Ord. No. |
Date Passed |
Description |
10-86 |
7-28-86 |
Rezoning that area bounded on the east by Elza Street; on the south by West Clark Street; on the north by the corporate line as it runs east and west just north of Vine Street or Matheson Street; then south on Matheson Street to Vine Street and along Vine Street to Elza Street; and on the west by the currently existing B-2 zoning line just west of the corporation line, from B-2 to R-1. |
4-87 |
4-27-87 |
Rezoning described real estate in Marion Township, Jasper County, Indiana, located within two miles of the city to B-2 Roadside Business District; and rezoning described real estate in Marion Township, Jasper County, Indiana, which is located within two miles of the city to I-2 Enclosed Industrial District. |
8-98 |
4-28-98 |
Rezoning part of the west half of northeast quarter of Section 19, Township 29 North, Range 6 West, from RS Residential Suburban District to UD Unit Development Plan District. |
6-02 |
2-25-02 |
Rezoning of 216.15 acres owned by Saint Joseph’s College, where 148.91 acres change from R-S to I-2; 35.66 acres from R-S to B-2; 31.58 acres from R-S to R-1. |
3-04 |
1-12-04 |
Rezoning a 4.21 acre parcel of real estate located in the northwest quadrant of Drexel Parkway from I-2 to B-2. |
28-05 |
9-26-05 |
Rezoning part of the west half of the southeast quarter of Section 18, Township 29 North, Range 6 West, from A-2 Agriculture District and B-2 Planned Business District to I-1 Enclosed Industrial District. |
15-2009 |
6-22-09 |
Amending the city’s zoning ordinance by amending the zoning map for the city and its extra-territorial jurisdiction. |
05-2022 |
3-2022 |
Rezoning two parcels of described real estate in Marion Township, Jasper County, Indiana, located within the west half of the southwest quarter of Section 18, Township 29 North, Ranch 6 West from A-2 to I-1. |
02-2024 |
1-8-24 |
Rezoning part of the northeast quarter of Section 36, Township 29 North, Range 7 West of the Second Principal Meridian in Marion Township, Jasper County. |
03-2024 |
1-8-24 |
Rezoning a parcel of land in part of the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 30, Township 29 North Range 6 West of the 2nd Principal Meridian. |
06-2024 |
2-26-24 |
Amends zoning districts for Sunnyside Addition Plat Blocks 7 through 9. |
07-2024 |
3-11-24 |
Amends zoning district for Jasper County parcel 0180079200 located at 403 North McKinley Avenue. |
14-2024 |
5-28-24 |
Amends zoning district for Jasper County parcel 010-00546-00 located at 9610 West CR 460 South. |