General Provisions
In This Article:
Chapter 1 Accessory Structures and Fences
4.101 General Standards Applicable to All Accessory Structures
4.102 Attached Decks
4.103 Fences or Walls
4.104 Donation Boxes
4.105 PODs
Chapter 2 Generally
4.201 Street Network Design Requirements
4.202 Access Management
4.203 Essential services
4.204 Historic Districts
4.205 Vehicle Storage in Residential and C-O Districts
4.206 Keeping of Household Animals or Pets
Chapter 3 Parking
4.301 Generally
4.302 General Standards
4.303 Parking Requirements
4.304 Modification of Minimum Parking Requirements
4.305 Parking Lot Layout and Design Standards
4.306 Surfacing
4.307 Off-Street Loading and Unloading
Chapter 4 Landscaping and Buffering
4.401 Intent
4.402 Scope
4.403 Landscaping Design Standards
4.404 General Site Landscaping Requirements
4.405 Buffer Requirements
4.406 Parking Lot Landscaping Requirements
4.407 Street Frontage Landscaping Requirements
4.408 Loading, Storage, and Service Area Screening Requirements
4.409 Storm Water Management Pond Landscaping Requirements
4.410 Existing Plant Materials
4.411 Plant Material Standards
4.412 Installation and Maintenance
4.413 Modification of Landscaping Requirements
Chapter 5 Exterior Lighting
4.501 Purpose
4.502 General Provisions
4.503 Standards by Type of Fixture
4.504 Exempt Lighting
4.505 Exceptions
Chapter 6 Low Impact Development Standards
4.601 Storm Water Management
4.602 Woodland Preservation
4.603 Natural Features Setback
Chapter 7 Performance Standards
4.701 Airborne Emissions
4.702 Odors
4.703 Gases
4.704 Noise and Vibration
4.705 Electrical Disturbance, Electromagnetic, or Radio Frequency Interference
4.706 Hazardous Substances
4.707 Glare and Radioactive Materials
4.708 Fire and Explosive Hazards
4.709 Property Maintenance
4.710 Liquid or Solid Waste