, police pension fund and community development block grant fund | |
Authorizing application to the Indiana Department of Commerce for an investment incentive grant program and appropriating urban development action grant program grant program income as a matching share for the Hudson Valley tree project | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations in the general fund, local income tax, golf course (non-reverting), sports (non-reverting), local roads & streets, and community development block grant | |
Approving the annual 1988 community development plan & appropriating community development block grant funds and urban development action grant program income | |
Appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the expenditures of departments of the city government for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1988 | |
Appropriating supplemental 1987 community development block grant funds | |
Authorizing the rebating of property taxes for the North Side annexation area | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments and for additional appropriations in the general fund, local income tax, highway fund, revenue sharing fund and levee authority district | |
Fixing the salaries of elected officials of the city of Evansville | |
Authorizing additional appropriations in the urban development action grant fund 65 | |
Fixing the salaries of every appointive officer, employee, deputy, assistant, departmental and institutional head of the city of Evansville for the year 1988 and establishing a salary administration committee and establishing salary administration procedures | |
Amending Title Five, Chapter 53, Section 53.036, Wastewater discharge regulations (13.20) | |
Approving additional appropriations in the general fund, printing & supply fund, local income tax fund, highway fund, parks & recreation fund, stadium parking lot, sewer, sports-non-reverting fund, EUTS, CDBG, EDA/UDA grant fund, and revenue sharing fund | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments | |
Authorizing additional appropriations and transfers in the general fund and metropolitan development grant fund (raises for various departments) | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments | |
Authorizing additional appropriations in the general fund, local income tax fund, and METRO development grant fund | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments | |
Approving additional appropriations of federal health grants and transfers between departments in the general fund and appropriating to the sewer operating fund | |
Approving the annual community development plan and appropriating community development block grant funds and urban development action grant program income | |
Concerning additional appropriations in the general, sewer, sports, and port authority funds | |
Appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the expenses of the sewer utility for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1987 | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments | |
For additional in the general fund and cumulative capital improvements 1965 fund (Cushmans meter reading vehicles) | |
Appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the expenditures of departments of the city government for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1987 | |
Fixing the salaries of elected officials of the city of Evansville | |
For additional appropriations in the general fund, local income tax, cumulative capital improvement 1965, highway, police pension, sports, and hospitalization funds | |
Fixing the salaries of every appointive officer, employee, deputy, assistant, departmental and institutional head of the city of Evansville for the year 1987 and establishing a salary administration committee and salary administration procedures | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments | |
Appropriating monies to defray the expenditures of the Evansville urban transportation study fund (058) | |
Appropriating monies to defray the expenditures of the Evansville urban transportation study fund (058) | |
Approving the issuance of certain park district refunding bonds and appropriating the proceeds thereof for refinancing certain “park district bonds of 1981” issued by the city of Evansville in the aggregate principal amount of $1,547,690 | |
Approving additional appropriations in the general fund, local income tax, cumulative capital improvement 1965, highway, parks, golf course, parking meter, and road & street funds | |
Authorizing the transfer of appropriations within various city departments | |
Appropriating funds from an Indiana Department of Commerce industrial development grant (Hahn, Inc./Indian Industries project – Evans Avenue) | |
Concerning reprogramming of unobligated urban development action grant program income to the metropolitan Evansville economic development council | |
Concerning insurance coverage for METS vehicles | |
Concerning the cable TV franchise (rate increase) | |
Authorizing salary increases for non-union, appointed employees | |
Authorizing additional appropriations in the general, highway, Locust Hill, golf course, and stadium parking funds | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations within various city departments | |
Authorizing the closing of deficit city funds | |
Repealing and reappropriating monies in the local income tax fund (064) metropolitan development | |
Authorizing a service fee regarding a check draft or order that was not been paid by a credit institution (amended in committee) | |
Concerning licensing of bicycles (10.05) | |
Repealing Sections 30.355 through 30.357 of the municipal code of Evansville, 1982, concerning the bicycle license revolving fund | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations within various city departments | |
Authorizing additional appropriations in the general fund, cumulative capital improvements (1965), and the golf course fund | |
Amending Title Five, Chapter 50, Section 50.42 | |
Appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the expenses of the sewer department for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1986 | |
Appropriating monies in the highway and local road & street funds | |
Appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the expenses of departments of the city government for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1986 | |
Fixing the salaries of elected officials of the city of Evansville | |
Fixing the salaries of every appointive officer, employee, deputy, assistant, departmental and institutional head of the city of Evansville for the year 1986 and establishing a salary administration committee and salary administration procedures | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations within various city departments | |
Appropriating monies in the general fund (001), the highway fund (018), and the golf course fund (028) | |
Concerning the reprogramming of unobligated urban development action grant program income (METRO S.B.A.C. loan authorization) | |
Concerning the reprogramming of unobligated urban development action grant program income (Braun Partnership parking facility escrow authorization) | |
Concerning the reprogramming of unobligated urban development action grant program income (guarantee authorization for Foster International project) | |
Authorizing transfers of appropriations within various city departments | |
Appropriating monies /reducing appropriations within cumulative capital improvements (1965) fund 009 and general fund (001) | |
Appropriating monies to defray the expenditures of the Evansville urban transportation study, fund 058 | |
Amending the municipal code of Evansville (1982) by the addition of a new chapter entitled “street vendors” (5.25) | |
Appropriating monies in the 001 general fund and 028 golf course fund (new position: assistant supervisor @ Helfrich Park – denied) | |
Authorizing transfer of appropriations within various city departments | |
Approving a one dollar ($1.00) increase in the monthly charge for basic service offered by Evansville Cable TV, Inc. | |
Authorizing appropriations within the general fund for the building commission and police department | |
Authorizing additional appropriations from the general fund, cumulative capital improvement-1965, and the Oak Hill Cemetery fund | |
Appropriating monies within cumulative capital improvements-1965 (phone system & legal settlements) | |
Appropriating cumulative capital improvements-1965 monies within the dog pound department in the general fund (new truck) | |
Authorizing additional appropriation in redevelopment bond payment fund #041 | |
Authorizing additional appropriation in highway fund #018 (street resurfacing) | |
Transferring appropriations from one line to another within various city departments | |
For additional appropriations from fund #026 (park general fund) | |
For additional appropriations in cumulative capital improvements 1965 | |
Repealing from certain departments and re-appropriating to other departments within the general fund | |
Amending Ordinance F-84-44 amended; an ordinance fixing the salaries of every appointed officer or employee for the year 1985 | |
For additional appropriations within fund #318 (hospitalization) | |
Appropriating monies from highway fund #018 | |
Amending F-84-44 amended; an ordinance fixing the salaries of every appointed officer or employee for years 1985 and establishing a salary administration committee and it’s procedures | |
Repealing and re-appropriating monies within the cumulative capital improvements 1965 | |
Transferring monies within all departments | |
Appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the expenses of the sewer department for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1985 | |
Repealing certain departments and re-appropriating to other departments within the general fund | |
For additional appropriation of grant monies and bond funds | |
For additional appropriation from cumulative capital improvements 11965 for Locust Hill Cemetery and Roberts Stadium | |
For additional appropriation from the highway fund (salt spreader) | |
Appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the expenses of several departments of the city government for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1985 | |
Fixing the salaries of elected officials of the city of Evansville, Indiana | |
Fixing the salaries of every appointive officer, employee, deputy, assistant, departmental and institutional head of the city of Evansville for the year 1985 and establishing a salary administration committee and establishing salary administration procedures | |
Appropriating monies within the sewer fund for a pre-treatment laboratory | |
Appropriating monies with the park general fund for Lloyd Pool | |
Transferring monies within the general and parking meter funds for salary increases | |
Repealing appropriations within the general fund and transferring monies for appropriation within the park fund | |
Amending the municipal code of Evansville, Title IX, Chapter 96, pertaining to vacation of public ways or public places and creating a $50.00 filing fee (12.05, 13.20) | |
Appropriating monies within CCI ’65 for Roberts Stadium | |
Appropriating an UPARR grant within the park general fund | |
Appropriating monies from the general fund to a specific line item within the METS operating budget | |
Amending Title V by adding chapter 53 thereto (wastewater collection & treatment center) (13.20) | |
Cumulative capital improvements 1965 within the law department in the general fund | |
Appropriating within cumulative capital improvements 1965 | |
Appropriating monies from the stadium parking lot fund to a specific line item within that fund | |
Amending Ordinance F-83-24 which is an ordinance fixing the salaries of every appointive officer, employee, deputy, assistants, departmental & institutional head of the city of Evansville for the year 1984 establishing a salary administration committee and establishing salary administration procedures | |
Transferring from one item to another in certain departments (EPA and traffic engineer) | |
Repealing appropriations from one department and appropriating to another within the general fund | |
Transferring appropriations from one line item to another within maternal child health & refugee health programs in the general fund | |
Transferring appropriations from one line item to another within the golf course budget | |
Appropriating monies from the highway fund to a specific line item within motor vehicle highway (patching & paving streets) | |
Appropriating monies from the park & recreation fund to a specific line item within that fund | |
Repealing appropriations from certain departments and appropriating the same in other departments in the general fund (police and fire physical and mental exams) | |
Transferring appropriations from a certain line item to another line item in the general fund (walkie – talkies) | |
Authorizing the charging of a fee for the inspection of motor vehicles | |
Appropriating monies from the highway fund to a specific line item within motor vehicle highway | |
Transferring appropriations from one department to another within the general fund (EPA reimbursement) | |
Transferring appropriations from one line to another within the EPA budget in the general fund | |
Appropriating a state health program as a department in the general fund | |
Appropriating monies in cumulative capital improvement 1965 | |
Transferring monies from cumulative capital improvement 1965 to the general fund and appropriating these monies to the fire department | |
Transferring appropriations from the trip to the fire department in the general fund | |
Transferring appropriations from one line item to another within the fire department in the general fund | |
Appropriating monies in parking meter fund | |
Appropriating monies in certain departments in the general fund (human relations and trip) | |
Transferring monies within certain departments – (Teamsters contract settlement) BPW, stadium, central radio, dog pound | |
Transferring monies within certain departments – (Teamsters contract settlement) METS, Locust Hill Cemetery, Oak Hill Cemetery, motor vehicle highway | |
Transferring appropriations between departments in the general fund | |
Appropriating monies from the revenue sharing trust to a specific line item within that fund | |
Amending Ordinance F-83-24 which is an ordinance fixing the salaries of every appointive officer, employee, deputy, assistants, departmental & institutional head of the city of Evansville for the year 1984 establishing a salary administration committee and establishing salary administration procedures | |
Appropriating monies from the cumulative capital improvements 1965 fund to a specific line item within that fund | |
Transferring appropriations from certain line items to other line items within the general fund | |
Appropriating monies from the general fund to specific line items within that fund | |
Transferring appropriations from Oak Hill Cemetery & Locust Hill Cemetery funds to specific line items within those funds | |
Transferring city golf courses into a golf non-reverting fund #028 | |
Appropriating monies from the general fund to a specific line item in that fund | |
Transferring appropriations from one line item to another within the sewer department | |
Transferring appropriations from one line item to another within various departments (contractual services, office supplies, telephone, printing, postage, etc.) | |
Appropriating monies from the general fund to a specific line item within that fund (payment of EUTS staff for time spent on METS administration) | |
Transferring eleven (11) health programs into the general fund | |
Repealing monies from certain line item and appropriating monies to other line items in other departments within the general fund | |
Appropriating monies from the police pension fund to specific line items within that fund | |
Appropriating monies from the general fund to specific line items within that fund (economic development fees, salaries, health insurance, life insurance, etc.) | |
Transferring appropriations from lone line item to another within the sewer budget | |
Appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the expenses of the sewer department for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1984 | |
Appropriating monies from the CCI 165 fund to a specific line item within that fund | |
Transferring appropriations from one line to another within various departments | |
Appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the expenses of several departments of city government for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1984 | |
Transferring appropriations from one line item to another within the water & sewer utility department in the sewer department general fund | |
Transferring appropriations from one line item to another within the Oak Hill Cemetery fund | |
Fixing the salaries of elected officials of the city of Evansville, Indiana | |
Fixing the salaries of every appointive officer, employee, deputy, assistant departmental and institutional head of the city of Evansville for the year 1984 establishing a salary administration committee and establishing salary administration procedures | |
Repealing monies from certain line items and appropriating monies to other line items in the general fund and the highway fund | |
Transferring appropriations from one line item to another within various departments | |
Transferring monies from the CCI ’65 fund to the general fund and appropriating monies to METS | |
Establishing a new chapter (39) in Article III of the Evansville Municipal Code book, copying fees (3.105) | |
Appropriating monies from the CCI ’65 fund to a specific line item within that fund | |
Transferring appropriations from one line item to another within various departments (city clerk, weights & measures, building commission, police department, EPA and Mesker Zoo) | |
Appropriating monies from the cumulative capital improvement 1965 fund to a specific line item within that fund (grants & subsidies) | |
Appropriating monies from the levee authority fund to specific line items within that fund | |
Appropriating monies from the sewer fund to specific line items within that fund | |
Appropriating monies from the highway fund and CCI ’65 fund to specific line items within those funds | |
Appropriating monies from the general fund to a specific line item within that fund | |
Transferring appropriations from one line item to another within a department in the general fund (city clerk) | |
Amending Chapter 5 of Article VIII of the Municipal Code of Evansville 1962 entitled ambulance service (Repealed by G-2009-13) | |
Reorganizing personnel (accounting mgr., account #001-008-411-00-05 BPW) | |
Transferring appropriations from one line item to another within departments in the general fund (fire department, EPA, METS) | |
Appropriating monies from the general fund to specific line items within that fund (law, weights & measures, stadium, ambulance & paramedic) | |
Appropriating monies from the local road & street fund to a specific line item within that fund (city’s share of street lights at Eastland $5,000.00) | |
Appropriating monies from the general fund to specific line items within that fund (acct mgr., acct clerk a, health insurance, BRW engineer B, health insurance, etc. – city engineer) | |
Authorizing money from the local roads and streets fund to a specific line item within that fund | |
Setting a fee schedule for certain documents within the Evansville police department and creating accounts within which to place the funds generated from said fees | |
Appropriating monies from the Roberts Stadium parking lot to a specific line within that fund | |
Transferring monies from the Oak Hill Cemetery fund to a specific line item within this fund | |
Transferring appropriations from one line item to another within the police department budget in the general fund | |
Appropriating monies from certain city funds to specific line items in other city funds (hospitalization to fire pension, police pension; from parking meter to Parking Project B sinking fund | |
Appropriating monies from certain city funds to specific line items within these funds (fund #018 high way, stadium parking lot, fund #053 local roads & streets, fund #318 hospitalization) | |
Transferring appropriations from certain departments to other departments in the general fund. (from: city clerk, street lighting, building inspector, police merit commission, health, EPA, dog pound, personnel, ambulance & paramedics – to: purchasing, city council, Roberts Stadium, central radio, mayor, housing inspection, fire department, METS, garage) | |
Transferring monies from various city funds to specific line items within these funds (mayor, human relations, purchasing, city council, city clerk, BPW, BPS, Engineer, weights & measures, Roberts Stadium central radio, police, fire, health, EPA, etc.) | |
Transferring monies from the clean-up line item to the lot improvement line item in the Roberts Stadium parking lot | |
Transferring monies from various general fund departments workman’s compensation line items to the Roberts Stadium repairs line item | |
Amending the municipal code of the city of Evansville, 1962, Article III to add a new chapter, 38, relating to the establishment of an unemployment insurance fund (3.80) | |
Appropriating monies from the Roberts Stadium parking lot fund to specific line items within that fund | |
Appropriating monies from the local roads & streets fund to specific line items within that fund | |
Appropriating monies from the general fund and the Oak Hill Cemetery fund to specific line items within these funds | |
Transferring appropriations from the health budget to the dog pound budget in the general fund | |
Transferring appropriations from one line item to another within various city departments’ budget (BPW, Roberts Stadium, health, ambulance & paramedic, motor vehicle highway, traffic engineering, parks and recreation) | |
Appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the expenses of the several departments of the city government for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1983 (budget) | |
To amend the municipal code of the city of Evansville, 1962, Article Three to add thereto a new chapter, 35, establishing a promotional account (3.65) | |
Fixing the salaries of elected officials of the city of Evansville | |
Fixing the salaries of every appointive officer, employee, deputy, assistant, departmental and institutional head of the city of Evansville for the year 1983; establishing a salary administration committee and establishing salary administration procedures | |
Amending Article VII, Chapter Two of the MCE, 1962 entitled building & construction – specifications; permits and fees (15.05) | |
Temporarily transferring appropriations from one line item to another line item within the Roberts Stadium budget in the general fund | |
Transferring appropriations from one line item within fund #002 (printing & supply) to other line items within this fund | |
Appropriating monies from certain funds to specific line items within these funds (waterworks, uncommitted monies, contractual services, board of public works, utilities, police, parking police) | |
Repealing certain sections of the municipal code of Evansville, 1962, and eliminating the ambulance and paramedic fund and transferring said fund to the general fund of the city of Evansville (Repealed by G-2009-13) | |
Repealing certain sections of the municipal code of Evansville, 1962, and eliminating the central garage fund and transferring said fund to the general fund of the city of Evansville | |
Regulating weeds and rank vegetation (Repealed by G-2009-13) | |
Transferring appropriations from one line item to another within the police department budget in the general fund (garage & motor, equipment in the police budget) | |
Creating a public transportation corporation | |
Appropriating monies from the certain funds to specific line items within these funds (finance, law department, Roberts Stadium, central radio, fire department, EPA, METS, Locust Hill Cemetery, parking meter, Oak Hill Cemetery) | |
Appropriating monies from the local roads and streets fund to specific line items with that fund (street projects) | |
Appropriating monies from the general fund and to specific line items within that fund (city clerk, law department, board of public works, street lighting, ways & means, police fire and personnel) | |
Appropriating monies to the levee authority bond fund | |
Appropriating money from certain funds and to specific line items within these funds | |
Appropriating monies from the CCI ’65 law fund to certain funds and to specific line items within these funds | |
To amend the municipal code of the city of Evansville, 1962, Article V, by adding thereto a new chapter four, establishing passenger fares for municipal buses (10.35) | |
Appropriating the sum of $370,000.00 from the sale proceeds of the judgement funding bonds of 1982 | |
Appropriating the sum of $406,070.00 from the sale proceeds of the equipment bonds of 1982 | |
To amend the municipal code of the city of Evansville, 1962, Article III, to add thereto a new chapter, 36, relating to the establishment of the Roberts Stadium fund | |
Appropriating unused and unencumbered funds within the CCI fund of the city of Evansville | |
Authorizing the issuance and sale of bonds of said city for the purpose of providing funds to be applied to the cost of the purchase of police and fire equipment for the city together with the incidental expenses in connection therewith | |
Authorizing the issuance and sale of judgment funding bonds of said city for the purpose of funding and paying a certain outstanding judgment against the city of Evansville and other matters incidental thereto | |
Appropriating the sum of $1,969,312.48 from the sale proceeds of the 1981 park district bond issue | |
Appropriating the sum of $1,969,312.48 from the sale proceeds of the 1981 park district bond issue | |
Amending and revising Ordinance F-81-17, an ordinance appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the expenses of the several departments of the city government of the city of Evansville, Indiana for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1982 including all outstanding claims and obligations and fixing a time when the same shall take effect | |
To amend the municipal code of the city of Evansville: 1962, Article III, to add thereto a new chapter, 33, relating to the establishment of a Roberts Municipal Stadium fund | |
To amend the municipal code of the city of Evansville: 1962, Article III, to add thereto a new chapter, 32, relating to the establishment of a Metropolitan Evansville Transit System fund (METS) | |
To amend the municipal code of the city of Evansville: 1962, Article III, to add thereto a new chapter, 34, establishing a petty cash fund in certain departments of the city of Evansville (3.55) | |
Transferring certain funds to other various funds in the amounts as shown | |
Reducing the appropriations of fund #046 (sewer general in the amounts and line items listed | |
Transferring funds within the indicated municipal funds (end of year clean-up) | |
Appropriating and transferring funds from the indicated municipal funds (revenue sharing) | |
Appropriating and transferring funds from the indicated municipal funds as needed | |
Appropriating unused and unencumbered park department funds for the purchase of capital equipment | |
Transferring unused and unencumbered appropriations within the park revolving fund, a capital project fund, to the line items as listed in Section 1 | |
Transferring unused and unencumbered appropriations from the hospitalization fund to the line items listed in Section 1 | |
Appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the expenses of the Evansville-Vanderburgh County levee authority for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1982 including all outstanding claims and obligations and fixing a time when the same shall take effect | |
Appropriating monies sfor the purpose of defraying the expenses of the several departments of the city government of the city of Evansville, Indiana for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1982 including all outstanding claims and obligations and fixing a time when the same shall take effect | |
Appropriating unused and unencumbered funds from the federal air pollution control fund to the line items listed in each section in the federal air pollution fund | |
Reducing appropriated unused and unencumbered funds from the general fund/EPA department | |
Appropriating and transferring funds from the indicated municipal funds (clean-up ordinance) | |
Appropriating unused and unencumbered funds from the federal air pollution control fund to the lined items listed in each section in the federal air pollution control fund | |
Authorizing the transfer of funds within the community development budget | |
Appropriating funds from park funds for the purchase of capital equipment | |
Appropriating and transferring funds from the sewer fund | |
Appropriating unused and unencumbered funds within the cumulative capital improvement fund of the city of Evansville | |
To provide for the establishment of a special non-reverting fund for the Evansville board of park commissioners | |
Appropriating and transferring funds from the indicated municipal funds | |
Appropriating monies from fund CIC 65 | |
Appropriating funds from the municipal bonds of 1980 fund (funds from the stadium bond for contractual services) | |
Appropriating and reducing accounts within the highway fund | |
Reorganizing personnel and transferring funds within the department of parks and recreation | |
Repealing Ordinance F-80-39 (salt shed) | |
To appropriate and transfer funds (SIC, mayor, highway, parking meter) | |
Appropriating additional funds from the indicated municipal funds | |
establishing a deferred compensation plan for the city of Evansville | |
Appropriating funds for the sewer department general fund | |
Appropriating funds for the motor vehicle highway of the highway fund | |
Appropriating additional funds from the indicated municipal funds | |
Transferring certain debts within the sewer fund | |
Establishing the sports/recreation non-reverting fund | |
Transferring funds in the traffic engineering department budget within the highway fund | |
Appropriating funds for the environmental protection agency department of the general fund | |
Appropriating funds to the road resurfacing account | |
Fixing the amount of funeral benefits payable pursuant to the police pension fund | |
Appropriating additional funds from the indicated municipal funds | |
Appropriating certain amounts from the CIC-65 fund to the Green River Road signalization construction | |
Authorizing the transfer of funds within the community development budget | |
Appropriating unused and unencumbered funds from the parking meter hood fund to the equipment account | |
Appropriating unused and unencumbered funds from the arterial road & street fund to the North Main resurfacing account | |
Transferring funds within the department of parks and recreation | |
Appropriating unused and unencumbered funds within the cumulative capital improvement fund of the city of Evansville – salt storage facility | |
Appropriating funds to the road resurfacing account | |
Levying taxes and fixing the rate of taxation for the purpose raising revenue to meet the necessary expense for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1981 | |
To approve the notice to taxpayers of the tax levies for the year 1981 | |
Appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the expenses of the several departments of the city government of the City of Evansville, Indiana for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1981 including all outstanding claims and obligations and fixing a time when the same shall take effect | |
Transferring funds in the Evansville EPA budget within the Federal Air Pollution Fund and the general fund | |
Transferring funds in the fire department budget within the general fund | |
Transferring funds within the Oak Hill Cemetery board | |
Appropriating certain amounts from the police merit department book account of the general fund | |
Transferring certain debts within the arterial road & street fund | |
Transferring certain debts within the sewage works department of the sewer fund | |
Appropriating unused and unencumbered funds from the locust hill cemetery fund to the line items listed in each section and reorganizing the department | |
Appropriating unused and unencumbered funds from the indicated municipal funds to the line items listed in each section in the general fund | |
Appropriating and transferring certain debts within the levee departments under the levee fund | |
Transferring funds within and reorganizing the personnel department of the general fund | |
Authorizing the amendment and transfer of funds within the community development budget ($36,636) for DMD rent | |
Appropriating funds from the printing fund ($3,400 for copy machine lease) | |
Transferring funds within the general fund budget ($51,684.00) for National Center for Municipal Development contract, IU School of Public Service – local portion of grant, Black Expo grant and attorney Ted Lockyear for annexation | |
Amendment and transfer of funds within the community development budget ($268,059.04) to housing rehab, neighborhood spot demo, public housing modernization, home repair, alley clean-up & Lincoln-Governor II | |
Appropriating additional funds from the general fund ($867,406.00) deduction ($29,916) | |
Transferring funds within the building commission department | |
Transferring funds within the building commission department | |
Transferring funds within the park department budget | |
Appropriating funds from the local road & street fund | |
Establishing the paramedic fund within the budget of the city of Evansville and appropriating funds therefrom | |
Appropriating and transferring certain debts within departments under the board of public works | |
Authorizing the transfer of funds within the community development budget | |
Transferring unused and unencumbered funds within various departs of the city of Evansville BPW Harper – Hirsch | |
Appropriating certain amounts from the CIC-65 fund to the Claremont-Barker By-pass construction | |
Transferring funds within the health department | |
Transferring funds within the reorganizing the traffic engineering department | |
Appropriating certain amounts from the CIC-67 fund 010 to the 010-011-472 equipment account of the department of weights and measures | |
Appropriating certain amounts from the highway fund 018 to 018-045-472 equipment account of the highway department | |
Appropriating unused and unencumbered funds from parking meter general funds to equipment account | |
Authorizing the amendment and transfer of funds within the community development budget | |
Transferring unappropriated park general funds within the park and recreation department of the city of Evansville | |
Transferring unused and unencumbered funds within various departments of the city of Evansville | |
Appropriating unused and unencumbered funds from the parking meter fund and creating clerical position | |
Appropriating certain amounts from the CIC-65 fund to the Claremont-Barker By-pass construction | |
F-79-43 | Appropriating 1.4 million dollars to be applied to the cost of improvements for Roberts Stadium |
F-79-42 | Transferring unused and unencumbered funds from various departments of the city: community center, dog pound and health department |
F-79-41 | Appropriating unused and unencumbered funds from various departments of the city: fire department, police department, MVH and Locust Hill Cemetery |
F-79-40 | Transferring unused and unencumbered funds balances existing within the economic development commission of the city of Evansville |
F-79-39 | Appropriating unused and unencumbered funds from various departments of the city: capitol improvement, health department, dog pound, park general and park revolving |
F-79-38 | Transferring unused and unencumbered funds within various departments of the city: purchasing, fire department and Oak Hill Cemetery |
F-79-37 | Transferring unused and unencumbered funds within various departments of the city of Evansville: parking meter department |
F-79-36 | Transferring unused and unencumbered funds within various departments of the city of Evansville: parks & recreation, community center, zoo, traffic engineering, Roberts Stadium, parking meter department and building commission |
F-79-35 | Appropriating unused and unencumbered funds from the park general fund |
F-79-34 | Appropriating monies to meet extraordinary emergencies – levee authority: $153,780 |
F-79-33 | Appropriating unused and unencumbered funds from the indicated municipal funds to the line items listed in each section – street resurfacing |
F-79-32 | Appropriating unused and unencumbered funds from the general fund to the fire department |
F-79-31 | Levying taxes and fixing the rate of taxation for the purpose of raising revenue to meet the necessary expense for the fiscal year end December 31, 1980 |
F-79-30 | To approve notice of taxpayers of the tax levies for the year 1980 |
F-79-29 | Appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the expenses of several departments of the city government of the city of Evansville, Indiana for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1980, including all outstanding claims and obligations, and fixing a time when the same shall take effect |
F-79-28 | Appropriating unused and unencumbered funds from the general fund and the MVH special distribution fund |
F-79-27 | Transferring unused and unencumbered funds within various city departments: MVH and police merit commission |
F-79-26 | To transfer funds from the police merit commission, declaring an emergency |
F-79-25 | Appropriating money out of the general fund for the purpose of defraying the expenses of various city departments |
F-79-24 | Monies out of the motor vehicle highway special distribution fund |
F-79-23 | Appropriating funds out of the motor vehicle highway fund |
F-79-22 | Appropriating monies out of the park general fund |
F-79-21 | Appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the expenses and debt payment from the bond and interest retirement fund |
F-79-20 | Transferring unused and unencumbered funds within various departments within the city of Evansville: Oak Hill Cemetery, Locust Hill Cemetery, METS and city engineering |
F-79-19 | Transferring unused and unencumbered funds within various departments within the city of Evansville: parking meter and sewer department |
F-79-18 | Transferring unused and unencumbered balances existing within the park and recreation department |
F-79-17 | Appropriating unused and unencumbered funds within the park & recreation department of the city of Evansville |
F-79-16 | Appropriating monies from the federal revenue sharing fund to the police salaries & wages account |
F-79-15 | Appropriating unused and unencumbered funds within the health department |
F-79-14 | Appropriating certain amounts from the CCI-65 fund and the anti-recession fund |
F-79-13 | Appropriating funds |
F-79-12 | Declaring an emergency and appropriating funds from the general fund to the law department |
F-79-11 | Appropriating funds from the park district cum. building fund |
F-79-10 | Transferring unused and unencumbered funds within various departments of the city of Evansville |
F-79-9 | Appropriating funds from the motor vehicle/highway fund to the street improvement |
F-79-8 | Declaring an emergency and appropriating funds from the general fund to the law department |
F-79-7 | Appropriating unencumbered funds within the traffic engineering department of the city of Evansville |
F-79-6 | Declaring an emergency and appropriating funds from the general fund to the law department |
F-79-5 | Appropriating the sum of three million dollars to be applied to the cost of construction of improvements and developments for the Eastside drainage project |
F-79-4 | Appropriating unencumbered funds within various departments of the city |
F-79-3 | For the appropriation of funds: $45,000.00 - police department – law department |
F-79-2 | Appropriating funds from the general fund to the law department ($30,000.00) |
F-79-1 | For the appropriation of funds: MVH – park department – sewer department – parking meter department – building commission – fire department – central dispatch – health department |
F-78-33 | Appropriating funds: revenue sharing, M.V.H., park department, sewer department, parking meter department, fire department, central garage and building commission |
F-78-32 | Transferring funds: Oak Hill Cemetery and Roberts Stadium |
F-78-31 | Appropriating funds from the sewer department |
F-78-30 | Declaring an emergency and appropriating funds from the general fund to the law department |
F-78-29 | Establishing line items and appropriation of funds – health department |
F-78-28 | Appropriation of funds for Roberts Stadium |
F-78-27 | To transfer funds: Evansville-Vanderburgh levee authority - $30,000.00 |
F-78-26 | To transfer funds: zoo, park & recreation, personnel department, community center, board of public works, P.S. |
F-78-25 | Appropriating unencumbered amounts from municipal funds and repealing certain appropriations: police, general fund, E.P.A., redevelopment department, parks & recreation department, sewer department, motor vehicle highway |
F-78-24 | To approve the notice to taxpayers of the tax levies for the year 1979 |
F-78-23 | Levying taxes and fixing the rate of taxation for the purpose of raising revenue to meet the necessary expense for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1979 |
F-78-22 | Appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the expenses of the several departments of the city government for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1979, including all outstanding claims and obligations and fixing a time when the same shall take effect |
F-78-21 | Fixing the salaries of every appointive officer, employee, deputy assistant, departmental and institutional head of the city of Evansville for the year 1979; establishing a salary administration committee and establishing salary administration procedures |
F-78-20 | Appropriating certain unencumbered amounts from the motor vehicle highway special distribution fund |
F-78-19 | Transferring certain unencumbered municipal funds and appropriating certain funds from CIC-1965 – board of public works |
F-78-18 | Transferring the unused and unencumbered balances in the motor vehicle highway special distribution fund to the motor vehicle highway department |
F-78-17 | Transferring certain unused and unencumbered amounts within the budgets of certain departments of the city of Evansville |
F-78-16 | Repealing certain unused and unencumbered funds from the budgets of various departments of the city of Evansville and appropriating certain sums from the general fund to various departments |
F-78-15 | Transferring the balances of certain funds to the general fund |
F-78-14 | Establishing the health grants fund |
F-78-13 | Repealing the appropriation of certain unused and unencumbered municipal funds |
F-78-12 | Consolidating numerous funds of the park and recreation department of the city of Evansville |
F-78-11 | Transferring funds in the community center $4,000.00 |
F-78-10 | Appropriating certain funds to the community center department $3.883.00 |
F-78-9 | Appropriating monies from the general fund to the other contractual services account and equipment account of the city of Evansville public transit department for the installation of necessary gasoline storage and pumping equipment at the new leasehold facility for that department and for the necessary adaptation of the new leasehold facility for that department |
F-78-8 | Transferring an unused balance of public funds ($10,000.00) |
F-78-7 | Transferring an unused balance of public funds |
F-78-6 | Establishing the Marv Bates Memorial Plaque fund and directing the disposition of that fund |
F-78-5 | Transferring an unused balance of public funds ($72,900.00) |
F-78-4 | Transferring an unused balance of public funds ($8,000.00) |
F-78-3 | Transferring unused balance of public funds ($1,000.00) |
F-78-2 | For the reestablishment of cumulative building and sinking fund for the park district and for the provision of a public hearing thereafter |
F-78-1 | Transferring unused balance of public funds ($74,000) |
F-77-35 | For the transfer of funds |
F-77-34 | Transferring an unused balance of public funds |
F-77-33 | For the transfer of funds |
F-77-32 | For the transfer of funds for traffic engineering |
F-77-31 | Transferring an unused balance of public funds |
F-77-30 | For the transfer of funds for the health department |
F-77-29 | For the transfer of funds for the community center |
F-77-28 | To approve the notice to taxpayers of the tax levies for the year 1978 |
F-77-27 | Levying taxes and fixing the rate of taxation for the purpose of raising revenue to meet the necessary expense for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1978 |
F-77-26 | Appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the expenses of several departments of the city government of the city of Evansville, Indiana for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1978, including all outstanding claims and obligations and fixing a time when the same shall take effect |
F-77-25 | Fixing the salaries of every appointive officer, employee, deputy, assistant departmental and institutional head of the city of Evansville for the year 1978, establishing a salary administration commission and establishing salary administration procedures |
F-77-24 | For the transfer of an unused balance of municipal public funds and for the appropriation of certain federal funds |
F-77-23 | For the transfer of funds |
F-77-22 | Transferring an unused balance of public funds |
F-77-21 | For the transfer of funds |
F-77-20 | For the repeal and transfer of funds |
F-77-19 | For the transfer of funds |
F-77-18 | Transferring an unused balance of municipal public funds |
F-77-17 | For the transfer of funds |
F-77-16 | Transferring an unused balance of municipal public funds & appropriating certain funds (federal funds) |
F-77-15 | Transferring unused balance of municipal public funds |
F-77-14 | Transferring unused balance of municipal public funds |
F-77-13 | For the transfer of funds |
F-77-12 | Repealing certain unused funds from the budget of the Evansville fire department and transferring a like amount of unused and unencumbered funds from the general fund of the city of Evansville |
F-77-11 | Transferring unused balance of municipal public funds |
F-77-10 | For the transfer of funds |
F-77-9 | Transferring unused balance of funds |
F-77-8 | Transferring unused balance of municipal public funds |
F-77-7 | For the appropriation of monies to meet extraordinary emergencies |
F-77-6 | For the appropriation of monies to meet extraordinary emergencies for Willard Library |
F-77-5 | For the appropriation of monies to meet extraordinary emergencies in the levee authority |
F-77-4 | For the appropriation of monies to meet extraordinary emergencies in the parking meter department |
F-77-3 | For the appropriation of monies to meet the extraordinary emergencies in BPW |
F-77-2 | For the appropriation of monies to meet extraordinary emergencies |
F-77-1 | Directing the deposit of certain revenues into the park revolving fund and the park general fund |
F-76-47 | For the transfer of funds at the Mesker Park Zoo |
F-76-46 | For the transfer of funds within the budget of the EPA of the city of Evansville |
F-76-45 | For the repeal of certain budget appropriations, appropriation of monies and a transfer of funds |
F-76-44 | For the transfer of funds (levee authority) |
F-76-43 | For the transfer of funds (weights & measures) |
F-76-42 | For the appropriation of monies to meet extraordinary emergencies for motor vehicle highway |
F-76-41 | To appropriate funds |
F-76-40 | For the appropriation of monies to meet extraordinary emergencies for METS |
F-76-39 | For the transfer of funds within the Roberts Municipal Stadium budget |
F-76-38 | Levying taxes and filing the rate of taxation for the purpose raising revenue to meet the necessary expense for the fiscal year ending 12/31/77 |
F-76-37 | To approve the notice to taxpayers of the tax levies for the year 1977 |
F-76-36 | Appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the expenses of the several departments of the city government of the city of Evansville, Indiana for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1977, including all outstanding claims and obligations and fixing a time when the same shall take effect |
F-76-35 | For the transfer of funds within the Mesker Park Zoo budget |
F-76-34 | For the appropriation of funds for the law department – amended to transfer of funds |
F-76-33 | Fixing the salaries of every appointive officer, employee, deputy, assistant, departmental and institutional head of the city of Evansville for the year 1977; establishing a salary administration committee (SAC) and establishing salary administration procedures |
F-76-32 | To repeal certain funds from the parks general fund |
F-76-31 | To transfer funds within the traffic engineering budget |
F-76-30 | For the appropriation of funds for levee general fund |
F-76-29 | For the appropriation of funds for the board of works |
F-76-28 | For the appropriation of funds for the board of works |
F-76-27 | For the transfer of funds within the EPA budget |
F-76-26 | For the appropriation of funds for the parks department |
F-76-25 | For the appropriation of funds for the law department |
F-76-24 | For the appropriation of funds for the parks department |
F-76-23 | For the transfer of funds within the fire department |
F-76-22 | For the appropriation of monies to meet extraordinary emergencies for the fire department |
F-76-21 | For the appropriation of monies to meet extraordinary emergencies for the environment protection agency |
F-76-20 | For the transfer of funds within the board of public works budget |
F-76-19 | For the appropriation of monies to meet extraordinary emergencies |
F-76-18 | For the appropriation of monies to meet extraordinary emergencies |
F-76-17 | For the appropriation of money to meet extraordinary emergencies |
F-76-16 | For the transfer of funds |
F-76-15 | For the appropriation of funds |
F-76-14 | For the appropriation of funds |
F-76-13 | For the appropriation of funds |
F-76-12 | For the appropriation of monies to meet extraordinary emergencies in the police department |
F-76-11 | Appropriating funds for police recreation |
F-76-10 | Appropriating funds for the community center |
F-76-9 | For the appropriation of funds for the board of public works |
F-76-8 | For the appropriation of funds from and to miscellaneous accounts |
F-76-7 | For the appropriation of funds for the board of public works |
F-76-6 | For the transfer of funds within the parks department |
F-76-5 | For the appropriation of funds for the board of public works |
F-76-4 | For the appropriation of funds for the building commission |
F-76-3 | For the appropriation of funds for recreation |
F-76-2 | For the appropriation of funds |
F-76-1 | For the transfer of funds within the fire department |
F-75-37 | For the transfer of funds within the recreation department |
F-75-36 | For the transfer of funds within the finance department |
F-75-35 | For the transfer of funds within the fire department |
F-75-34 | For the transfer of various funds to various city departments |
F-75-33 | To appropriate funds for various city departments |
F-75-32 | For the appropriation of funds for the board of public works |
F-75-31 | For the appropriation of funds for the board of public works |
F-75-30 | Levying taxes and fixing the rate of taxation for the purpose of raising revenue to meet the necessary expense for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1976 |
F-75-29 | To approve the notice to taxpayers of the tax levies for the year 1976 |
F-75-28 | Establishing the budget to the city government for the year beginning January 1, 1976 |
F-75-27 | For the appropriation for METS |
F-75-26 | For the appropriation of funds for the EPA |
F-75-25 | For the transfer of funds within the Roberts Municipal Stadium budget |
F-75-24 | Fixing the salaries of every appointive officer, employee, deputy, assistant, departmental and institutional head of the city of Evansville for the year 1986, establishing a salary administration committee (SAC) and establishing salary administration procedures |
F-75-23 | Appropriating money for Willard Library |
F-75-22 | For the appropriation of funds for various city departments |
F-75-21 | Appropriating money for the fire department |
F-75-20 | For Roberts Municipal Stadium |
F-75-19 | For the appropriation of funds for various city departments – amended to transfer of funds |
F-75-18 | Appropriating funds for various city departments |
F-75-17 | Appropriating funds for the office of personnel |
F-75-16 | Appropriating funds for various city departments |
F-75-15 | To appropriate funds for the board of works |
F-75-14 | To appropriate funds for the board of works |
F-75-13 | Appropriating funds from various city departments |
F-75-12 | Appropriating funds for arterial roads & streets |
F-75-11 | For the appropriation of funds for various city departments |
F-75-10 | For the transfer of funds among various city departments |
F-75-9 | Fixing the salaries of elected officials of the city of Evansville |
F-75-8 | For the appropriation of funds for various city departments |
F-75-7 | For the appropriation of funds (law department) |
F-75-6 | For the appropriation of funds (department of finance) |
F-75-5 | For the appropriation of funds (parking meter department) |
F-75-4 | For the appropriation of funds (board of funds – arterial road & street fund) |
F-75-3 | For the common council (OIC) |
F-75-2 | For the appropriation of funds (environment protection agency) |
F-75-1 | For the appropriation of funds (fire department) |
F-74-122 | For the transfer of funds within the budget of the city clerk |
F-74-121 | For the transfer of funds within the budget of the controller’s office |
F-74-120 | For the transfer of funds within the Roberts Municipal Stadium budget |
F-74-119 | For the transfer of funds within the recreation department budget |
F-74-118 | For the transfer of funds within the recreation department |
F-74-117 | For the transfer of funds within the board of public works budget (weights & measures) |
F-74-116 | For the transfer of funds within the controller’s office budget |
F-74-115 | For the transfer of funds within the motor vehicle highway department |
F-74-114 | For the transfer of funds within the community center’s budget |
F-74-113 | For the transfer of funds within the METS Budget |
F-74-112 | For the transfer of funds within the city engineering department’s budget |
F-74-111 | For the transfer of funds within the city clerk’s office budget |
F-74-110 | For the transfer of funds within the board of public works budget – city maintenance department |
F-74-109 | For the transfer of funds within the budget of the Mesker Park Zoo |
F-74-108 | For the appropriation of funds for the controller’s office |
F-74-107 | For the appropriation of funds for the parks department |
F-74-106 | For the transfer of funds within the air pollution control department |
F-74-105 | For the transfer of funds within the parks department budget |
F-74-104 | For the appropriation of funds for the city council |
F-74-103 | For the transfer of funds within the motor vehicle highway department |
F-74-102 | For the transfer of funds within the building commissioner’s budget |
F-74-101 | For the appropriation of funds for the parks department |
F-74-100 | For the appropriation of funds for the parks department |
F-74-99 | For the appropriation of funds for the central garage |
F-74-98 | For the appropriation of funds for the city clerk’s office |
F-74-97 | For the appropriation of funds for the controller’s office |
F-74-96 | For the transfer of funds from Roberts Municipal Stadium |
F-74-95 | For the transfer of funds within the health department budget |
F-74-94 | For the appropriation of funds for the board of public works |
F-74-93 | For the appropriation of funds for METS |
F-74-92 | For the appropriation of funds for the board of public works |
F-74-91 | For the transfer of funds within the community center budget |
F-74-90 | To appropriate funds for the board of public works |
F-74-89 | To appropriate funds for the board of public works |
F-74-88 | To transfer funds within the finance department |
F-74-87 | Appropriating money for the board of public works |
F-74-86 | For the transfer of funds within the controller’s office budget |
F-74-85 | Appropriating funds for the parks department |
F-74-84 | Appropriating funds for the mayor’s office |
F-74-83 | Appropriating funds for the police department |
F-74-82 | Appropriating funds for the Fulton Satellite Child Health Conference/Health Department |
F-74-81 | Appropriating funds for the health department |
F-74-80 | Adopting the budget for the levee authority |
F-74-79 | To approve the notice to taxpayers of the tax levies for the year 1975 |
F-74-78 | Adopting the budget for the year 1975 |
F-74-77 | Transferring money in the health department (dog pound) budget |
F-74-76 | Appropriating funds for the law department |
F-74-75 | Transferring funds within the Roberts Municipal Stadium budget |
F-74-74 | Transferring funds within the Mesker Park Zoo budget |
F-74-73 | Levying taxes and fixing the rate of taxation for 1975 |
F-74-72 | For the transfer of funds within the public recreation commission |
F-74-71 | To appropriate funds for METS |
F-74-70 | Appropriating funds for the maintenance department |
F-74-69 | To appropriate funds for the motor vehicle/highway department |
F-74-68 | To transfer funds within the safety department |
F-74-67 | To transfer funds within the mayor’s office |
F-74-66 | To transfer funds within the mayor’s office |
F-74-65 | To transfer funds within the mayor’s office |
F-74-64 | To transfer funds within the community center budget |
F-74-63 | To transfer funds within the fire department |
F-74-62 | For the transfer of funds within the parks department |
F-74-61 | For the transfer of funds within the economic development commission |
F-74-60 | For the transfer of funds within the parking meter department |
F-74-59 | For the transfer of funds within the human relations department |
F-74-58 | For the transfer of funds within the human relations department |
F-74-57 | To appropriate funds for the purpose of paying salaries of all appointive officers, employees, deputies, assistants, etc. of the city of Evansville |
F-74-56 | For the transfer of funds within the department of finance |
F-74-55 | To appropriate funds for city court |
F-74-54 | To appropriate funds for the law department |
F-74-53 | To appropriate funds for the department of finance |
F-74-52 | To appropriate funds |
F-74-51 | To appropriate funds for the parks department |
F-74-50 | To appropriate funds for the common council (OIC) |
F-74-49 | To appropriate funds for the parks department |
F-74-48 | To appropriate funds for the controller’s office |
F-74-47 | To appropriate funds for the intern program in the controller’s office and police department |
F-74-46 | To appropriate funds for the city controller’s Office |
F-74-45 | To appropriate funds for the law department |
F-74-44 | To appropriate funds for motor vehicle highway/board of public works |
F-74-43 | To appropriate funds for the fire department |
F-74-42 | To appropriate funds for civil defense |
F-74-41 | To appropriate funds for the department of parks |
F-74-40 | To appropriate funds for the board of public works – motor vehicle highway |
F-74-39 | To appropriate funds for the central garage |
F-74-38 | To appropriate funds for METS |
F-74-37 | To appropriate funds for Roberts Municipal Stadium |
F-74-36 | To appropriate funds for the Evansville city clerk |
F-74-35 | To appropriate funds for the Evansville city council |
F-74-34 | To appropriate funds for HOPE |
F-74-33 | To appropriate funds for the central garage |
F-74-32 | To appropriate funds for Willard Library |
F-74-31 | To appropriate funds for the board of public works |
F-74-30 | To appropriate funds for the board of public works |
F-74-29 | To appropriate funds for the board of public works |
F-74-28 | To transfer funds for within the health department |
F-74-27 | To appropriate funds for the health department |
F-74-26 | To appropriate funds for the Evansville city clerk |
F-74-25 | For the appropriation of funds for the Roberts Municipal Stadium |
F-74-24 | For the appropriation of funds for the city clerk |
F-74-23 | For the appropriation of funds for the law department |
F-74-22 | For the appropriation of funds for the park department |
F-74-21 | For the appropriation of funds for the Evansville-Vanderburgh levee authority district |
F-74-20 | For the appropriation of funds for the police department |
F-74-19 | For the appropriation of funds for the police department |
F-74-18 | For the appropriation of funds for the board of public works |
F-74-17 | For the appropriation of funds for the police department |
F-74-16 | For the appropriation of funds for the board of public works |
F-74-15 | For the appropriation of funds for the parks department |
F-74-14 | For the appropriation of funds for the parks department |
F-74-13 | For the appropriation of funds for the parks & recreation department |
F-74-12 | For the transfer of funds within the community center budget |
F-74-11 | For the appropriation of funds for the parks department |
F-74-10 | For the appropriation of funds for the board of public works |
F-74-9 | For the appropriation of funds for the parks department |
F-74-8 | For the appropriation of funds for the fire department |
F-74-7 | For the appropriation of funds for the fire department |
F-74-6 | For the appropriation of funds for METS |
F-74-5 | For the appropriation of funds for the controller’s office |
F-74-4 | For the transfer of funds for motor vehicle highway department |
F-74-3 | For the appropriation of funds for Locust Hill Cemetery |
F-74-2 | For the appropriation of funds for the mayor’s office |
F-74-1 | For the appropriation of funds for the law department |
F-73-91 | For the transfer of funds within the city clerk’s budget |
F-73-90 | For the transfer of funds within the city clerk’s budget |
F-73-89 | For the transfer of funds within the human relations budget |
F-73-88 | For the transfer of funds within the parks department budget |
F-73-87 | For the transfer of funds within the Evansville transit system budget |
F-73-86 | For the transfer of funds within the recreation department budget |
F-73-85 | For the transfer of funds within the Mesker Park Zoo budget |
F-73-84 | For the appropriation of funds for the law Department |
F-73-83 | For the transfer of funds within the finance department budget |
F-73-82 | For the transfer of funds within the economic development commission budget |
F-73-81 | For the transfer of funds within the air pollution control budget |
F-73-80 | For the transfer of funds within the bureau of traffic engineering budget |
F-73-79 | For the transfer of funds within the law department budget |
F-73-78 | For the transfer of funds within the parks department |
F-73-77 | For the transfer of funds within the Locust Hill Cemetery budget |
F-73-76 | For the transfer of funds within the building commission budget |
F-73-75 | For the transfer of funds within the police department |
F-73-74 | For the transfer of funds within the recreation department |
F-73-73 | For the transfer of funds within the board of public works revenue sharing fund for the maintenance department |
F-73-72 | For the transfer of funds within the police department |
F-73-71 | For the transfer of funds within the health department budget |
F-73-70 | For the establishment of a budget for the Fulton Satellite Health Center for the year 1974 |
F-73-69 | For the transfer of funds within the mayor’s office budget |
F-73-68 | For the appropriation of funds for parks department |
F-73-67 | For the appropriation of funds for board of public works |
F-73-66 | For the appropriation of funds for the board of public works |
F-73-65 | For the transfer of funds within the fire department budget |
F-73-64 | For the transfer of funds within the controller’s office budget |
F-73-63 | For the transfer of funds within the motor vehicle/highway department |
F-73-62 | For the appropriation of funds for the motor vehicle/highway department |
F-73-61 | For the transfer of funds within the public recreation commission |
F-73-60 | For the transfer of funds within the levee authority budget |
F-73-59 | For the transfer of funds within the board of public works/central garage budget |
F-73-58 | For the transfer of funds within the city controller’s budget |
F-73-57 | For the transfer of funds within the air pollution control budget |
F-73-56 | For the transfer of funds within the police department budget |
F-73-55 | For the transfer of funds within the Mesker Park Zoo budget in the amount of $5,500.00 |
F-73-54 | For the transfer of funds within the city clerk’s budget |
F-73-53 | For the transfer of funds within the Willard Library budget |
F-73-52 | Regarding the revenue sharing/partial budget |
F-73-51 | For the appropriation of funds for Roberts Municipal Stadium |
F-73-50 | For the appropriation of funds for police department |
F-73-49 | For the appropriation of funds for the city judge |
F-73-48 | For the transfer of funds within the Roberts Municipal Stadium budget |
F-73-47 | For the appropriation of funds for the motor vehicle highway department |
F-73-46 | For the appropriation of funds for the city clerk’s |
F-73-45 | To approve the notice to taxpayers of the tax levies for the year 1974 |
F-73-44 | Appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the expenses of the Evansville/Vanderburgh levee authority for the year 1974 |
F-73-43 | Levying taxes and fixing the rate of taxation for the purpose of raising revenue to meet the necessary expenses for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1974 |
F-73-42 | For the appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the expenses of the several departments of the city government of the city of Evansville, Indiana for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1974, including all outstanding claims and obligations and fixing a time when the same shall take effect |
F-73-41 | For the transfer of funds within the health department |
F-73-40 | For the transfer of funds within the within the parking meter department |
F-73-39 | For the transfer of funds within the health department – dog pound |
F-73-38 | For the appropriation of funds for Roberts Stadium |
F-73-37 | For the transfer of funds within the Locust Hill Cemetery budget |
F-73-36 | For the appropriation of funds for the central garage |
F-73-35 | For the transfer of funds within the building commission budget |
F-73-34 | Salary ordinance for 1974 |
F-73-33 | For the appropriation of funds for the personnel department |
F-73-32 | For the appropriation of funds for the law department |
F-73-31 | For the appropriation of funds for buildings & grounds |
F-73-30 | For the appropriation of funds for the motor vehicle/highway department |
F-73-29 | Regarding the revenue sharing trust |
F-73-28 | For the appropriation of funds for the parks department |
F-73-27 | To amend the salary ordinance for the year 1973 passed in the year 1972 in regard to the employees of the recreation department |
F-73-26 | For the appropriation of funds for the levee authority |
F-73-25 | Establishing a Budget for HOPE of Evansville, Inc. |
F-73-24 | Providing for an attorney for the redevelopment commission of the city of Evansville to be employed by the law department of the city of Evansville and provide services for the redevelopment commission |
F-73-23 | Regarding partial budget revenue funds |
F-73-22 | For the appropriation of monies to meet extraordinary emergencies |
F-73-21 | For the appropriation of monies to meet extraordinary emergencies |
F-73-20 | For the appropriation of monies to meet extraordinary emergencies |
F-73-19 | For the appropriation of monies to meet extraordinary emergencies |
F-73-18 | Establishing a partial budget for the expenditure of revenue sharing funds for the City of Evansville, Indiana |
F-73-17 | |
F-73-16 | |
F-73-15 | |
F-73-14 | |
F-73-13 | For the appropriation of funds |
F-73-12 | For the appropriation of funds for the parking meter department |
F-73-11 | For the appropriation of funds for the motor vehicle/highway department |
F-73-10 | For the appropriation of funds for the motor vehicle/highway department |
F-73-9 | For the transfer of funds for the finance department |
F-73-8 | To appropriate funds for the Dry Branch Creek improvement fund |
F-73-7 | For the appropriation of funds for the city clerk’s office |
F-73-6 | To provide $156,114.14 funds through the revenue sharing trust to the following entities: Parks, METS, Willard Library, dog pound, fire department, motor vehicle/highway department, traffic department, finance department, museum, Roberts Stadium and the health department. Funds for HOPE were not approved in 1973 |
F-73-5 | For the appropriation of monies to meet extraordinary emergencies |
F-73-4 | To amend the salary ordinance of the city of Evansville for 1973 – Grade 14 – Pediatrics Nurse Assoc. |
F-73-3 | For the appropriation of monies to meet extraordinary emergencies |
F-73-2 | For the appropriation and repeal of funds from various city departments |
F-73-1 | Repealing fire department appropriation to central dispatch in the amount of $66,974.58 |
F-72-87 | For the transfer of funds within the budget of the air pollution control department |
F-72-86 | For the transfer of funds from the engineering department |
F-72-85 | For the transfer of funds within the budget of public recreation commission |
F-72-84 | For the transfer of funds within the budget of the public recreation commission |
F-72-83 | For the transfer of funds within the budget of the parks department |
F-72-82 | For the transfer of funds within the motor vehicle highway department |
F-72-81 | For the transfer of funds within the budget of the fire department |
F-72-80 | For the transfer of funds within the budget of the motor vehicle/highway department |
F-72-79 | For the transfer of funds within the budget of the law department |
F-72-78 | For the transfer of funds within the budget of the air pollution control department |
F-72-77 | To repeal certain funds in the fire department budget for the year 1973 and to create a new department to be known as the department of central radio dispatch |
F-72-76 | For the transfer of funds within the budget of the Evansville-Vanderburgh levee authority district |
F-72-75 | To amend the details of salaries and wages in the controller’s office – department of finance |
F-72-74 | For the transfer of funds within the budget of the police department |
F-72-73 | To appropriate monies to meet extraordinary emergencies in the board of public works |
F-72-72 | For the transfer of funds within the budget of the central garage |
F-72-71 | For the transfer of funds within the budget of the department of finance |
F-72-70 | To raise the death benefits for police officers who are killed in the lined of duty. Amended to say: an ordinance of the common council of the city of Evansville to raise the death benefits for police officers both active and retired |
F-72-69 | To appropriate monies to meet extraordinary emergencies and repeal funds for various city departments |
F-72-68 | For the transfer of funds within the budget of Mesker Park Zoo |
F-72-67 | For the transfer of funds within the budget of the mayor’s office |
F-72-66 | For the transfer of funds within the budget of the fire department |
F-72-65 | For the appropriation of monies to meet extraordinary expenses |
F-72-64 | For the transfer of funds within the budget of the city clerk |
F-72-63 | For the repeal & appropriation of funds in the board of public works administrative budget |
F-72-62 | For the transfer of funds within the budget of the parking meter department |
F-72-61 | For the transfer of funds within the budget of the parks department |
F-72-60 | For the transfer of funds within the budget of the parking meter department |
F-72-59 | For the transfer of funds within the budget of the motor vehicle highway department |
F-72-58 | For the transfer of funds within the budget of the police department |
F-72-57 | For the transfer of funds within the budget of the law department |
F-72-56 | For the appropriation of monies to meet extraordinary expenses of Roberts Municipal Stadium |
F-72-55 | For the appropriation of monies to meet extraordinary expenses in the law department |
F-72-54 | Levying taxes and fixing the rate of taxation for the purpose of raising revenue to meet the necessary expenses for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1973 |
F-72-53 | Appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying the expenses of several departments of the city government of the city of Evansville, Indiana for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1973 including all outstanding claims and obligations and fixing a time with the same shall take effect |
F-72-52 | Appropriating monies for the purpose of defraying expenses of the Evansville-Vanderburgh levee authority d8istrict of the city of Evansville for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1973, including all outstanding claims and obligations a fixing a time with the same shall take effect |
F-72-51 | For the transfer of funds within the budget of the sewer department |
F-72-50 | For the transfer of funds within the budget of the recreation commission |
F-72-49 | For the transfer of funds within the budget of the parks department |
F-72-48 | For the transfer of funds within the budget of the human relations commission |
F-72-47 | For the transfer of funds within the budget of the health department |
F-72-46 | For the appropriation of monies to meet extraordinary expenses for the health department |
F-72-45 | Fixing the salaries of employees, deputies, assistants, departmental and institutional heads of the city of Evansville, Indiana and providing for grade classification of employees and approving certain additional salaries for the year 1973 |
F-72-44 | For the appropriation of monies to meet extraordinary expenses for the central garage |
F-72-43 | For the appropriation of monies to meet extraordinary expenses for the highway department |
F-72-42 | For the transfer of funds within the budget of the police department |
F-72-41 | For the transfer of funds within the budget of the fire department |
F-72-40 | To transfer funds from the Fire Station Bond 1964, Municipal Bonds 1958 and Fire State Municipal Bonds 1961 to the bond and interest redemption or sinking fund |
F-72-39 | For the transfer of funds within the budget of the department of finance |
F-72-38 | For the transfer of funds within the budget of Mesker Park Zoo |
F-72-37 | For the appropriation of monies to meet extraordinary emergencies |
F-72-36 | For the appropriation of monies to meet extraordinary emergencies |
F-72-35 | For the transfer of funds within the budget of the police department |
F-72-34 | For the appropriation of monies to meet extraordinary emergencies |
F-72-33 | For the appropriation of monies to meet extraordinary emergencies |
F-72-32 | To permit the inter-fund transfers of money in the Evansville-Vanderburgh levee authority district |
F-72-31 | Evansville Vanderburgh levee authority district |
F-72-30 | For the transfer of funds within the budget of the parking meter department |
F-72-29 | For the transfer of funds within the budget of the motor vehicle highway department |
F-72-28 | To amend the capital improvement cumulative fund of 1967 – Central Garage |
F-72-27 | For the transfer of funds within the budget of the Evansville-Vanderburgh levee authority district |
F-72-26 | For the appropriation of monies to meet extraordinary emergencies |
F-72-25 | For the appropriation of monies to meet extraordinary emergencies |
F-72-24 | For the appropriation of monies to meet extraordinary emergencies |
F-72-23 | For the transfer of funds within the budget of the redevelopment commission |
F-72-22 | For the appropriation of monies to meet extraordinary emergencies |
F-72-21 | To allow the payment of an hourly wage with accurately reflects the wage rate of the hourly employees of the city of Evansville (adjusted upwards 12.5¢) |
F-72-20 | For the transfer of funds within the budget of the health department |
F-72-19 | For the transfer of funds within the police department budget |
F-72-18 | For the appropriation of funds to meet extraordinary expenses |
F-72-17 | For the appropriation of monies to meet extraordinary expenses |
F-72-16 | For the transfer of funds within the budget of the air pollution control department |
F-72-15 | For the transfer of funds within the budget of the city clerk |
F-72-14 | For the transfer of funds within the parking meter department budget |
F-72-13 | For the appropriation of monies to meet extraordinary emergencies |
F-72-12 | For the appropriation of monies to meet extraordinary emergencies |
F-72-11 | To amend an ordinance fixing the salaries of employees and institutional head of the city of Evansville, Indiana for the year 1972 and approving certain additional salaries for the year – add assistant city attorney (See Ordinance F-72-10) |
F-72-10 | For the appropriation of monies to meet extraordinary emergencies |
F-72-9 | For the appropriation of monies to meet extraordinary emergencies |
F-72-8 | To amend an ordinance fixing the salaries of employees, deputies, assistants, departmental and institutional heads of the city of Evansville, Indiana for the year 1972 and approving certain additional salaries for the year – city judge: salaries, etc. amended – see Ordinance F-72-1 |
F-72-7 | For the appropriation of monies to meet extraordinary emergencies |
F-72-6 | For the transfer of funds within the bureau of traffic engineering budget |
F-72-5 | For the appropriation of monies to meet extraordinary emergencies |
F-72-4 | For the appropriation of monies to meet extraordinary emergencies |
F-72-3 | For the appropriation of monies to meet extraordinary emergencies |
F-72-2 | For the appropriation of monies to meet extraordinary emergencies |
F-72-1 | For the appropriation of monies to meet extraordinary emergencies |