Chapter 2.50
2.50.010 Creation of parks and recreation commission.
2.50.030 Organization of parks and recreation commission.
2.50.010 Creation of parks and recreation commission.
There is hereby created a parks and recreation commission for the city of Brookings, Oregon, consisting of five members, as hereinafter provided. The five members of the commission shall be appointed by the mayor with the approval of the council. These members shall not be officials or employees of the city. Four of the five members shall be residents of Brookings, and one member may be a resident within the Brookings urban growth area. The city council may appoint one of its own members to act as liaison between the commission and the council. Membership shall be restricted pursuant to Chapter 2.01 BMC. [Ord. 18-O-772 § 2 (Exh. A); Ord. 12-O-695 § 2; Ord. 11-O-685 § 2; Ord. 11-O-681 § 2; Ord. 93-O-482.A § 2; Ord. 91-O-482 § 1.]
2.50.020 Terms of office.
The term of office for the appointed members of the commission shall be two years. Elected officers within the commission shall not hold the same office for more than two consecutive years. Elected officers shall include, but not be limited to, chair and vice chair. Officer elections shall take place at the March meeting. Term of elected office shall be one year, commencing immediately upon election. [Ord. 18-O-772 § 2 (Exh. A); Ord. 11-O-685 § 2; Ord. 11-O-681 § 2; Ord. 93-O-482.A § 3; Ord. 91-O-482 § 2.]
2.50.030 Organization of parks and recreation commission.
At its March meeting the commission shall organize by electing a chair and vice chair of the commission. The commission shall hold regular meetings, every two months, on a day and hour to be fixed by the commission. A majority of appointed commission members shall constitute a quorum. Special meetings may be held upon a call of the chair or vice chair of the commission with consent of a majority of the members of the commission. [Ord. 18-O-772 § 2 (Exh. A); Ord. 11-O-685 § 2; Ord. 91-O-482 § 3.]
2.50.040 Powers and duties.
The parks and recreation commission shall have the following powers and duties, in addition to such others as may be prescribed by the council. Upon authorization of the city council, the parks and recreation commission shall:
A. Solicit gifts or bequests for park and recreational purposes, subject to the approval of the council.
B. Make and recommend in writing to the council plans for the future growth, development, beautification and establishment of parks and recreational facilities in the city consistent with the future growth and development of the city of Brookings.
C. Make a detailed and exhaustive study of the future requirements of the city for park and recreational facilities, establish and recommend in writing to the planning commission and the city council a definite long-range plan for the orderly growth and development of park and recreational facilities within the city.
D. Meet and cooperate with representatives of other governmental bodies for joint and integrated plans between various municipal bodies for the most efficient and economical use of park and recreational facilities of the different governmental units.
E. Recommend to the city council such acts necessary and proper for the protection, operation or improvement of city parks and recreational facilities and all necessary rules and regulations, schedules and concessions that aid in governing the use of those parks and facilities.
F. Keep the city council informed on the activities of the commission by submitting a copy of their minutes to the city council following approval of the minutes by the commission.
G. Form such subcommittees as it deems necessary to assist in the performance of its duties and responsibilities, in developing working relationships with other units of government and community based organizations, and in providing site or program-specific advice to city management.
H. Review proposals for new park facilities and recreation programs and make recommendations regarding same to the city council. [Ord. 18-O-772 § 2 (Exh. A); Ord. 11-O-685 § 2; Ord. 93-O-482.A, §§ 4, 5; Ord. 91-O-482 § 4.]
2.50.050 Removal/vacancies.
A member may be removed by majority vote of the city council. A member who is absent from two consecutive meetings without the permission of the commission chair, or chair when absent without permission from the vice chair, is rebuttably presumed to be in nonperformance of duty, and the city council shall declare the position vacant unless finding otherwise. All vacancies on the commission shall be filled by appointment by the mayor, with the approval of the city council, for the unexpired term. [Ord. 18-O-772 § 2 (Exh. A); Ord. 11-O-685 § 2; Ord. 93-O-482.A § 6; Ord. 91-O-482 § 5.]