Chapter 6.08
6.08.010 Definitions.
For purposes of this chapter, the following definitions apply:
“Chicken” means the common domestic fowl Gallus gallus.
“Coop” means a small enclosure for housing chickens that is properly ventilated, designed to be easily accessed, cleaned and maintained, and at least two square feet per chicken in size.
“Rooster” means a chicken of the male gender greater than four months old.
“Run” means an outdoor enclosed or fenced area where chickens may feed or exercise. [Ord. 497-2010 Exh. A].
6.08.020 Keeping of chickens.
No person shall keep chickens within the city except as provided in this chapter. A resident of a single-family dwelling or owner of a parcel having a garden with an area greater than 5,000 square feet may keep six or fewer chickens, and the offspring under the age of four months thereof, on the lot or parcel on which the resident resides or garden is located. No person may keep roosters. Chickens may not be slaughtered or killed in the city except pursuant to the lawful order of state or county health officials, or for the purpose of euthanasia when surrendered to a licensed veterinarian for such purpose, or as otherwise expressly permitted by law. [Ord. 529-2014; Ord. 497-2010 Exh. A].
6.08.030 Enclosures.
A. Chickens must be kept in an enclosed coop or run at all times. The coop and run shall be located in the rear yard or side yard of the lot or parcel.
B. The coop and run must be kept in good repair, capable of being maintained in a clean and sanitary condition, and free of vermin and obnoxious smells.
C. During daylight hours, the chickens must have access to the coop and also have access to a run that is adequately designed and constructed to confine chickens to the coop or run.
D. Chickens must be kept in a covered, enclosed coop from dusk to dawn.
E. Neither the coop nor the run may be located less than 10 feet from any abutting property line unless the keeper of the chickens obtains the written consent of the owner(s) of all abutting properties to be more closely located, in which event the agreed-upon location shall then be deemed acceptable until said consent is withdrawn in writing by the owner(s) of the abutting properties. [Ord. 497-2010 Exh. A].
6.08.040 Violation.
Violation of any section of this chapter is punishable, upon conviction, by a fine in the maximum amount of $250.00. Each day a violation continues to exist shall constitute a separate violation for which a separate fine or penalty may be assessed. [Ord. 497-2010 Exh. A].