Chapter 12.36
12.36.010 Town center streetscape standards.
12.36.020 Main Street streetscape standards.
12.36.030 Streetscape materials.
12.36.010 Town center streetscape standards.
All sidewalk improvements required as a condition of site plan review shall be required to comply with the applicable streetscape standards as set forth in this section. [Ord. 2009-15 § 1.010].
12.36.020 Main Street streetscape standards.
All new or reconstructed streetscapes on Main Street between Buchanan Avenue and Royal Avenue shall be developed according to the standards set forth in Figure 1. All dimensions noted in Figure 1 are to be considered typical and may only be modified per engineered plans approved by the city.
Figure 1. Main Street Streetscape Standards
The streetscape design for Main Street is intended to provide an attractive, safe, and functional environment balancing the needs of pedestrians, bicyclists, and vehicles. The streetscape standards as illustrated in Figure 1 includes benches, decorative street and pedestrian lighting, tree grates, trash receptacles, banner poles, and concrete pavement pattern. [Ord. 2009-15 § 1.011].
12.36.030 Streetscape materials.
The following materials, or approved equivalent, shall be used in all streetscape construction within the town center:
A. Sidewalks, Concrete. Sidewalks will be constructed of concrete to city standards with a two-foot by two-foot square pattern at the intersections of Main Street and Royal Avenue, Platt Street and Main Street and Buchanan Avenue and Main Street. The two-by-two pattern shall begin at interior curb line and work to property line as set forth by city public works department.
B. Street/Pedestrian Lights.
1. Light poles: Manufacturer – Sternberg, or approved equivalent. All poles to include banner arms on both street and sidewalk side, and 120V receptacle (see Figure 1).
a. Model – Straight Fluted.
2. Light bases: Manufacturer – Sternberg, or approved equivalent
a. Model – Liberty.
3. Light arm: RPM1 CC3693.
4. Light luminaire: 1910.
5. Banner arms: DBA, SMAR.
C. Benches. Manufacturer – Victor Stanley, Inc., or approved equivalent.
1. Model – CR (Black). Benches can be placed at election of each individual project.
D. Trash Receptacles. Manufacturer – Victor Stanley, Inc., or approved equivalent. Trash receptacles should be placed at all corners and approximately every 300 feet.
1. Model – S-42 Black (Ironsites Series).
E. Street Trees. Main Street will use three tree types as detailed by city public works. All trees will be minimum two-inch caliper and placed with root barrier system per city standard. Planting of Chinese Pistache and Regal Prince Oak shall be alternated along both sides of the street in locations set forth by city public works. Planting of Ginkgo Biloba (male trees only) “Presidential Gold” or equivalent at the intersections located by city public works in approximate location as set forth in Figure 2.
F. Tree Grates. Manufacturer – Neenah Foundry Company, or approved equivalent.
1. Size detailed by city public works.
Figure 2. Main Street Streetscape Plan
[Ord. 2009-15 § 1.011(a)].
12.36.040 Overhead utilities.
No overhead utility lines will be permitted along or across Main Street except in the case of banner locations approved by the Eagle Point city council. [Ord. 2009-15 § 1.011(b)].