IV. Parking during street cleaning, snow removal
There shall be no parking in the following areas. These restrictions apply to all motor vehicles, trailers, heavy equipment and motorcycles.
Street |
Location |
Ord. No. |
Date |
College Ave. |
Either side from Lincoln to Clark. On west side from Clark to Vine. |
12-84 |
11-26-84 |
College Ave. |
East side from Clark (no Lincoln per Ord. 12-84) to S.R. 53 (Washington Street). |
3-67 |
6-12-67 |
Cullen St. |
Areas bordering curb of intersection with Merritt St. |
15-79 |
11-13-79 |
Francis St. |
West side from Monnett St. to Kannal Ave. |
11-95 |
7-10-95 |
Front St. |
Both sides from Kellner Blvd. to College Ave. |
4-53 |
9-14-53 |
Grace St. |
North and south sides from Cullen St. to Park Ave. |
10-68 |
11-25-68 |
Jefferson St. |
Both sides from Merritt St. to first residence on west side of Jefferson |
15-79 |
11-13-79 |
Kannal Ave. |
South side from College Ave. to Francis St. |
11-95 |
7-10-95 |
Leopold St. |
Both sides from Melville St. east to the school corporation line |
10-91 |
8-26-91 |
Lincoln St. |
On south side, from College Ave. to Jefferson St. |
12-84 |
11-26-84 |
Maple St. |
East of Melville St. |
2-99 |
6-28-99 |
McKinley Ave. |
Either side, except Sunday mornings, from Washington to Scott St. |
12-84 |
11-26-84 |
Merritt St. |
Areas bordering curb of intersection with Cullen St., also both sides of street west of Cullen St. |
15-79 |
11-13-79 |
Park Ave. |
West side from Washington St. to Grace St. |
12-84 |
11-26-84 |
Rutsen St. |
On south side, from McKinley to Cullen. |
12-84 |
11-26-84 |
Susan St. |
In front of school building along north side of street from Van Rensselaer St. westerly for a distance of about 240 feet to the west property line of the school property |
4-53 |
9-14-53 |
Susan St. |
On north side, from Weston St. to McKinley St. |
8-02 |
4-8-02 |
Washington St. |
On north side, between Francis St. to Sparling Ave. |
3-67 |
6-12-67 |
Washington St. |
From College Ave. to Sparling Ave. |
7-99 |
8-23-99 |
Weston St. |
East side from Merritt St. to Maple St. |
15-79 |
11-13-79 |
(’73 Code, §§ 16-27, 16-28) Penalty, see § 34.94
It shall be unlawful for any person to stop, stand or park any vehicle at any time for any purpose upon the sides of the following streets.
Street |
Side |
Between |
Ord. No. |
Date |
College Ave. |
East |
In the city between Clark St. and Indiana State Road No. 53 |
— |
- - |
Washington St. |
North |
In the city between Francis St. and Sparling Ave. |
— |
- - |
(’73 Code, § 16-28) Penalty, see § 34.94
It shall be unlawful for the operator of any vehicle to park said vehicle for a longer period of time than as set out below in the following areas:
Street |
Description |
Ord. No. |
Date |
Intersection of Washington St. and Van Rensselaer St. for one block in each direction from the intersection |
Two hours between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. of any day, except Sundays and legal holidays or Saturdays from 7:00 a.m. until 9:00 p.m. |
341 |
8-9-37 |
In front of the primary school building, along the west side of Van Rensselaer Street, from Susan Street southerly a distance of about 150 feet to the south boundary line of said school property |
For more than 15 minutes |
4-53 |
9-14-53 |
In front of the public library building (now Carnegie Center) along the east side of Van Rensselaer Street fro a distance of two automobile lengths, in front of the main west entrance to said building. |
For more than 15 minutes. |
4-53 |
9-14-53 |
Kellner Boulevard from Front Street to Van Rensselaer Street, except for two 15-minute parking spots located on the south side of Kellner Boulevard. |
For a longer period of time than 2 hours, between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. of any day, except Sundays and legal holidays or Saturday from 7:00 a.m. until 9:00 p.m. |
18-04 |
8-9-04 |
(’73 Code, § 16-28) Penalty, see § 34.94
For street cleaning and snow removal purposes, it shall be unlawful to park between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. on either side of the following streets:
Street |
From |
To |
Ord. No. |
Date |
Cullen St. |
Harrison St. |
Kellner Blvd. |
— |
- - |
Front St. |
Kellner Blvd. |
Harrison St. |
— |
- - |
Harrison St. |
Front St. |
Weston St. |
— |
- - |
Kellner Blvd. |
Front St. |
Weston St. |
— |
- - |
Van Rensselaer St. |
Kellner Blvd. |
Harrison St. |
— |
- - |
Washington St. |
Weston St. |
Front St. |
— |
- - |
Weston St. |
Harrison St. |
Kellner Blvd. |
— |
- - |
(’73 Code, § 16-28) Penalty, see § 34.94
The following streets shall be properly marked for lateral or diagonal parking as indicated.
Street |
Type of Parking |
Side |
Between |
Ord. No. |
Date |
Kellner Blvd. |
Lateral |
North |
North Van Rensselaer St. and North Front St. |
3-87 |
5-11-87 |
Kellner Blvd. |
Diagonal |
South |
North Van Rensselaer St. and North Front St. |
3-87 |
5-11-87 |
Penalty, see § 34.94
(A) No person shall park a vehicle in the following parking spaces without a handicapped placard or without handicapped plates.
Location |
Ord. or Res. No. |
Date |
Two parking spaces on either side of the wheelchair ramp on the south side of Kellner Blvd., by Kellner Blvd. entrance to Town Mall |
Res. 12-89 |
11-27-89 |
West Rutsen St. at Dr. Houghton’s existing driveway |
Ord. 14-95 |
9-11-95 |
437 N. Cullen St. |
Ord. 15-95 |
9-11-95 |
(B) There shall be a handicapped parking sign within two parking spaces of the intersection of Washington St. and Van Rensselaer St. adjacent to Fagen Pharmacy in order that handicapped persons will have access to the handicapped ramp there existing.
Penalty, see § 34.94