Chapter 17.303
17.303.020 Permitted lighting and design standards.
17.303.030 Prohibited lighting.
17.303.040 Approval procedures.
17.303.050 Variance procedures.
17.303.060 Nonconforming lighting.
17.303.010 Purpose.
The purposes of the exterior lighting standards are to:
A. Provide adequate light for safety and security;
B. Promote efficient and cost effective lighting and to conserve energy;
C. Minimize light pollution, glare, and nuisance light sources;
D. Encourage quality lighting design, especially light fixture shielding;
E. Provide an environmentally sensitive nighttime environment that protects and reclaims the ability to view the night sky. [Ord. 521-2013 § 3 (Exh. A)].
17.303.020 Permitted lighting and design standards.
A. Scope. These standards shall apply to all exterior lighting in all zones, with the exception of:
1. Lighting installed in any zone prior to March 1, 2011.
2. Lighting required by federal or state law that cannot meet the standards of this chapter, or used by public safety personnel.
3. Fossil Fuel Light. Fossil fuel light produced directly or indirectly by the combustion of a natural gas or other utility-type fossil fuels is exempt from the provisions of these standards. All fossil fuel lighting shall include an opaque top.
B. Light Trespass. The luminance of any light shall not create a private nuisance.
C. Fully Shielded Lighting. Luminaires with light output greater than 1,000 lumens shall be fully shielded or recessed. With the exception of uplighting, the shielding shall be angled; provided, that no light is directed above a 25-degree angle measured from the vertical line from the center of the light extended to the ground.
D. Partially Shielded Lighting. Luminaires with light output between 450 and 1,000 lumens shall be partially shielded or recessed.
E. Unshielded Lighting. The following types of luminaires may be left unshielded under certain conditions:
1. Decorative Lighting. Luminaires shall be limited to small individual bulbs on a string where spacing of bulbs is not closer than three inches and where output per bulb is no greater than 50 lumens.
2. Holiday Period Lighting. During the holiday period blinking, flashing, moving, revolving, flickering, changing intensity or color, and chase lights are permitted. The light output per luminaire shall not exceed 50 lumens, and shall be spaced a minimum of three inches apart.
3. Motion Activated Lighting. Luminaires may be left unshielded if all of the following conditions are met:
a. The light output does not exceed 1,800 lumens; and
b. The light will go on only when motion activated; and
c. The light goes off within 10 minutes of motion cessation; and
d. The light is not activated by any movement or activity located on adjacent property except by express permission of the adjacent property owner(s).
4. Luminaires, except sign lighting, with light output less than 450 lumens.
F. Uplighting. Uplighting may illuminate landscaping, structures, flags, and signs under the following conditions:
1. Landscaping Uplighting. The light output for landscaping uplight shall not exceed 900 lumens, and shall be directed solely onto the landscaping. The lighting shall be shielded. The full beam width shall not exceed 40 degrees.
2. Structure Uplighting. The light output for structure uplight shall not exceed 900 lumens. The uplighting shall be directed solely onto the structure. The lighting shall be shielded. The full beam width shall not exceed 40 degrees.
3. Flag Uplighting. The light output for flag uplight shall not exceed 3,500 lumens All uplighting shall be shielded. A spotlight shall be used for flag uplighting. The full beam width shall not exceed the width of the flag.
4. Sign Uplighting. The light output for sign uplight shall not exceed 900 lumens. The uplighting shall be directed solely onto the sign. The lighting shall be shielded. The full beam width shall not exceed the width of the sign.
G. Minimum Requirements. To improve public safety, the illuminance levels for parking lots, sidewalks, and other walkways shall meet the minimum recommended illuminance levels and shall not exceed the maximum recommended illuminance levels listed in the most current IESNA recommended practices. (See references: IESNA RP-33-99, Lighting for Exterior Environments; ISENA RP-20-98, Lighting for Parking Facilities; IESNA DG 5-94, Recommended Lighting for Walkways and Class I Bikeways. See PGE Dark Sky Friendly Fixture Recommendations.)
H. Height Limit. Any freestanding luminaire shall not exceed 25 feet in height, with the exception of street lights. Any luminaire attached to a building shall not exceed the height limit of that zone. There shall be no height limit for holiday period lighting or decorative lighting.
I. Equivalent Materials. The provisions of this section are not intended to prevent the use of any design, material or method of installation not specifically prohibited by this chapter, provided any such alternate has been approved by the city administrator or his/her designee. The city administrator or his/her designee may approve any such alternate if the proposed design, materials or methods provide an equivalent or superior method of satisfying the standards in this section. [Ord. 521-2013 § 3 (Exh. A)].
17.303.030 Prohibited lighting.
The following types of lighting are prohibited in all zones:
A. Lighting that may be confused with or construed as a traffic control device.
B. Search lights, laser source lights or any similar high intensity light.
C. Blinking, flashing, moving, revolving, flickering, changing intensity or color, and chase lights that are not part of a holiday period lighting display.
D. Low pressure sodium lamps.
E. Mercury vapor luminaire or lamps.
F. Drop (sag) lens luminaire. [Ord. 521-2013 § 3 (Exh. A)].
17.303.040 Approval procedures.
A. Lighting Plan Required. Any building permit, Type I, Type II, or Type III application where lighting is proposed shall include lighting plans in order to verify that new and existing lighting conforms to the provisions of these standards. The lighting plan shall include:
1. A site plan showing the location of all building and building heights, parking, and pedestrian areas on the lot or parcel;
2. The location and height above grade of all proposed and existing light fixtures on the subject property;
3. The type, initial lumen rating, and shielding of each lamp source;
4. A photometric plan showing the footcandle level at the property line, and a copy of the manufacturer’s catalog information sheet. A photometric plan is not required for a building permit application for single- and two-family dwellings;
5. Control descriptions including type of controls (timer, motion sensor, time clock, etc.), the light fixtures to be controlled by each type, and control schedule when required.
B. Any lighting that is not part of a building permit, Type I, Type II, or Type III application shall meet the requirements of this chapter. However, no lighting plan is required to be submitted to the city for approval. [Ord. 521-2013 § 3 (Exh. A)].
17.303.050 Variance procedures.
All variance requests regarding the standards of this chapter shall follow the procedures contained in Chapter 17.406 DMC. [Ord. 521-2013 § 3 (Exh. A)].
17.303.060 Nonconforming lighting.
Exterior lighting installed prior to March 1, 2011, does not need to conform to the standards of this chapter until such time as the light fixture is replaced or March 1, 2021, whichever occurs first.
Figure 17.303.060 Example Illustrations of Fully Shielded Fixtures
[Ord. 521-2013 § 3 (Exh. A)].