
31.01    Councilmanic districts created

31.02    District boundaries

31.03    Procurement of supplies


(A)    The city, for purposes of the election of a Common Council, shall be divided into four districts with one Councilmember being elected from each district and with one Councilmember being elected at large. Each voter of the city shall be permitted to vote for one candidate for at-large membership and one candidate from the district in which the voter resides. Each Councilmember, except the at-large position, shall be from one of the four districts that have been established.

(B)    At the present time the city has established four wards for the election of Councilmembers and such existing wards shall continue and be designated as the four districts from which four Councilmembers shall be elected.

(C)    The division of the city into districts and the election of Councilmembers shall otherwise comply with I.C. 36-4-6-5 and other applicable law.

(Ord. 6-82, passed 5-24-82)


The boundaries of the Councilmanic districts of the city shall be as follows:

(A)    Councilmanic District 1. More particularly described as the part of the City of Rensselaer lying within the following streets: College Avenue beginning at the South Corporation Line, running North to West Washington – Easterly on West Washington to South Cullen – South on South Cullen to Grace – East on Grace to East Corporation Line – South on East Corporation Line to Iroquois River – West following the Iroquois River to Melville – South on Melville to Kohley Road (CR 6008) – East on Kohley Road to CR 470 W – South on Wilcox Road (CR 470W) to Daugherty Road – West on Daugherty Road to the South Corporation Line following the Corporation Line to Mt. Calvary Road – then West along Mt. Calvary Road to East Corporation Line – then South along Corporation Line to College Ave – South on College Ave to South Corporation Line – West following Corporation Line to West Corporation Line – North following Corporation Line to Mt. Calvary Road – then East along Mt. Calvary Road to South College Avenue.

According to the 2010 Census, the total population for District 1 is 1,475.

(B)    Councilmanic District 2. More particularly described as the part of the City of Rensselaer lying within the following streets: South on North Cullen St to Washington St.- West on West Washington St. to South College Ave – then South along South College Ave to South West Corporation Line – West to Sparling Ave – North along Sparling to South West Corporation Line – West following Corporation Line to East Side of Interstate 65 North – North along Interstate 65 North to State Road 114 West – East along State Road 114 West to North Cullen Street.

According to the 2010 Census, the total population for District 2 is 1,468.

(C)    Councilmanic District 3. More particularly described as the part of the City of Rensselaer lying within the following streets: South along Cullen Street to Harrison Street – East on Harrison Street to Webster Street – North along Webster Street to Merritt Street – East along Merritt Street to Melville Street – North along Melville Street to Wood Road – West along Wood Road to East Corporation Line – North following the Corporation Line, then West along Corporation Line to U S 231 North – South along U S 231 to Wood Road – West along Wood Road to Matheson Street – South along Matheson Street to Corporation Line – West following Corporation Line and then North and then West following Corporation Line to East of Interstate 65 North – South along Interstate 65 North to State Road 114 West- East along State Road 114 W to Cullen Street.

According to the 2010 Census, the total population for District 3 is 1,451.

(D)    Councilmanic District 4. More particularly described as the part of the City of Rensselaer lying within the following streets: North following the Corporation Line and then West along Corporation Line to Melville Street – South along Melville Street to Merritt Street – West along Merritt Street to Webster Street – South along Webster Street to Harrison Street – West along Harrison Street to Cullen Street – South along Cullen Street to Grace Street – East on Grace Street to the East Corporation Line.

According to the 2010 Census, the total population for District 4 is 1,465.

(’73 Code, § 2-1) (Ord. 300, passed - - ; Am. Ord. 29-92, passed 12-28-92; Am. Ord. 19-2012, passed 9-10-12)


(A)    The Common Council is hereby designated as the purchasing agency for the city, with all of the powers and duties authorized under I.C. 5-22. The Purchasing Agency shall designate in writing the purchasing agent. The purchasing agency may also designate in writing additional purchasing agents as necessary.

(B)    The purchasing agent may purchase supplies with an estimated cost of less than $50,000 on the open market without inviting or receiving quotes for bids.

(C)    It is hereby determined that each agency and/or department of the city may purchase services in whatever manner the purchaser determines to be reasonable.

(D)    Supplies manufactured in the United States shall be specified for all purchases and shall be purchased unless the city determines that:

(1)    The supplies are not manufactured in the United States in reasonable available quantities;

(2)    The price of the supplies manufactured in the United States exceeds by an unreasonable amount the price of available and comparable supplies manufactured elsewhere;

(3)    The quality of the supplies manufactured in the United States is substantially less than the quality of comparably priced available supplies manufactured elsewhere; or

(4)    The purchase of supplies manufactured in the United States is not in the public interests.

(Ord. 2-2009, passed 1-12-09)