Section 18

18-010 PURPOSE

The extraction and/or processing of raw materials in preparation for manufacturing into finished goods and products.


A.    Uses in this zoning district require a Special Use Permit.

B.    No land use shall be permitted that produces airborne particles, gases, or odors exceeding limits of the local air quality regulations.

C.    No use is permitted that produces noise greater than 85 db(A) at any point on the property line.

D.    Uses producing industrial wastes of a type or volume which are not amenable to treatment by the public sewage facility must be disposed of in a proper and legal fashion.

E.    Exterior mechanical equipment and refuse handling shall be at the side or rear of the site and well screened from both the right-of-way and any adjacent residential areas (Amended by Ordinance # 1184 5/9/05).

F.    All outside storage of equipment or materials must be completely screened from view from either residential areas or rights-of-way.

G.    Only one main structure allowed per site.

H.    No use of a site shall commence prior to the construction of a main structure.

I.    Accessory structures shall be compatible with the main structure both in design and materials.

J.    A minimum 10’ landscaped strip shall be maintained along all rights-of-way.

K.    The use of non-permanent structures for storage or any other purpose is prohibited in this district without a temporary use permit.

L.    A buffer area shall be provided along side and rear property lines common to or across an alley from residentially zoned property. Please refer to Section 24, Landscaping and Screening, for details.


A.    Uses include extraction and processing of raw materials; waste disposal and related uses;

B.    Accessory uses as necessary to the efficient operation of the main use on the site.

C.    Please refer to Appendix A for a list of suggested, permitted uses.


Subject to Site Review Committee.


No building shall exceed six (6) stories or seventy-five (75) feet in height except as provided in Section 23 Supplemental District Regulations.


A.    Right-of-way setback: Minimum fifty (50) feet for buildings up to 26’ in height, then 1 additional foot of setback is required for each additional foot of building height.

B.    Side setback: Twenty-five (25) feet

C.    Rear setback: Twenty-five (25) feet

18-016 PARKING

All structures shall have parking on a hard-surface or paved lot. A minimum of 1 space for every 1,000 square feet of building is required. Additional or fewer spaces may be recommended by The City Planning Commission. Parking is allowed within the setback area up to within ten (10) feet of the property line. These requirements must be met as a condition of obtaining an occupancy permit.

18-017 SIGNS

Please refer to Section 25, Signs, of this Ordinance.