
98.01    Prohibited

98.02    Violation


The City Council agrees that no person shall loiter or prowl on city property, at a time or in a manner not usual for law abiding citizens, under circumstances that warrant a justifiable and reasonable alarm or immediate concern for the safety of persons or property in the vicinity, in any public way, street, highway, place or alley and refuse to obey the lawful command of a police officer to move on or provide such police officer a lawful reason for remaining on said city property if the alleged loitering by such a person would create or cause any of the following:

(A)    Danger of a breach of the peace;

(B)    The unreasonable danger of a disturbance to the comfort and repose of any person acting lawfully on or in a public way, street, parking lot, place or alley reserved for pedestrians;

(C)    The obstruction or attempted obstruction of the free normal flow of vehicular traffic or the normal passage of pedestrian traffic upon any public way, street, place or alley;

(D)    The obstruction, molestation or interference of any person lawfully in a city street, parking lot, place or alley, in a manner that would cause a reasonable person or pedestrian to be placed in fear for his or her safety;

(E)    Unreasonable noise or unsightly behavior to passersby of said city property;

(F)    Engagement in unsafe operation of any motorized vehicle that causes risk to pedestrians; said actions include but are not limited to drag racing, burnouts, squealing tires, or violating any state traffic code.

(Ord. 14-2021, passed 7-12-21)


The City of Rensselaer believes and desires to implement a civil penalty for violation of this chapter to consist of the following penalties:

First offense: written warning.

Second offense: $50 fine.

Third offense: $100 fine.

Fourth offense: $150 fine.

(Ord. 14-2021, passed 7-12-21)