Chapter 17.52
17.52.050 Maximum building height.
17.52.080 Other required conditions.
17.52.010 Purpose.
This district is designed to stabilize, improve and protect the commercial characteristics of the general commercial area. The district is limited to commercial uses of less intensity than are found in an industrial zone. A pedestrian-friendly mixture of commercial and residential uses are to be promoted by the provisions found in this district. [Ord. 08-O-622 § 2; Ord. 89-O-446 § 1.]
17.52.020 Permitted uses.
The following uses are permitted:
A. Existing residential uses, including additions, without any increase in the number of dwelling units;
B. One or more dwellings not on a ground floor;
C. Retail business and offices;
D. Business and technical schools, such as photography, art, music, theater, and dance schools and studios;
E. Restaurants, cafes, cocktail lounges, bars, and taverns, with or without entertainment;
F. Commercial recreational uses, such as bowling lanes, dance halls, pool halls, skating rinks, or theaters, not including drive-in theaters;
G. Printing, publishing and newspaper offices;
H. Light service shops, such as beauty salons, barbershops, pet grooming with no overnight boarding of animals, upholsterers, picture framing, tailoring, and appliance repair;
I. Places for public assembly, such as places of worship, meeting halls, auditoriums, community centers, lodges, clubs and fraternal organizations;
J. Public buildings, structures and uses as may be appropriate to the C-3 district including transportation terminals and facilities;
K. Commercial parking lots for passenger vehicles, subject to Chapter 17.92 BMC;
L. Museums, art galleries or similar facilities;
M. Hospitals and outpatient medical clinics;
N. Motels and hotels;
O. Automobile, boat, truck, or trailer sales, service or repair with display areas more than 20,000 square feet and less than 100,000 square feet; provided, that all repair shall be conducted entirely within an enclosed building;
P. Light manufacturing and fabricating of products without retail sales shall not be conducted on a ground floor facing the public street but may be conducted in a basement or on an upper floor. Light manufacturing and fabricating of products that are related to tourism, such as but not limited to micro-brewery, coffee roasting, cheese making/creamery, or glass blowing, is permitted on the ground floor facing the public street when conducted in conjunction with the retail sales of the product. All light manufacturing and fabricating of products shall not create noise above 45 dB, or create excessive odor, and all processing shall be completely contained in a closed system or vented into a filtering system to remove odor;
Q. Any permitted use in the C-2 district, except residential uses. [Ord. 20-O-785 § 2 (Exh. A); Ord. 14-O-727 § 2; Ord. 08-O-622 § 2; Ord. 03-O-446.NN; Ord. 93-O-446.L § 6; Ord. 89-O-446 § 1.]
17.52.030 Accessory uses.
A. Any uses, buildings or structures customarily appurtenant to a permitted use, such as incidental storage facilities, are permitted.
B. Accessory Uses for Dwelling Units.
1. Home occupations, subject to the provisions of Chapter 17.104 BMC.
2. Other accessory uses and accessory buildings and structures, such as noncommercial greenhouses, customarily appurtenant to a permitted use. [Ord. 08-O-622 § 2; Ord. 93-O-446.P § 3; Ord. 89-O-446 § 1.]
17.52.040 Conditional uses.
The following conditional uses may be permitted subject to a conditional use permit:
A. Automobile, boat, truck, or trailer sales, service or repair with display areas of 100,000 square feet or more; provided, that all repair shall be conducted entirely within an enclosed building;
B. Implement, machinery, and heavy equipment sales, service or repair; provided, that all repair shall be conducted entirely within an enclosed building;
C. Automobile service station, including automobile maintenance and repair, which shall be conducted entirely within an enclosed building;
D. Lumber or building materials sales and storage;
E. Contractors’ storage;
F. Veterinarians and animal hospitals, provided all business, service and kennels are entirely within an enclosed building subject to BMC 17.124.080;
G. Buildings over 40 feet in height;
H. Rental storage units, provided they are used exclusively for storage purposes;
I. Day care and nursery schools pursuant to BMC 17.124.010;
J. Short-term rentals in existing single-family dwellings pursuant to the provisions of BMC 17.124.170;
K. Mortuaries and crematories in conjunction with a mortuary and subject to BMC 17.124.090;
L. On-duty personnel living quarters, either conventional or manufactured dwelling unit, only in conjunction with ambulance services and/or fire departments;
M. Utility substations or pumping stations subject to BMC 17.124.030;
N. Light manufacturing and fabricating of products that is not related to tourism or tourism related products without sales is permitted on the ground floor facing the public street. The activity shall not create noise above 45 dB, or create excessive odor, and all processing shall be completely contained in a closed system or vented into a filtering system to remove odor;
O. Amateur radio facilities, accessory to a dwelling, subject to the provisions of BMC 17.124.230;
P. Marijuana retail facility. [Ord. 22-O-802 § 2 (Exh. A); Ord. 22-O-800 § 3 (Exh. A); Ord. 16-O-752 § 3; Ord. 14-O-727 § 3; Ord. 08-O-622 § 2; Ord. 01-O-446.MM; Ord. 00-O-446.II § 2; Ord. 92-O-446.H § 2; Ord. 89-O-446 § 1.]
17.52.050 Maximum building height.
No structures shall be over 40 feet in height except as allowed as a conditional use, and as provided in BMC 17.128.030. [Ord. 08-O-622 § 2; Ord. 89-O-446 § 1.]
17.52.060 Signs.
Signs shall be permitted in accordance with Chapter 17.88 BMC. [Ord. 08-O-622 § 2; Ord. 89-O-446 § 1.]
17.52.070 Parking.
Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 17.92 BMC, except for the area described in BMC 17.92.030(A). [Ord. 08-O-622 § 2; Ord. 89-O-446 § 1.]
17.52.080 Other required conditions.
A. Site plan approval required as provided in Chapter 17.80 BMC.
B. All businesses, services and processes shall be conducted entirely within a completely enclosed structure, except for conditional uses, outdoor dining areas, nurseries and garden shops, seasonal sales lots, outdoor equipment, outdoor furniture, dispensers, vehicle and boat sales, and bus stations. When outside storage is allowed as a conditional use, it must be enclosed within a six-foot high sight-obscuring fence. In addition, temporary sales of products allowed either as an outright permitted or a conditionally permitted use, for no more than seven consecutive days, may be conducted outside on private property. These sales may occur no more than four times during a calendar year. The seller must have a current city business license and required parking spaces must remain available for use by vehicles.
C. In any C-3 district directly across a street from or abutting any lot in a residential district, the parking and loading area shall be set back at least 10 feet from the street right-of-way or lot line and said area shall be appropriately landscaped to protect the character of said adjacent residential properties. Such landscaping shall be constructed and maintained in compliance with BMC 17.92.100(H).
D. All business shall be conducted from a structure placed on a permanent foundation unless specifically exempted by the provisions of this or other city ordinances.
E. Prior to any development activity on the property, the applicant must comply with BMC 17.100.030, General mitigation.
F. An accessway to a new proposed off-street parking area shall be improved from the public roadway to the parking area to a minimum width of 20 feet for two-way traffic. If the accessway is a one-way in or one-way out, it shall be a minimum width of 10 feet and have appropriate signage.
G. Provide for the improvement of an existing dedicated alleyway which is intended to be used for egress and ingress, or backup space of off-street parking for the development.
H. Screen from view all roof-, wall-, or ground-mounted mechanical equipment and devices, in addition to propane tanks.
I. Refuse receptacles or dumpsters shall be appropriately positioned, colored or screened to minimize visibility to vehicular traffic or pedestrians.
J. Automobile, boat, truck, or trailer sales;
1. Dealerships must have an on-site office.
2. Primary dealerships with an on-site office located in the downtown core area, as defined in BMC 17.92.030(A), may have one or more secondary sales/storage locations, without an on-site office, outside the downtown core area within the C-3 zone. [Ord. 08-O-622 § 2; Ord. 00-O-446.JJ § 5; Ord. 89-O-446 § 1.]