Chapter 18.80


18.80.010    Purpose.

18.80.020    General provisions.

18.80.030    Location of accessory off-street parking facilities.

18.80.040    Additional parking regulations.

18.80.050    Schedule of parking requirements.

18.80.060    Parking credits.

18.80.070    Additional loading regulations.

18.80.080    Schedule of loading requirements.

18.80.010 Purpose.

The purpose of this chapter is to alleviate or prevent the congestion of the public streets and to promote safety and welfare of the public by establishing minimum requirements for the off-street parking, the loading and unloading of motor vehicles, and landscaping, in accordance with the use to which the property is put. [Ord. 1659 § 1, 2017].

18.80.020 General provisions.

The off-street parking and loading provisions of this chapter shall apply as follows:

(A) When Facilities Required. For all buildings and structures erected and all uses of land established after the effective date of the ordinance codified in this title, accessory parking, landscaping, and loading facilities shall be provided as required by the regulations of the zoning district within which such buildings or uses are located. However, where a permit has been issued prior to the effective date of the ordinance codified in this title; and provided, construction is begun within one year of such effective date, and diligently prosecuted to completion, parking, landscaping, and loading facilities as required hereinafter need not be provided.

(B) Parking Plan. An application for an improvement permit for a commercial, industrial, and multifamily development shall include a parking site plan showing all proposed parking and loading facilities.

(C) Increase in Intensity of Use of Building, Structure or Premises. When the intensity of use of any building, structure or premises shall be increased through the addition of dwelling units, gross floor area, seating capacity or other units of measurement specified herein for required off-street parking, landscaping, or loading facilities; parking, landscaping, and loading facilities as required herein shall be provided for such increase in intensity of use.

(D) Changes in Use of Building or Structure. Whenever the existing use of a building or structure shall be changed hereafter to a new use, parking, landscaping, or loading facilities shall be provided as required for such new use. However, if such building or structure was erected prior to the effective date of the ordinance codified in this title, additional parking, landscaping, or loading facilities are mandatory only in the amount by which the requirements for the new use would exceed those for the existing use if the latter were subject to the parking, landscaping, and loading provisions of this chapter.

(E) Permissive Parking, Landscaping, and Loading Facilities. Nothing in this chapter shall be deemed to prevent the voluntary establishment of off-street parking, landscaping, and loading facilities to serve any existing use of land or buildings; provided, that all regulations herein governing the location, design, improvement, and operation of such facilities are adhered to.

(F) Damage or Destruction. For any conforming or legally nonconforming use or building which is in existence on the effective date of the ordinance codified in this title, which subsequent thereto is damaged or destroyed by fire, collapse, explosion or other cause, and which is reconstructed, reestablished or repaired, off-street parking, landscaping, or loading facilities equivalent to any maintained at the time of such damage or destruction shall be restored or continued in operation. However, in no case shall it be necessary to restore or maintain parking, landscaping, or loading facilities in excess of those required by this chapter for equivalent new uses or construction.

(G) Prohibited Uses of Parking Areas. The storage of materials or goods in required parking spaces is prohibited.

(H) Submission of Plot Plan. Any application for permit or for certificate of zoning compliance where no permit is required, shall include therewith a plot plan, drawn to scale and fully dimensioned, showing any parking, landscaping, or loading facilities to be provided in compliance with this chapter. [Ord. 1659 § 1, 2017].

18.80.030 Location of accessory off-street parking facilities.

The location of off-street parking spaces in relation to the use served shall be prescribed hereinafter. All distances specified shall be walking distance between such parking space and the main entrance to the use served.

(A) For Uses in a Residence District. Parking spaces accessory to dwellings shall be located on the same zoning lot as the use served. Spaces accessory to uses other than dwellings may be located on a lot adjacent to, or directly across a street or alley from, the lot occupied by the use served, but in no case at a distance in excess of 300 feet from such use.

(B) For Uses in Business or Industrial Districts. All required parking spaces shall be within 1,000 feet of the use served, except for spaces accessory to dwelling units which shall be within 300 feet of the use served. However, no parking space accessory to a use in a business or industrial district shall be located in a residential district.

(C) In Yards. Off-street parking spaces, open to the sky, may be located in any yard, except a front yard and a side yard adjoining a street, unless it is specifically provided for in this title. Enclosed buildings, parking structures, and carports containing off-street parking spaces shall be subject to applicable yard requirements. [Ord. 1659 § 1, 2017].

18.80.040 Additional parking regulations.

Off-street parking facilities shall be subject to the following additional parking regulations:

(A) Use of Parking Facilities.

(1) Off-street parking facilities accessory to residential use and developed in any residential district in accordance with the requirements of this section and HMC 10.20.010, 10.20.270 and 10.20.290 shall be used solely for the purpose of parking of passenger vehicles, recreational vehicles, boats, and similar equipment, owned by occupants of the dwelling structures to which such facilities are accessory or by guests of such occupants. Under no circumstances shall required parking facilities accessory to residential structures be used for the parking or storage of commercial vehicles or for the parking of automobiles belonging to employees, owners, tenants, visitors or customers of business or industrial establishments.

(2) Off-street parking facilities accessory to business and industrial uses shall be utilized solely for the parking of passenger automobiles or light trucks of patrons, occupants, or employees of specified uses.

(B) Joint Parking Facilities. Off-street parking facilities for different buildings, structures or uses, or for mixed uses, may be provided collectively in any zoning district in which separate parking facilities for each constituent use would be permitted; provided, that the total number of spaces so located together shall not be less than the sum of the separate requirements for each use.

(C) Computation. When the determination of the number of off-street parking spaces required by this chapter results in the requirement of a fractional space, only fractions of one-half or less may be disregarded, while a fraction in excess of one-half shall be counted as one parking space.

(D) Size.

(1) A required off-street parking space shall meet one of the following standards, exclusive of access drives or aisles, ramps, columns or office or work areas:

(a) Ninety-degree parking: nine feet in width and 19 feet in depth when measured from the curb or center line.

(b) Sixty-degree parking: nine feet in width and 21 feet in depth when measured from the curb or center line.

(c) Forty-five-degree parking: nine feet in width and 22 feet in depth when measured from the curb or center line.

(d) Parallel parking: eight feet in width and 20 feet in length.

(2) All off-street parking spaces shall have a vertical clearance of at least seven feet.

(3) Bicycle parking spaces, where provided, shall be at least two feet in width and six feet in length. Such space shall have a vertical clearance of at least seven feet.

(E) Access.

(1) Each required off-street parking space shall open directly upon an aisle or driveway of such width and design as to provide safe and efficient means of vehicular access to such parking space. All off-street parking facilities shall be designed with appropriate means of vehicular access to a street or alley in a manner which will least interfere with traffic movement. Driveways, when measured at the right-of-way line, shall not exceed the following:

(a) Residential lots: 16 feet.

(b) Industrial lots: 12 feet in width for a one-lane drive, or 20 feet for a two-lane drive.

(c) Commercial lots: 25 feet.

(2) Off-street parking shall be accessed by an alley or rear access lane when such is available or proposed for development.

(3) Where dedicated bicycle parking is provided, an aisle five feet in width shall be provided between rows of bicycle parking spaces and the perimeter of the area devoted to bicycle parking.

(F) In Yards. Off-street parking of passenger vehicles, recreational vehicles, boats, and similar equipment, required for uses permitted in residential districts, may be located in a required yard, as provided in HMC 10.20.010, 10.20.270 and 10.20.290. Off-street parking for permitted uses in business or industrial districts may be located in a required rear or side yard, except for the 10 feet adjacent to the rear or side lot line adjacent to a residential district, and in the front yard except for the 10 feet adjacent to the front lot line.

(G) Design and Maintenance. Off-street parking facilities shall observe the following design and maintenance regulations:

(1) Open and Enclosed Parking Spaces. Accessory parking spaces located on the same lot as occupied by the use served may be open to the sky or enclosed by a building. Accessory parking spaces located in a residence district elsewhere than on the same lot occupied by the use served shall be open to the sky except when otherwise allowed.

(2) Surfacing. All open off-street parking areas shall be improved with either a minimum of five inches of portland cement or a compacted macadam or equal base, not less than four inches thick, surfaced with asphaltic concrete or some comparable all-weather, dustless material.

(3) Screening and Landscaping. All open automobile parking areas that contain more than four parking spaces shall be effectively screened on each side adjoining or fronting on any property situated in a residence district or any institutional property by a wall, fence or landscaping that complies with Chapter 18.75 HMC, Landscape Regulations. The screening, landscaping and barriers shall be adequately maintained for aesthetic reasons. There shall be installed a substantial barrier on or adjacent to the lot line along all open off-street parking spaces and such barrier shall be so located that no portion of any vehicle parked on the lot shall extend over the lot line. The plan commission and building commissioner shall approve said landscaping plan prior to the issuance of a building permit.

(4) Lighting.

(a) Any lighting used to illuminate off-street parking areas shall be directed away from residential properties in such a way as to not create a nuisance. In a parking area containing 10 or more parking spaces, such lighting may be extinguished one hour after the close of business.

(b) All vehicular access points for parking lot entries shall be illuminated.

(c) All interior walking paths that connect to the main building entrance, plus all paths that connect to any public sidewalk, trail, or transit station, shall be illuminated using freestanding fixtures that do not exceed 12 feet in height. Other interior walking paths shall be encouraged, but not required, to provide down lighting.

(5) Curbs. All parking areas shall generally be completely curbed. Curbing, however, may not be required if, in the opinion of the town Engineer, the drainage system for the property shall be best served if curbs were not present.

(6) Parking Structures.

(a) Parking structures shall be permitted in a multi-business complex. Such structures shall be placed behind the building with access primarily off an alley, secondary street, or side yard.

(b) Parking structures shall be allowed to abut the public right-of-way and/or primary frontage only when the first two floors that face the public street are developed as retail/commercial space.

(7) Signs. Accessory signs are permitted on parking areas.

(8) Repair and Service. Unless otherwise authorized by this title, off-street parking lots or areas shall not be used for the sale, repair, dismantling, or serving of any vehicles, equipment, materials, or supplies.

(9) Fuel Sales. The sale of gasoline, diesel fuel or motor oil in conjunction with accessory off-street parking facilities is not permitted in any residence district.

(H) Grading. The minimum grade for all off-street parking lots or areas shall be one percent. No area of any parking lot or structure, excluding access ramps, shall have a slope in excess of two percent. No ramp shall have a slope in excess of eight percent.

(I) Drainage. Parking lots shall be designed so as not to drain into or across public sidewalks, adjacent property, or directly into natural watercourses. Storm water best management practices (BMPs) shall be implemented to protect surface water quality as required by all relevant regulator agencies. The following drainage structures shall be permitted as acceptable:

(1) Rain gardens.

(2) Bioswales.

(3) Drainage easements.

(4) Drain inlets.

(J) Large Parking Lot Standards. The following standards shall apply to all developments where more than 50 parking spaces are proposed:

(1) Large parking lots shall be broken down into subsections of no more than 50 spaces each and shall be separated with landscape divider strips, berms, or grade separations or other means to reduce the visual impact of large expanses of paving, to direct vehicular traffic through the parking lot, and to provide a location for pedestrian walkways.

(2) A parking subarea shall be separated with physical breaks by providing one or more of the following:

(a) Landscape strips between parallel parking rows that are a minimum five feet in width. When incorporating pedestrian walkways, such strips shall be a minimum of 14 feet wide for single-sided walkways and 18 feet for double-sided sidewalks.

(b) Landscaped pedestrian walkways, interior streets, natural buffer (bioswales), or other site features.

(3) A continuous pedestrian walkway at least seven feet wide shall be provided from the primary frontage sidewalk to the customer entrance for each building. The walkways must be designed to meet the standards of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). If the walkway crosses a parking area or vehicle aisle, the standards in the following subsection (J)(4) of this section apply:

(4) For the safety of pedestrians, parking lots shall be designed to separate pedestrians from vehicles. As such, there shall be protected pedestrian walkways from parking areas to building entrances. Walkways shall be protected by landscaping or parking bumpers. To the extent practical, pedestrian walkways shall be connected to public walks or trails, and transit stops, if any.

(5) Walkways may cross a vehicle aisle if distinguished by a color, texture, or slight elevation difference from the parking and driving areas. Walkways shall not share a vehicle aisle.

(6) Each parking subarea may have access at one or both ends. A subarea may be U-shaped with double access at one end.

(7) Landscaping for large parking areas shall consist of a minimum of five percent of the total parking area plus a ratio of one tree per 10 parking spaces to create a canopy effect. The total parking area includes parking spaces, travel aisles, sidewalks and abutting landscaped areas. [Ord. 1659 § 1, 2017].

18.80.050 Schedule of parking requirements.

For the following uses, accessory off-street parking spaces shall be provided as required hereinafter. Parking spaces required on any employee basis shall be based on the maximum number of employees on duty, or residing, or both on the premises at any one time.

Table 18 – Parking Requirements 


Parking Regulation


Multiple-Family Dwellings

The following minimum parking spaces shall be provided for all dwelling units in multifamily buildings; however, in no case shall more than two parking spaces be permitted for each dwelling unit in a multifamily building:

1.    Efficiency and one-bedroom units: 1.1 parking spaces.

2.    Two-bedroom units: 1.4 parking spaces.

3.    Units with more than two bedrooms: 1.7 parking spaces.

One-Family Dwellings and Two-Family Dwellings

Two parking spaces shall be provided for each dwelling unit, but not to exceed four spaces.

Business, Retail, and Service

Automobile Laundry/Car Wash

A minimum of two stacking spaces per washing lane, but not to exceed 10 stacking spaces, plus a maximum of two spaces per vacuum or similar machine, plus one parking space for each employee.

Automobile Service Stations

One parking space shall be provided for every two employees, plus a minimum of two spaces for every service stall, but not to exceed three spaces for every service stall. For the purposes of satisfying this requirement, each stall may count as a parking space.

Bowling Alleys

Three parking spaces shall be provided for each alley, plus such additional spaces required hereinafter for affiliated retail and recreational uses such as bars, restaurants, pool halls and the like, plus one parking space for each employee.

Drive-In Establishments

Four stacking spaces shall be provided for each customer service window, but not to exceed 15 percent of the number of vehicle spaces used for serving customers, plus one parking space for each employee.

Food and/or Beverage Establishments (Dispensed for Consumption on the Premises)

A minimum of one parking space shall be provided for every 150 square feet of net building area (excluding food preparation, mechanical, and storage), but not to exceed one space per 75 square feet of net building area, plus one space per employee.

Furniture and Furniture Repair, and Household Appliance Stores

A minimum of one parking space shall be provided for every 600 square feet of floor area, but not to exceed one space per 400 square feet of floor area, plus one parking space for each employee.

Health Clubs

One parking space shall be provided for every 300 square feet of floor area, but not to exceed one space for every 150 square feet of floor area, excluding mechanical and storage areas.


A minimum and maximum of one parking space shall be provided for every guest room, plus additional spaces as required for any included complementary use, such as restaurants, stores, coffee shops, etc., plus one parking space for each employee.

Industrial Uses

One parking space shall be provided for each employee, or one parking space per 1,000 square feet of floor area. Lots with less than 5,000 square feet of lot area shall not require more than four parking spaces for nonemployees. Lots with between 5,000 and 10,000 square feet of lot area shall not require more than seven parking spaces for nonemployees.

Motor Vehicle Sales and Machinery Sales

One parking space shall be provided for every 1,500 square feet of indoor and outdoor sales area, but not to exceed one space per 300 square feet of sales area, plus one parking space for each employee.

Offices – Business, Professional, Medical, and Governmental

One parking space shall be provided for every 500 square feet of floor area, plus one parking space for each employee. The maximum allowed parking shall be one space for every 200 square feet of floor area for medical uses, and one space for every 300 square feet of floor area for all other office uses.

Private Clubs and Lodges

One parking space shall be provided for every 300 square feet of floor area, but not to exceed one space for every 200 square feet of floor area, plus one parking space for each employee.

Establishments Engaged in Production, Processing, Cleaning, Servicing, Testing or Repair of Materials, Goods, or Products

One parking space shall be provided for every two employees, plus one parking space for each vehicle used in the conduct of the enterprise.

Retail Stores and Banks

One parking space shall be provided for every 500 square feet of floor area, but not to exceed one space per 200 square feet of floor area. Banking drive-in facilities shall provide one service space and three stacking spaces per customer service window, plus one parking space for each employee.

Theaters (Indoor)

One parking space shall be provided for every four seats, but not to exceed one space for every three seats, plus one parking space for each employee.

Undertaking Establishments and Funeral Parlors

A minimum of 10 parking spaces, but not to exceed 15, shall be provided for each chapel or parlor, one parking space for each funeral vehicle kept on the premises, plus one parking space for each employee. In addition, not less than 10 automobile stacking spaces shall be provided for funeral procession assembly.

Warehouses and Storage Buildings

One parking space shall be provided for every two employees, plus one parking space for each vehicle used in the conduct of the enterprise.

Community Service

Church, School, College and Other Institutional Auditoriums

One parking space shall be provided for every five auditorium seats, but not to exceed one space for every three auditorium seats. Adequate space shall also be provided for off-street parking of buses used in connection with events held at the auditoriums, and all loading and unloading of passengers shall take place upon the premises.

Colleges, Universities, and Business, Professional and Trade Schools

1.    One parking space shall be provided for every two employees, plus a minimum of one space per 10 classroom seats, but not to exceed one space per three classroom seats.

2.    Where other nonclassroom or nonlibrary facilities are provided on campus, such as dormitories, fraternities, sororities, auditoriums, stadiums, etc., additional parking shall be required in accordance with the regulations of this chapter. However, a parking credit not to exceed 25 percent may be claimed for such uses with approval from the plan commission.


One parking space shall be provided for every two hospital beds, but not to exceed one space for every hospital bed, plus a maximum of one parking space for every two employees, other than staff doctors, plus a maximum of one parking space for each staff doctor, plus one parking space for each vehicle used in the conduct of the enterprise.

Libraries, Art Galleries and Museums

One parking space shall be provided for every 1,200 square feet of floor area, but not to exceed one space for every 800 square feet of floor area.

Medical and Dental Clinics or Veterinary Hospital

Three parking spaces shall be provided for each staff doctor and visiting doctor plus one parking space for every two employees.

Recreation or Community Center, Municipally or Privately Owned

One parking space shall be provided for every two employees, plus a minimum of one space for every 1,000 square feet of building area to serve the visiting public, but not to exceed one space per 300 square feet of such building area.

Schools, High

One parking space for each employee, plus one space for every four pupils, but not to exceed one space for every two pupils.

Schools, Nursery, Elementary, and Junior High

One parking space shall be provided for each employee, plus one space for every seven pupils but not to exceed one space per four pupils, except as otherwise provided.


Block Parks/Tot Lots (Less Than Three Acres)

No parking required.

Neighborhood Parks (between Three and 15 Acres)

A minimum of two parking spaces per acre of park area, up to a maximum of five spaces per acre of park area; however, in no case less than 10 parking spaces per park. This number may be reduced by the number of on-street parking spaces available within 300 feet of the park boundary.

Community Parks (More Than 15 Acres)

A minimum of four spaces per acre of park area, but not to exceed seven spaces per acre of park area; however, in no case less than 40 spaces. This number may be reduced by the number of on-street parking spaces available within 100 feet of the park boundary.

Natural Areas and Preserves

No parking required.

Places of Assembly

Stadiums, Arenas, Auditoriums (Other Than Church, College or Institutional Schools), and Other Similar Places of Assembly

One parking space for every six seats, but not to exceed one space for every three seats, plus one space for each employee.

Convention Centers, Banquet Halls, and Exhibition Halls

One parking space for every three persons, based on the maximum capacity of the building.

Miscellaneous Uses

Fraternities, Sororities, and Dormitories

A minimum of one parking space shall be provided for every five active members and/or residents, but not to exceed one space for every two and one-half active members and/or residents, plus one parking space for the manager thereof.

Sanitariums, Convalescent Homes or Institutions for the Care of Children, Aged, and Mentally Impaired or Disabled

One parking space shall be provided for every three beds, but not to exceed one space for every four beds, plus one parking space for every two employees (other than staff doctors), plus one parking space for each staff doctor, plus spaces adequate in number, as determined by the plan commission, to serve the visiting public, plus one parking space for each vehicle used in the conduct of the enterprise.

(A) For the following uses, parking spaces shall be provided in adequate number, as determined by the plan commission, to serve persons employed or residing on the premises as well as the visiting public:

(1) Airports and heliports.

(2) Convents and monasteries.

(3) Crematories and mausoleums.

(4) Fraternal and religious institutions.

(5) Outdoor amusement establishments, fairgrounds, permanent carnivals, kiddie parks, and other similar amusement centers.

(6) Penal and correctional institutions.

(7) Rectories and parish houses.

(8) Swimming pools.

(B) Other Uses. For uses not listed heretofore in this schedule of parking requirements, parking spaces shall be provided on the same basis as required for the most similar use, or as determined by the plan commission. [Ord. 1659 § 1, 2017].

18.80.060 Parking credits.

The purpose of this section is to provide standards for where parking requirements may be modified in exchange for certain land efficiencies and to promote more attractive development.

(A) Senior Housing. For multiple-family developments that are devoted exclusively for senior housing, where 100 percent of all residents are ages 65 and older, the amount of required parking may be reduced by up to 50 percent.

(B) On-Street Parking Credit. Where a minimum of five on-street parking spaces are located within 300 feet of the primary entrance to a commercial building in a B-2 district, or 100 feet in all other districts, the amount of off-street parking required may be reduced as follows:

(1) Where a building requires five parking spaces or less, no off-street parking shall be required.

(2) Where a building requires more than five parking spaces, then said building may reduce the number of required off-street parking spaces by the number of on-street spaces within 300 feet of the primary entrance to a commercial building in a B-2 district, or 100 feet in all other districts.

(C) Shared Parking Credit.

(1) Shared use of required nonresidential or mixed-use parking spaces may occur where two or more uses on the same or separate lots share the same or adjacent parking spaces because their parking demands occur at different times, or when joint parking improves the efficiency of parking space allocation. Shared use of required nonresidential parking spaces is permitted, provided the following documentation is submitted with the zoning clearance application.

(a) The names and addresses of the uses and of the owners or tenants that are sharing the parking.

(b) The size and type of the proposed development.

(c) The proposed composition of tenants and customers.

(d) The location and number of parking spaces that are being shared.

(e) A legal instrument, such as an easement, joint use agreement, or deed restriction, that guarantees access to the parking for all uses.

(f) A parking assessment by a professional traffic engineer, which includes the anticipated peak parking, traffic load, and parking turnover for all uses, confirming the shared use will not adversely impact availability of space for the joint uses.

(2) The sharing of required parking shall be guaranteed by a legally binding agreement between the owners involved. The agreement shall be properly drawn and executed by the parties involved, and shall be recorded with the county to run with the land, with a copy of the recorded document provided to the town. Any future building permit application filed for a property using shared spaces shall submit a copy of this recorded agreement as part of the permit process.

(3) The amount of parking spaces reduced under any shared parking agreement shall not exceed 50 percent of the total number of parking spaces required without the shared parking agreement.

(D) Bicycle Parking Credit.

(1) In all business and industrial districts, where permanent and dedicated bicycle parking is provided on site and meets all applicable requirements of this title, the amount of off-street parking may be reduced by one parking space for every four bicycle spaces provided, but not to exceed five percent of the total required off-street parking. Only bicycle parking areas within 50 feet of the primary entrance to a building shall be eligible for this credit.

(2) In an R-3 district, where permanent and dedicated bicycle parking is provided on site and meets all applicable requirements of this title, the amount of off-street parking may be reduced by one parking space for every 10 bicycle spaces provided, but not to exceed five percent of the total required off-street parking. Only bicycle parking areas within 50 feet of the primary entrance to a building shall be eligible for this credit. [Ord. 1659 § 1, 2017].

18.80.070 Additional loading regulations.

Off-street loading facilities shall be subject to the following additional loading regulations:

(A) Location. All required loading berths shall be located on the same lot as the use served. No loading berths shall be directly accessible from, or directly facing, a public street. No loading berth for vehicles over two tons’ capacity shall be closer than 50 feet to any property in a residence district unless completely enclosed by building walls, or a uniformly painted and screened solid fence or wall, or any combination thereof, not less than six feet in height. No permitted or required loading berth shall be located within 60 feet of the nearest point of intersection of any two streets.

(B) Size. Unless otherwise specified, a required loading berth shall be at least 10 feet in width by at least 25 feet in length, exclusive of aisles and maneuvering space, and shall have a vertical clearance of at least 14 feet.

(C) Access. Each required off-street loading berth shall be designed with appropriate means of vehicular access to a street or alley in a manner which will least interfere with traffic movement.

(D) Surfacing. All open off-street loading berths shall be improved with a compacted macadam base, not less than seven inches thick, surfaced with not less than two inches of asphaltic concrete or some compatible all-weather, dustless material.

(E) Repair and Service. No motor vehicle repair work or service of any kind shall be permitted in conjunction with loading facilities provided in any residence or business district.

(F) Space Not to Be Used to Satisfy Parking Facility Requirements. No space allocated for any off-street loading berth shall, while so allocated, be used to satisfy the space requirement for any off-street parking facility, or portion thereof.

(G) Special Uses. For special uses other than prescribed for hereinafter, loading berths adequate in number and size to serve such uses, as determined by the plan commission, shall be provided.

(H) Receiving Facilities. Uses for which off-street loading facilities are required herein but are located in buildings of less floor area than the minimum prescribed for such required facilities shall be provided with adequate receiving facilities, accessible by motor vehicle, off any adjacent alley, service drive, or open space on the same lot. [Ord. 1659 § 1, 2017].

18.80.080 Schedule of loading requirements.

Unless otherwise provided for in this title, buildings and structures occupied for manufacturing, storage, warehouse goods display, department store, wholesale store, market, hotel, mortuary, laundry, dry cleaning or other similar uses, involving the receipt of distribution by vehicles or material or merchandise, shall provide and maintain loading berths as follows:

(A) Retail and Vehicle Sales Operations, Including Accessory Uses within Hotels or Office Buildings. One loading berth for every 20,000 square feet, or fraction thereof, of total floor area.

(B) Industrial, Manufacturing, Warehouse and Distribution Uses. One loading berth for every 40,000 square feet, or fraction thereof, of total floor area.

(C) Office Buildings and Hotels. One loading berth for every 75,000 square feet, or fraction thereof, of total floor area.

(D) Any above use with floor area or lot area less than 10,000 square feet shall be exempt from this requirement. [Ord. 1659 § 1, 2017].