Chapter 4.04
4.04.030 Terms of appointment.
4.04.050 Commission general duties.
4.04.010 Establishment.
The Eagle Point city council, city of Eagle Point, Jackson County, Oregon, at its regular meeting on November 23, 2021, officially established a neighborhood enhancement commission. [Res. 2021-48 § 1].
4.04.020 Membership.
The commission shall consist of five voting members appointed by the mayor and ratified by the city council. All members shall, at the time of appointment, reside within the Eagle Point city limits, and shall maintain said residency during their term of office.
Commissioners serve at the pleasure of the council. [Res. 2021-48 § 2].
4.04.030 Terms of appointment.
Initially, all terms will begin upon the original appointments to the commission with two voting memberships expiring on December 31, 2023, and three voting memberships expiring December 31, 2024.
Commission members appointed after the initial terms shall serve terms of three years. Said terms shall commence at the commission’s January meeting of the calendar year and be structured in such a manner that appointments shall continue to be “staggered.” [Res. 2021-48 § 3].
4.04.040 Commission officers.
Commission officers shall consist of a chairperson and vice chairperson, to be nominated and elected by the commission’s voting membership. Said officers shall be nominated and elected annually at the first meeting of the year, typically in January, by the commission’s voting membership. The chairperson and vice chairperson shall assume office immediately upon election. [Res. 2021-48 § 4].
4.04.050 Commission general duties.
The commission shall:
A. Act as an advisory body to the city staff and city council on matters pertaining to developing and preserving aesthetic, recreational and cultural values to enhance quality of life in neighborhoods throughout the community.
B. Serve as the city’s parks and tree advisory committee established by Resolution No. 13-378 dated February 11, 1992, in addition to supporting an annual Arbor Day observance and complying with the standards of the Tree City USA program.
C. Perform such other duties as may, from time to time, be assigned by the council. [Res. 2021-48 § 5].
4.04.060 Procedural rules.
The commission shall adopt such procedural rules at it may see fit. The commission’s rules shall establish a regular meeting schedule to include no fewer than four regular meetings annually, and rules under which additional meetings may be called. Commission meetings shall be conducted under Robert’s Rules of Order. Each commissioner serving as a voting member shall be entitled to one vote in all matters coming before the commission. [Res. 2021-48 § 6].
4.04.070 Staff participation.
The city administrator will designate staff members to assist the commission in the performance of its duties, and to provide detailed updates as to progress on projects approved by the city council or included within the city budget. [Res. 2021-48 § 7].