Chapter 17.352


17.352.010    General.

17.352.020    Management units.

17.352.030    Management units and conflicts with other laws.

17.352.040    Application contents and review process.

17.352.050    Criteria.

17.352.010 General.

Uses and activities permitted by the Coos Bay estuary management plan are subject to general and special conditions and policies to comply with statewide planning goals and with the Coos Bay estuary management plan as adopted by the city of Coos Bay. Compliance with these conditions and policies must be verified; therefore, all uses and activities within designated Coos Bay estuary management plan management units must be reviewed for compliance with the adopted plan. [Ord. 573 § 1, 2024].

17.352.020 Management units.

Areas within the city which are within the Coos Bay estuary and shorelands boundary shall be classified in management units based on the designation of such areas as aquatic and shoreland within the Coos Bay estuary management plan. A management unit is a discrete geographic area, defined by biophysical characteristics and features within which particular uses and activities are promoted, encouraged, protected, or enhanced and others are discouraged, restricted, or prohibited. The following is a list of management units:

(1) Aquatic management units include:

(a) Natural Aquatic (NA);

(b) Conservation Aquatic (CA);

(c) Development Aquatic (DA).

(2) Shoreland management units include:

(a) Natural Shorelands (NS);

(b) Conservation Shorelands (CS);

(c) Rural Shorelands (RS);

(d) Urban Development (UD);

(e) Urban Water-Dependent (UW);

(f) Development Shorelands (D);

(g) Water-Dependent Development Shorelands (WD). [Ord. 573 § 1, 2024].

17.352.030 Management units and conflicts with other laws.

Management units shall overlap with the use zones designated in this title, and where consistent the uses and restrictions of both zones shall apply to such areas. In all areas where the zoning designations, regulations, and restrictions contained in this title and the Coos Bay estuary management plan are inconsistent or conflicting, the regulations and restrictions of the Coos Bay estuary management plan shall control. [Ord. 573 § 1, 2024].

17.352.040 Application contents and review process.

(1) Review of a technically complete application for estuarine and coastal shoreland uses and activities permit is subject to a Type I procedure. See CBDC 17.130.080.

(2) Applications shall include:

(a) All contents as specified in CBDC 17.130.040.

(b) A statement explaining how the proposed use and/or activity complies with applicable management unit objectives, general and special conditions, and bay-wide policies of the Coos Bay estuary management plan. [Ord. 573 § 1, 2024].

17.352.050 Criteria.

(1) Criteria for Approval. The applicable management unit objectives, general and special conditions, and bay-wide policies of the Coos Bay estuary management plan.

(a) Uses and activities designated in the plan as “A” may be allowed subject to compliance with management objectives and general conditions.

(b) Uses and activities designated in the plan as “*” may be allowed subject to compliance with management objectives, general conditions, and any special conditions provided in the plan for such use.

(c) Uses or activities which are not described in the Coos Bay estuary management plan but are found to be similar with other allowed uses may be permitted by the director subject to such conditions and limitations as would ensure compatibility with the resources. [Ord. 573 § 1, 2024].