Section 30
30-011 BY-LAWS
The Planning Commission shall adopt bylaws for the transaction of business and hearing procedures.
A. Officers and Duties The Commission shall annually elect a chairman, a vice-chairman and a secretary. The chairman, or in his absence the vice-chairman, shall preside at all meetings and shall decide all points of order or procedure. The secretary will be responsible for signing approved plats and perform the duties of the Chairman during the absence or disability of the Chairman and Vice-Chairman. The chairman, vice-chairman and secretary shall serve for one year and until a successor is selected.
B. Staff: A recording secretary who is not a member of the Commission shall be recommended by the chairman to the mayor for appointment with the consent of the city council. The recording secretary shall record the minutes of each meeting showing evidence presented findings of fact by the board, decision of the board, and the vote upon each question. Further staff support will also be provided by the City Planner.
C. Meetings: The Bylaws shall fix a regular time and place for meetings. Special meetings may be called at any time by the chairperson or in the chairperson’s absence by the vice-chairman. All meetings of the Board shall be held at such place or places within the City as the Board may designate. All meetings shall be open to the public. Records of all official actions of the board shall be filed with the City Clerk at City Hall and shall be a public record.
D. Rules: The Commission shall adopt bylaws to govern its proceedings.
30-012 ACTIONS:
Except as otherwise provided in the Zoning ordinance, no action by the Planning Commission shall be taken except by majority vote of the membership thereof.
If the Planning Commission deems appropriate, from time to time, it may establish sub-committees, advisory committees or technical committees to advise or assist in its activities.