The statutory references listed below refer the code user to state statutes applicable to Montana municipalities. They are up to date through the 2023 Regular Session.

General Provisions

Additions to municipalities.

MCA § 7-2-4201 et seq.

Codification of ordinances.

MCA §§ 7-5-1077-5-108

Classification of municipalities.

MCA § 7-1-4111

Form of municipal ordinances and resolutions.

MCA §§ 7-5-103 et seq., and 7-5-4201 et seq.

General powers of municipalities.

MCA § 7-1-101 et seq.

Local government.

Montana Const. Art. XI

Penalties for ordinance violations.

MCA §§ 7-5-109 and 7-5-4207

Statute of limitations.

MCA § 27-2-101 et seq.

Administration and Personnel

Charter government.

MCA § 7-3-701 et seq.; Montana Const. Art. XI § 5

City attorney.

MCA § 7-4-4601 et seq.

City treasurer.

MCA § 7-4-4701

Commission government.

MCA §§ 7-3-401 et seq., and 7-3-4201 et seq.

Commission—Executive government.

MCA § 7-3-201 et seq.

Commission—Manager government.

MCA §§ 7-3-114, 7-3-301 et seq., and 7-3-4301 et seq.

Commission—Presiding officer government.

MCA § 7-3-501 et seq.

Compensation of municipal officers and employees.

MCA § 7-4-4201 et seq.

Council meetings.

MCA § 7-5-4121 et seq.

Council powers in general.

MCA § 7-5-4101 et seq.

Cultural, social services and recreation.

MCA §§ 7-16-1017-16-4228

Fire department.

MCA § 7-33-4101 et seq.

Local and interjurisdictional planning and execution.

MCA § 10-3-401 et seq.

Local government records.

MCA § 2-6-1201 et seq.


MCA § 7-4-4301 et seq.

Municipal and city courts.

MCA §§ 3-6-101 et seq., and 3-11-101 et seq.

Municipal clerk.

MCA § 7-4-4501 et seq.

Municipal elections.

MCA § 7-5-4401 et seq.

Municipal officers.

MCA § 7-4-4101 et seq.

Planning boards and zoning commissions.

MCA §§ 76-1-101 et seq., and 76-2-101 et seq.

Police department.

MCA §§ 7-32-41017-32-4164

Qualifications of law enforcement officers.

MCA § 7-32-301 et seq.

Strong mayor government.

MCA §§ 7-3-4101 and 7-3-4102

Town meeting government.

MCA § 7-3-601 et seq.

Revenue and Finance

Claims against municipalities.

MCA § 7-6-4301 et seq.

Debt management.

MCA §§ 7-7-1047-7-4633

Deposit and investment of public money.

MCA § 7-6-201 et seq.

Local government accounting.

MCA § 7-6-602 et seq.

Municipal taxation.

MCA §§ 7-6-44017-6-4455

Public contracts.

MCA §§ 18-1-10118-11-121

Resort tax.

MCA § 7-6-1501 et seq.

Business Licenses, Taxes and Regulation

County fairs.

MCA § 7-21-3411

Licensing of hucksters.

MCA § 7-21-2501 et seq.

Licensing of itinerant vendors.

MCA § 7-21-2301 et seq.

Licensing of transient retail merchants.

MCA § 7-21-2401 et seq.

Liquor sales, regulation and licenses.

MCA §§ 16-3-301 et seq., 16-4-101 et seq. and 16-4-503

Municipal licensing authority.

MCA § 7-21-4101 et seq.

Municipal regulation of business and commodities.

MCA § 7-21-4201 et seq.

Property development.

MCA § 7-21-1001 et seq.

Public markets.

MCA §§ 7-21-33017-21-3322


Control and protection of domestic animals.

MCA § 7-23-4101 et seq.

Cruelty to animals.

MCA §§ 7-23-4104, 45-8-210 and 45-8-211

Local government control of dogs.

MCA § 7-23-101 et seq.

Health and Safety

Abatement of nuisances.

MCA § 7-5-4104

Bonfires, explosives, fireworks and flammable materials.

MCA §§ 7-33-4205, 7-33-4206 and 50-37-101 et seq.

City boards of health.

MCA § 50-2-105 et seq.

Emergency management assistance compact.

MCA § 10-3-1001 et seq.

Health and safety administration.

MCA § 50-1-101 et seq.

Intrastate mutual aid system.

MCA § 10-3-901 et seq.

Open ditches.

MCA § 7-31-4201 et seq.

Smoke abatement.

MCA § 7-31-101 et seq.

Solid waste management local authority.

MCA § 75-10-112

Weed control.

MCA § 7-22-4101

Public Peace, Morals and Welfare

Alcoholism and drug dependence.

MCA § 53-24-101 et seq.


MCA § 23-5-110 et seq.

Montana Criminal Code.

MCA §§ 45-1-10145-10-107


MCA § 41-1-101 et seq.

Powers of municipal councils related to law enforcement.

MCA § 7-32-4301 et seq.

Principles of construction and liability.

MCA §§ 45-1-10145-2-312

Vehicles and Traffic

Motor vehicles generally.

MCA § 61-1-101 et seq.

Municipal transportation regulation generally.

MCA § 7-14-101 et seq.

Removal and sale of abandoned vehicles.

MCA § 61-12-401 et seq.

Specific local authority.

MCA §§ 61-8-103, 61-12-101 and 61-12-102

Traffic regulation.

MCA § 61-8-101 et seq.

Streets, Sidewalks and Public Property

Cemetery services.

MCA § 7-35-4102

Municipal authority over trafficways and public grounds.

MCA § 7-14-4101 et seq.


MCA § 7-14-4501 et seq.


MCA § 7-16-4101

Pedestrian malls and off-street parking facilities.

MCA § 7-14-4701 et seq.

Street grades.

MCA § 7-14-4201 et seq.

Public Services

Municipal utility services.

MCA § 7-13-4101 et seq.

Sewage and water systems.

MCA §§ 7-13-4201 et seq., 7-13-4301 et seq., and 7-13-4401 et seq.

Special improvement districts.

MCA § 7-12-4101 et seq.

Buildings and Construction

Floodplain and floodway management.

MCA §§ 76-5-10176-5-1117

Housing authorities.

MCA §§ 7-15-4401 et seq., and 7-15-4501 et seq.

Municipal housing and construction generally.

MCA § 7-15-4101 et seq.

Municipal building, electrical, and plumbing standards.

MCA §§ 7-5-4202 and 7-15-4121


Montana Land Use Planning Act.

S.B. 382, pending codification

Montana Subdivision and Platting Act.

MCA §§ 76-3-10176-3-625

Municipal regulation.

MCA § 76-3-501 et seq.


Floodplain and floodway management.

MCA §§ 76-5-301 and 76-5-302

Montana Land Use Planning Act.

S.B. 382, pending codification

Multiple-unit dwellings and mixed-use development.

MCA § 76-2-304

Municipal zoning.

MCA § 76-2-301 et seq.