Chapter 14

Article I. In General

14-1—14-35.    Reserved.

Article II. Adult Entertainment

Division 1. Generally

14-36.    Definitions.

14-37—14-60.    Reserved.

Division 2. Classification Board

14-61.    Created; composition; quorum.

14-62.    Membership; qualifications; term; vacancies; compensation.

14-63.    Powers and duties.

14-64.    Rules and regulations.

14-65—14-80.    Reserved.

Division 3. Classification Procedures

14-81.    Application for classification; contents.

14-82.    Classification procedure.

14-83.    Reclassification procedure.

14-84.    Effects on subsequent exhibitors.

14-85.    Notification of classification.

14-86.    Judicial review.

14-87—14-110.    Reserved.

Division 4. Minors

14-111.    Definitions.

14-112.    Prohibitions.

14-113.    Offenses by minors.

14-114.    Injunctions.

14-115.    Exception to division.

14-116—14-130.    Reserved.

Division 5. Adult Standards

14-131.    Definitions.

14-132.    Obscene motion pictures or public entertainments.

14-133.    Participating in obscene performances.

14-134.    Obscene advertising.

14-135—14-155.    Reserved.

Article III. Stadium Events, Athletic Contests and Exhibitions

14-156.    Invading event, athletic contest or exhibition area prohibited.

14-157.    Entering with beverage containers or other missile-like objects prohibited.

14-158.    False reports of emergencies prohibited.

14-159.    Throwing of beverage containers or other missiles prohibited.

14-160.    Spectators entering stadium with alcoholic beverages prohibited.

14-161.    Occupying seat or area without permission prohibited.

14-162.    Entry with laser pointer, laser sights, flashlights or any other similar type devices prohibited.


Cross referenceBusinesses, ch. 26; law enforcement, ch. 82.