

95.01    General provisions

95.02    New installations

95.03    Permit fees

95.04    Bond

95.05    Restoration of surface

95.06    Fees collected

95.07    Time limit

95.08    Supervision

Prior legislation:

Ords. 17-83, 35-2008, 16-2009



It shall be unlawful to occupy areas along, under, upon, and across the streets, highways, or other public property within the City of Rensselaer, Indiana, without having first fully complied with the provisions of this subchapter.

(Ord. 02-2015, passed 1-26-2015)


No person or entity, including a public or private utility, may install or maintain any cable, wire, conduits, or other attachments or equipment over, on or under any such location, unless and until a permit for such installation shall have first been obtained from the city. Applications for such permits shall be made by e-mail to the City Clerk-Treasurer, and shall state the name of the applicant, the location, nature, size and purpose of the proposed installation. Each such application shall be accompanied by plans and specifications showing the exact location involved, exact dimensions, depth of installation, exact distance from the main portion of any traveled highway, sidewalk, or other right-of-way, the method of installation contemplated, and the nature of the proposed equipment. Each such application shall be referred to the City Street Superintendent or other person designated by the Mayor, to determine whether the work contemplated complies with the ordinances of the city and whether it would involve or cause damage to city property. No such permit shall be issued unless it appears that no such damage will ensue. If such permit is granted, an as-built set of plans to scale shall be furnished by the applicant to the city. The Mayor shall be authorized to grant permission to any public utility to install any such cable, wire, conduits, or other equipment within a public right-of-way on an emergency basis, conditioned upon such public utility thereafter complying with the provisions of this subchapter, including submission of plans and specifications and payment of permit fees as required herein. All installations shall be in compliance with the National Electric Safety Code.

(Ord. 02-2015, passed 1-26-2015)


There shall be a permit fee paid to the city for each such permit as follows:

(A)    Road excavations/cuts: $500 per cut.

(B)    Borings under streets: $150 per bore.

(C)    Trenching/excavating adjacent to roadway but within right-of-way: $150.

(D)    Sidewalk and alley cuts: $150.

(E)    Borings within right-of-way but adjacent to roadway: $0.20 per lineal foot with $150 minimum.

(F)    Drops or service wires: No permit or fee required for service wires from structure to residence, unless road excavation or bore is required.

(G)    Setting individual above-ground structures (other than poles) including pedestals, splicer box, junction box, and transformers: $150.

(Ord. 02-2015, passed 1-26-2015)

95.04 BOND.

No such permit shall be issued unless the applicant has also filed with the City Clerk-Treasurer a bond with a lawful corporate surety or an indemnity insurance policy, in the sum of not less than $50,000 conditioned to indemnify and hold the city harmless against any and all claims or injury or damage to persons or property resulting from the performance of work contemplated or any act done pursuant thereto, or against any loss or liability resulting from the maintenance of any such cable, wire, conduit or other attachments or equipment so installed. Such bond shall be a continuing blanket bond for a period of five years computed from the time the work is completed. However, the Rensselaer Street Superintendent shall have discretion of requiring a specific larger bond for larger projects on a per project basis.

(Ord. 02-2015, passed 1-26-2015)


Any applicants granted such permit shall replace the portion of any such area so excavated in its original condition, and backfill any trench or opening by thoroughly tamping the backfilling in layers acceptable to the City Street Superintendent, and to maintain the surface which has been disturbed in a smooth and uniform condition for a period of one year after the work is completed. All underground cables, wires, conduits, or other attachments or equipment shall be buried no less than 12 inches, unless prior written permission is granted by the City Street Superintendent. All applicants granted such permit shall also comply with all other provisions of this code pertaining to street, alley, and sidewalk excavations.

(Ord. 02-2015, passed 1-26-2015)


All fees collected shall be credited to the Sidewalk Maintenance Fund 296.

(Ord. 02-2015, passed 1-26-2015)


Each permit to install equipment granted under the provisions of this subchapter shall expire within one year from the time of issuance and no such permit shall authorize any work to be done after such time, unless expressly granted by the Rensselaer City Council.

(Ord. 02-2015, passed 1-26-2015)


The City Street Superintendent, or other person designated by the Mayor, may supervise any construction or installation work performed subject to the provisions of this subchapter and may make such inspections as may be necessary to insure compliance with this code in connection therewith.

(Ord. 02-2015, passed 1-26-2015)