Chapter 15.06


15.06.010    Fee schedule.

15.06.010 Fee schedule.



Note: Valuation is determined in accordance with OAR 918-050-0100(1)(c) and (2)(c)(A). Building valuation is determined per the ICC Building Valuation Data Table current as of April 1st of each year.

$1.00 – $2,000


$2,001 – $25,000

$85.00 for the first $2,000 plus $8.78 each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof up to and including $25,000

$25,001 – $50,000

$286.94 for the first $25,000 plus $6.60 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof up to and including $50,000

$50,001 – $100,000

$451.94 for first $50,000 plus $4.40 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof up to and including $100,000

$100,001 and above

$671.94 for the first $100,000 plus $3.66 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof

Inspection outside of normal business hours


Reinspection fees


Site observation-inspection (e.g., pre-permit consultation)

$85.00/hr. 1 hr. minimum

Plan review services (when applicable)

65% of permit fee

Fire and life safety plan review (when applicable)

40% of permit fee

Additional plan review required by changes, additions, or revisions


Temporary certificate of occupancy

$50.00 per discipline/permit. Renewal required every 30 days.

Change of occupancy (without additional work done)


Commercial deferred submittal fees

(Payable at building plan review and is in addition to plan review of deferred work)

65% of the permit fee calculated using the total valuation of the deferred portion + $100.00

Residential deferred submittal fees

65% of the value of the building permit fee calculated and using the value of the deferred portion + $100.00

Phased permit fee

$275.00 + 10% of the total building permit fee for each phase of work. Not to exceed $1,500 for each phase.

Shell building and tenant improvement spaces

(Note: ICC Building Valuation Table states 20% deduction for shell only buildings)

Permit fee for the construction of the shell building is based on 80% of the valuation determined by building valuation data. The tenant improvement permit fee is based on 20% of the valuation.

Foundation only

Permit fee based on a building valuation of 10% of the total building valuation, with a $100.00 minimum fee. The fee is in addition to, and cannot be used to reduce, the building permit fee.


Based on valuation of demo work. See building permit fee schedule.

*Or the total hourly cost to the jurisdictions, whichever is the greater. This cost shall include supervision, overhead, equipment, hourly wages and fringe benefits of the employees involved.



Residential Fire Sprinkler System (fee includes plan review)

Square Footage


0 – 2,000 sf


2,001 – 3,600 sf


3,601 – 7,200 sf


7,201 sf +


Commercial Fire Sprinkler System



Fee based on valuation of installation cost and system equipment. Refer to Building Permit Fees.




Fee based on valuation of installation cost and system equipment. Refer to Building Permit Fees.



Fees based on valuation of installation costs and system equipment, including but not limited to, inlets, outlets, fixtures and appliances (rounded up to the nearest dollar)

Total Valuation


$1 – $500


$501 – $2,000

$85.00 for first $500 plus $9.90 for each additional $100.00, or fraction thereof, to and including $2,000

$2,001 – $25,000

$228.30 for first $2,000 plus $10.33 for each additional $1,000, or fraction thereof, to and including $25,000

$25,001 – $50,000

$465.89 for first $25,000 plus $10.69 for each additional $1,000, or fraction thereof, to and including $50,000

$50,001 – $100,000

$733.14 for first $50,000 plus $9.51 for each additional $1,000, or fraction thereof, to and including $100,000

$100,001 +

$1,208.64 for first $100,000 plus $8.85 for each additional $1,000 over $100,000

Minimum permit fee


Plumbing plan review*

40% of permit fee

*12% plan review is required on all medical gas installations (State Surcharge)



One- and Two-Family Dwellings


Minimum permit fee if less than total items


Electric appliances (furnace, cooling unit, clothes dryer exhaust fam, kitchen hood)


Fuel burning appliances (includes gas furnace, wood stove, pellet stove, fireplace insert)


Gas piping system (new or altered); any number of outlets


All others


Mechanical equipment for one- and two-family dwellings includes duct work, control units, thermostats, filter, volume damper, fresh air intakes. Water heaters regulated by plumbing code.

Commercial Mechanical Fees


Mechanical systems, equipment, etc.

Fee based on valuation. See Building Permit fees.

Deferred submittals + fees


Plan review fee


Other Inspections and Fees


Inspection outside of normal business hours (per hour – min charge 2 hours plus mileage)


Reinspection fee


Additional plan review required by changes, additions or revisions to approved plans (minimum 1 hour)


*Or the total hourly cost to the jurisdiction, whichever is greater. This cost shall include supervision, overhead, equipment, hourly wages and fringe benefits of the employees involved.



New One- and Two-Family Dwelling

Minimum fee


(when purchased as bathroom unit(s) – includes the first 100 ft of water service, sanitary and storm)

One bathroom


Two bathrooms


Three bathrooms


Four or more bathrooms – Number of fixtures




Alternate water heating systems (coils, heat pumps, etc.)




Swimming pool piping


Commercial/Multifamily Units and Residential Remodels



Swimming pool piping


Sanitary Services

First 100 ft


Each additional 100 ft or fraction thereof


Storm Services

First 100 ft


Each additional 100 ft or fraction thereof


Water Services

First 100 ft


Each additional 100 ft or fraction thereof



Demolition capping off sewer, water, rain drain


MH park sewer collection and water distribution system


MH service connections; sewer, water and storm


Additional plan review required by changes, additions or revisions to approve plans (minimum 1 hour)


Reinspection Fee


Inspection outside normal business hours (2 hour minimum charge plus mileage)


When applicable, a plan review fee will be assessed for commercial installation.


*Or the total hourly cost to the jurisdiction, whichever is the greater. This cost shall include supervision, overhead, equipment, hourly wages and fringe benefits of the employees involved.




Fees based on valuation of installation costs and system equipment, including but not limited to, inlets, outlets, fixtures and appliances (rounded up to the nearest dollar).

Total valuation

Fee based on valuation of installation cost and system equipment. Refer to Building Permit Fees.




Installation fee (in established park)


State fee


(Includes three inspections – including the stand and lot preparation, all support blocking, flood and wind anchoring devices, perimeter skirting, underfloor access and ventilation, mechanical crossovers and terminations, and temporary steps. It also includes plumbing connections and all cross-over connections. Accessory structures, utility connections beyond 30 lineal feet and/or new plumbing may require additional permits. This permit does not include electrical service or feeder. Separate electrical permit is required). NOTE: All decks 30" above ground, car ports, garages, porches, and patios shall be based on the valuation of the installation cost and materials. Sewer, storm and water lines beyond 30 feet shall be based on plumbing permit fees.

Factory manufactured awning/carport

Fee based on valuation of installation cost and system equipment. Refer to Building Permit Fees.



Residential Permits (per unit service included)

1,000 sf or less


Each additional 500 sf or portion thereof


Limited energy


Each manufactured home/modular dwelling service


Service Feeders – Installation, Alteration, Relocation

200 amp or less


201 – 400 amps


401 – 600 amps


601 – 1,000 amps


Over 1,000 amps or volts


Reconnect only


Temporary Services/Feeders – Installation, Alteration, Relocation

200 amp or less


201 – 400 amps


401 – 600 amps


601 – 1,000 amps


Over 1,000 amps or volts


Branch Circuits – New Alteration and Relocation

Each branch circuit


Branch Circuits Without Purchase of Service or Feeder Fee

First branch circuit


Each additional branch circuit


Miscellaneous (service of feeder not included)

Each pump or irrigation circuit


Each sign or outline lighting


Signal circuit(s) or low voltage system, alteration, or extension (each system)


Subdivision lighting per pole in addition to service


Swimming pool (panel, 3 circuits and bonding)


Each additional inspection over the allowable in any of the above, for those not covered under residential inspections caps


Special inspection




Field review – Change of use


Minimum permit fee


Renewable Energy Systems

5 KVA or less


5.01 KVA to 15 KVA


15.01 KVA to 25 KVA


When applicable, plan review charge is 25% of permit fee.

*Or the total hourly cost to the jurisdiction, whichever is the greater. This cost shall include supervision, overhead, equipment, hourly wages and fringe benefits of the employees involved.





Qualifying roof installations on conventional light-framed construction.

See checklist on PV installation form.

Includes plan review*


Reinspection fee




Permit fees are based on the fair market value of the work performed. Indicate the value (rounded to the nearest dollar) of the structural elements for the solar panels, including racking, mounting elements, rails, and the cost of the labor to install. The cost of the solar electrical equipment, including collector panels and inverters, shall be excluded from the permit valuation.

Fee based on valuation of installation cost and system equipment. Refer to Building Permit Fees.

Plan review

65% of building permit

Reinspection fee


*Or the total hourly cost to the jurisdiction, whichever is greater. This cost shall include supervision, overhead, equipment, hourly wages and fringe benefits of the employees involved.

**Electrical (separate electrical application required).




Investigation Fee A

Low effort to determine compliance.


Investigation Fee B

Medium effort to gain compliance. Stop work order posted. Applicant obtains required permits within 10 business days.


Investigation Fee C

High effort to gain compliance. Applicant failed to meet deadline or has had more than one documented violation in 12 months for starting work without permits.

$257.50 or hourly rate, whichever is greater

*Or the total hourly cost to the jurisdiction, whichever is greater. This cost shall include supervision, overhead, equipment, hourly wages and fringe benefits of the employees involved.

Note: All permits and inspections subject to state 12% surcharge (To Oregon Building Codes Division) in accordance with state law. See Building Codes Division website for additional information.

[Ord. 2022-03 § 1 (Exh. A); Ord. 2018-11; Ord. 2018-04 (Exh. A)].