Chapter 2.67
2.67.030 Organization of the budget committee.
2.67.040 Qualifications and terms of appointed members.
2.67.050 Term of appointed members.
2.67.070 Election of presiding officer.
2.67.080 Power and duties of the budget committee.
2.67.090 Duties and responsibilities of the budget officer.
2.67.110 Removal/vacancies of citizen members.
2.67.010 Purpose.
The purpose of the budget committee is to review the budget message and budget document as prepared by the budget officer. [Ord. 18-O-772 § 2 (Exh. A); Ord. 12-O-699 § 2.]
2.67.020 Definitions.
The term “committee” as used in this chapter shall mean the city of Brookings budget committee. [Ord. 18-O-772 § 2 (Exh. A); Ord. 12-O-699 § 2.]
2.67.030 Organization of the budget committee.
ORS 294.414 requires that each local government establish a budget committee. The committee is made up of the city council and an equal number of appointed citizen members. The director of finance and human resources shall serve as the committee’s budget officer. [Ord. 18-O-772 § 2 (Exh. A); Ord. 12-O-699 § 2.]
2.67.040 Qualifications and terms of appointed members.
Appointments to the committee are made by the mayor with consent of the city council after an application is filed with the city recorder. Appointed members:
A. Must reside inside the city limits;
B. May not be officers or employees of the city; and
C. Must be qualified voters of the city. [Ord. 18-O-772 § 2 (Exh. A); Ord. 12-O-699 § 2.]
2.67.050 Term of appointed members.
Appointed members serve staggered three-year terms, such that approximately one-third of the terms of appointed members end each year. Members may apply for reappointment. [Ord. 18-O-772 § 2 (Exh. A); Ord. 12-O-699 § 2.]
2.67.060 No compensation.
Appointed members shall not receive compensation for serving in this capacity as proscribed under ORS 297.414(3). [Ord. 18-O-772 § 2 (Exh. A); Ord. 12-O-699 § 2.]
2.67.070 Election of presiding officer.
At its first budget meeting of the calendar year, the committee shall elect a presiding officer for a one-year term. [Ord. 18-O-772 § 2 (Exh. A); Ord. 12-O-699 § 2.]
2.67.080 Power and duties of the budget committee.
The committee shall be responsible for reviewing the budget document. The committee may request and receive any information it requires for the revision and preparation of the budget document and may compel the attendance of any such officer or employee at its meeting as provided under ORS 294.428. Once satisfied with the budget document, the committee will approve the document and forward it to the city council for public hearing and adoption. [Ord. 18-O-772 § 2 (Exh. A); Ord. 12-O-699 § 2.]
2.67.090 Duties and responsibilities of the budget officer.
The budget officer shall be responsible for preparing and submitting the annual budget estimates and other such estimates as the city council may request and for presenting the budget document and budget message to the committee. The budget officer shall prepare budget estimates, the budget message and budget document under the direction of the city manager. [Ord. 18-O-772 § 2 (Exh. A); Ord. 12-O-699 § 2.]
2.67.100 Meetings and notice.
The committee shall hold one or more meetings to review and approve the budget document as provided under ORS 294.426. The budget committee may also meet at other times at its discretion. Budget committee meetings shall be open to the public and noticed as required under Oregon budget law. [Ord. 18-O-772 § 2 (Exh. A); Ord. 12-O-699 § 2.]
2.67.110 Removal/vacancies of citizen members.
Citizen members serve at the pleasure of city council and may be removed by a majority vote of the city council. A member who is absent from two consecutive meetings without the permission of the presiding officer is presumed to be in nonperformance of duty, and the city council may declare the position vacant. All committee vacancies shall be filled by appointment by the mayor with the approval of the council, for the unexpired term. [Ord. 18-O-772 § 2 (Exh. A); Ord. 12-O-699 § 2.]