Chapter 18.95


18.95.010    Purpose.

18.95.020    Rules for review.

18.95.030    Applicability of review.

18.95.040    Components of review.

18.95.050    Review factors.

18.95.010 Purpose.

Site plan review is the systematic assessment of land development proposals in terms of a community’s land development policies and regulations and commonly accepted site design practices. Site plan review assures conformance to the town’s master plan, resolves policy issues, creates site planning and design policy, expedites project approval, solves technical errors, and encourages planning and design in accordance with generally accepted practice. [Ord. 1659 § 1, 2017].

18.95.020 Rules for review.

The rules to be used when reviewing the site plan are derived from the master plan, zoning ordinance, subdivision regulations, building code and the review factors listed below. [Ord. 1659 § 1, 2017].

18.95.030 Applicability of review.

The following shall be required to undergo site plan review prior to issuance of preliminary subdivision approval, or in the case of a parcel already subdivided, prior to issuance of a building permit.

(A) Single-family residential subdivisions containing more than five lots.

(B) Multifamily residential developments containing more than four units.

(C) Industrially zoned property of any size.

(D) Highway-oriented business zoned property of any size.

(E) General business zoned property of any size.

(F) Planned unit developments of any size. [Ord. 1659 § 1, 2017].

18.95.040 Components of review.

The following subjects are appropriate for review of a site plan:

(A) Land use.

(B) Traffic impact.

(C) Utility impact.

(D) Urban design principles.

(E) Public safety/services. [Ord. 1659 § 1, 2017].

18.95.050 Review factors.

In reviewing a site plan, the plan commission shall consider the above-mentioned components as follows:

(A) Land Use.

(1) The development must comply with the land use plan.

(2) The development must be consistent with area development trends.

(3) The development must be properly zoned for the intended use.

(4) Natural features of the property to be developed must be maintained and accentuated.

(5) The development must be consistent with adjacent land use.

(6) Compatible uses shall be located adjacent to each other, while incompatible uses shall be buffered from each other.

(7) Uses shall be located in direct proximity to that portion of the transportation system best suited to accommodate these uses.

(8) The developer shall locate uses so as to continue areas containing such uses.

(9) Uses should be located in a manner which will minimize changes to topography and vegetation.

(10) The development must organize density to locate the largest number of people in closest proximity to their destination.

(B) Traffic Impact.

(1) The development must contain an appropriate level of accessibility.

(2) The thoroughfare system which the development depends on must have sufficient capacity.

(3) The residual impact to adjacent roadways and intersections must be minimized.

(4) Functional and alignment continuity between developments must be maintained.

(5) Adequately sized and paved off-street parking must be a part of each development.

(6) Pedestrian/bicycle routes should be encouraged, while maintaining safe separation from vehicular movements.

(7) All industrial, highway-oriented businesses, and high-density multifamily uses shall be provided principal access via an arterial.

(8) All neighborhood and general businesses and offices shall be provided principal access via an arterial or collector.

(9) All single-family and low-density multifamily shall be provided principal access via a local road.

(10) Other factors being equal, the amount of pavement shall be minimized.

(11) Parking shall be separated from access drives.

(12) Delivery and loading areas shall be separated from customer/pedestrian areas.

(13) Pedestrian and vehicular movement areas shall be separated to the extent possible.

(14) The distance between parking areas and structures which they serve shall be minimized.

(15) Parking when possible shall be obscure from the roadway system, and rather the structure and accompanying landscaping shall dominate the line of sight.

(16) Access roads shall align with other roadways to result in four-way intersections, rather than offset.

(17) “T” or offset intersections shall be discouraged but, if unavoidable, shall be a minimum of 250 feet apart, measured at their center line.

(18) Roadways shall intersect with others at or near 90 degrees.

(19) Developments or phases of developments shall not result in dead-end streets.

(20) The number and length of cul-de-sacs shall be minimized, and in no case shall the length exceed 600 feet.

(21) Frontage roads paralleling arterials shall intersect with adjacent roadways a minimum of 500 feet from the arterial.

(22) One-way diagonal parking areas are preferable to two-way 90-degree parking.

(C) Utilities.

(1) The utilities servicing the development must have sufficient current and potential capacity.

(2) The potential benefits of oversizing for future use must be weighed against cost.

(3) The development shall not have an adverse effect on the downstream storm water outlet.

(4) The off-site utilities must be installed consistent with the capital improvements program.

(5) All developments must result in a storm water management system which simulates the predeveloped condition, or better.

(6) Pond design and placement shall be regionalized when possible, but otherwise shall result in an aesthetically pleasing architectural amenity.

(7) Utility location shall result in maximizing maintenance access and avoiding backyard or side yard locations.

(8) No large-scale development shall occur which is reliant on individual septic systems.

(9) When developments are phased, each phase must be viewed as the last phase, and shall therefore not rely on any future phase in order to satisfy the provisions of this policy.

(D) Urban Design Principles.

(1) The proposed development must be compatible as to form with neighboring developments.

(2) Each development must become a part of a larger neighborhood, and therefore cannot be an island unto itself.

(3) Each site to be developed must be well defined, and shall be large enough to avoid a piecemeal approach.

(4) The development must be adequately screened and buffered to minimize the ill effects of both the development on the surrounds and vice versa, and to provide identity and definition to the development.

(5) Open space, trees and shrubs, fences, earth berms, or compatible transitional land uses may all serve as buffers.

(6) Adequate landscaping shall be placed around the perimeter of the site, near the building, and internal to the parking lot to minimize the ill effect of excessive paved areas.

(7) Features which possess uniqueness on a site shall be preserved.

(8) Structures shall not be located in the floodway.

(9) Changes to the natural terrain shall be minimized, including stands of mature trees.

(10) Open space proposed by a developer must be accessible, and where possible, linked to an overall townwide system.

(11) The development must result in a separation of residential areas from major noise-producing sources.

(12) Development shall be restricted on lands with steep slopes, wetlands, unstable soil, filled areas, or areas of unique vegetation.

(E) Public Services.

(1) The proposed development shall not pose an undue burden on police or fire services.

(2) If the development results in a significant increase for park, school, or other public services, property dedicated for these purposes shall be required as a condition of development.

(3) Appropriate right-of-way and easement dedications shall occur in order to provide necessary access for proper utility maintenance.

(4) Streets internal to a development may be dedicated or private, depending on their design and function.

(5) Meets requirements of established redevelopment or economic development district(s). [Ord. 1659 § 1, 2017].