Chapter 1.12
1.12.010 City entitled to recovery.
1.12.010 City entitled to recovery.
In the event the city brings an action in either law or equity in any of the courts of this state (including the U.S. District Court for the District of Oregon) other than its municipal court for the enforcement of any of its ordinances, resolutions or any right(s) afforded it by its charter or state statute, the city shall be entitled to the award of its reasonable attorneys’ fees in the event it is the prevailing party. [Ord. 414-2003 § 1].
1.12.020 Pending actions.
The city may seek the award of attorneys’ fees in and for any and all actions pending in any of the courts of this state, regardless of when filed, commencing with fees charged it on and after July 31, 2003. [Ord. 414-2003 § 2].