Chapter 22

Article I. In General

22-1—22-18.     Reserved.

Article II. Ordinance Enforcement Officer

22-19.    Ordinance enforcement officer.

22-20.    Appointment.

22-21.    Authority.

22-22.    Duties.

22-23—22-50.     Reserved.

Article III. Municipal Ordinance Violations Bureau

22-51.    Bureau establishment, location and

22-52.    Bureau authority.

22-53.    Violation notification.

22-54.    Notice requirements.

22-55.    Admission or denial of responsibility.

22-56.    Schedule of civil fines/costs.

22-57.    Records and accounting.

22-58.    Other enforcement options.


State Law reference—Law enforcement officers training council act, MCL 28.601 et seq.; minimum employment standards, MCL 28.609; uniform crime reports, MCL 28.251 et seq.; mutual assistance agreements, MCL 123.811 et seq.