Chapter 2.63
2.63.010 Name.
The Brookings city council hereby creates the urban renewal advisory commission for the urban renewal agency. [Ord. 18-O-772 § 2 (Exh. A); Ord. 10-O-653 § 2; Ord. 08-O-607 § 2.]
2.63.020 Powers and duties.
A. General Duties and Responsibilities.
1. The urban renewal advisory commission is an advisory body to the city council acting as the urban renewal agency. It has no authority to spend or approve the expenditure of urban renewal agency funds. Its recommendations are made to the urban renewal agency through its minutes.
2. Commission members shall serve at the pleasure of the urban renewal agency.
3. Commission membership is honorary and without compensation.
4. All commission meetings shall be open to the public and held in a place that is handicapped accessible.
5. Any matters pertaining to the urban renewal plan shall only be acted upon by the urban renewal agency following review and recommendation by the commission.
6. This commission may be assigned other duties related to urban renewal by the urban renewal agency.
B. Specific Duties and Responsibilities.
1. The primary role of the urban renewal advisory commission is to advise the urban renewal agency on the implementation of the urban renewal plan and to make recommendations to the urban renewal agency on projects referred to it by the agency, including, but not limited to, the following:
a. The timing, final design and funding for projects and activities listed in the urban renewal plan.
b. The annual or periodic review of work plans related to implementation of the urban renewal plan.
c. Minor or major amendments to the urban renewal plan.
d. Sponsoring public events and other activities to gather input and communicate with the community regarding the plan, as requested by the agency.
2. Commission minutes, as prepared by staff and approved by the commission, shall be submitted to the urban renewal agency for acceptance. The minutes shall be approved, with or without amendments, additions or corrections, by affirmative action of the commission at its next meeting. [Ord. 18-O-772 § 2 (Exh. A); Ord. 10-O-673 § 2; Ord. 10-O-653 § 2; Ord. 08-O-607 § 3.]
2.63.030 Organization.
A. Membership.
1. The commission shall consist of seven voting members to be appointed by the chair with approval of the urban renewal agency, and non-voting members to consist of the city manager acting in the capacity of the agency’s executive director, an agency liaison, and other staff members as deemed necessary or appropriate by the agency’s executive director to support the activities of the commission.
2. Insofar as possible, residents of the urban renewal district area shall have precedence over other applicants.
a. All members of the commission shall be residents of Curry County. At least four of the seven members shall be residents of the city of Brookings. Noncity residents must have an economic interest, such as property ownership, business ownership, or employment, within the urban renewal area. These members shall not be officials or employees of the city.
b. No member of any other city council-appointed board, commission or committee shall simultaneously serve on the urban renewal advisory commission.
3. The executive director shall designate a staff member whose responsibility it shall be to record the minutes of the meetings.
B. Terms of Appointment/Removal/Vacancies.
1. Terms shall be initially staggered so that three members serve a term of three years, two members serve a term of two years and two members serve a term of one year. Thereafter, all terms shall be for three years.
2. No member shall be eligible to serve for more than two full terms on the commission.
3. Vacancies created by a mid-term resignation or termination shall be filled by appointment of the urban renewal agency.
4. Members may be removed by a consensus of the urban renewal agency for any reason and at any time during the member’s term of appointment. Failure of a member to attend less than 50 percent of regularly scheduled meetings shall result in automatic termination, unless the absences have been excused by the commission’s chair.
C. Election of Officers.
1. At the last meeting of each calendar year, a chair and vice-chair shall be elected from the voting members of the commission for a one-year term.
2. The newly elected officers shall take their seats at the first meeting of the next calendar year.
3. No member shall serve more than two consecutive years in any one office.
D. Quorum/Rules/Meetings.
1. Four voting members of the commission shall constitute a quorum.
2. The commission shall meet at least once each quarter, at a time and place as may be fixed by consensus of the voting members, and at other times as deemed necessary by the executive director when action is required on referrals from the agency. All meetings shall be open to the public and noticed in accordance with State Public Meeting Law (ORS Chapter 192).
3. Voting by the commission on all matters shall be consistent with the process adopted by the city council under BMC 2.05.160, with the exception that the staff member designated by the executive director to take the minutes shall call the names of each member and record the votes.
4. Recommendations made by the commission shall be submitted to the agency in the manner prescribed by city administrative regulation. [Ord. 18-O-772 § 2 (Exh. A); Ord. 10-O-673 § 2; Ord. 10-O-653 § 2; Ord. 08-O-607 § 4.]