Chapter 17.28
17.28.010 Intent.
It is the intent of this district to create a district where an area is in transition from one major use to another, i.e., residential to commercial. (Ord. 276 Exh. 1, 2024)
17.28.020 Permitted uses.
A. Government uses including:
1. Infrastructure.
2. Government buildings open to the public.
3. Government offices.
4. Maintenance shops.
B. Publicly owned land used for parks, playgrounds, and open space. (Ord. 276 Exh. 1, 2024)
17.28.025 Interim uses.
The following uses are permitted in the transitional district for a period to be set by the town. These uses can become permanent through the conditional use process in Chapter 17.29.
A. Limited services campground.
B. Unpaved parking areas subject to Chapter 17.37. (Ord. 276 Exh. 1, 2024)
17.28.030 Conditional uses.
The following are conditional uses in the transitional district:
A. Libraries.
B. Schools. (Ord. 276 Exh. 1, 2024)
17.28.040 General standards.
The T district and specific standards for each T district shall be the same as the proposed final zoning of the property. This includes:
A. Lot area and width.
B. Coverage.
C. Yards.
D. Corner lots.
E. Yard encroachments.
F. Building height.
G. Off-street parking.
H. Off-street loading.
I. Visibility at intersections.
J. Outdoor lighting.
K. Signs.
L. Fences, walls, and hedges.
However, uses may vary from the final zoning that complies with this chapter and uses may cover multiple lots until the final zoning is adopted by the town council. (Ord. 276 Exh. 1, 2024)