Chapter 10.15
10.15.010 Permits required for parades.
10.15.020 Funeral processions.
10.15.010 Permits required for parades.
No procession or parade, except a funeral procession, the forces of the United States armed forces and the military forces of this state, shall occupy, march or proceed along any street except in accordance with a permit issued by the chief of police. Such permit may be granted where it is found that such parade is not to be held for any unlawful purpose and will not in any manner tend to a breach of the peace, cause damage, or unreasonably interfere with the public use of the streets, or the peace and quiet of the inhabitants of this city. [Ord. 61-O-157 § 21.]
10.15.020 Funeral processions.
A. Vehicles in a funeral procession may be escorted by at least one person authorized by the chief of police to direct traffic for such purposes and shall follow routes established by the chief of police.
B. Drivers in Procession. Except when approaching a left turn, each driver in a funeral or other procession shall drive along the right-hand traffic lane and shall follow the vehicle ahead as closely as is practical and safe.
C. Driving Through Procession. No driver of a vehicle shall cross through a procession except where traffic is controlled by traffic control signals or when so directed by a police officer. This provision shall not apply to authorized emergency vehicles. [Ord. 61-O-157 §§ 22, 23, 24.]