Chapter 8.24


8.24.010    Use of prohibited fireworks or explosive devices.

8.24.020    Violation – Penalty.

8.24.010 Use of prohibited fireworks or explosive devices.

This chapter hereby makes it unlawful for a person who exercises control over a property within city limits to knowingly use or knowingly allow to be used on such property any firework or explosive device prohibited by Oregon Revised Statutes. This chapter protects the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Eagle Point and their property, both private and public. This chapter does not apply when duly permitted by the city and the State Fire Marshal’s office to be used by a licensed pyrotechnic. [Ord. 2010-06].

8.24.020 Violation – Penalty.

Violation of this chapter is an infraction and is punishable by a fine, not less than $250.00 and not to exceed $500.00. [Ord. 2010-06].