Chapter 16.16
16.16.010 Information on final subdivision plat.
16.16.020 Supplemental information with final plat.
16.16.030 Technical plat review.
16.16.040 Filing of final plat.
16.16.010 Information on final subdivision plat.
In addition to that otherwise specified by law, the following information shall be shown on the final subdivision plat, which must be prepared by a registered Oregon professional land surveyor:
A. The approved name of the subdivision;
B. The date, scale, north point (generally pointed up), legend and controlling topography such as creeks, highways and railroads. The scale must be as required by the Jackson County surveyor for subdivision plats;
C. Legal description of the tract boundaries;
D. Name and address of the owner, subdivider, and the engineer or surveyor;
E. Reference points of existing surveys identified, related to a field book or maps, as follows:
1. All stakes, monuments or other evidence found on the ground and used to determine the boundaries of all adjoining subdivisions;
2. Adjoining corners of all adjoining subdivisions;
3. Township, section and donation land claim lines within or adjacent to the plat;
4. Whenever the city has established and monumented the center line of a street adjacent to or within the proposed subdivision, the location of this line and monuments found or reset;
5. Unless waived by the Jackson County surveyor pursuant to ORS 92.050(10) (1989 Oregon Laws, Chapter 772, Section 8), if the subdivision plat is within one-half mile of an established geodetic control monument, approved by the National Geodetic Survey or approved by and filed with the county surveyor, the surveyor submitting the subdivision plat must, by field survey according to Federal Geodetic Control Committee guidelines for third order Class II, show the measured angles and distances from the geodetic control monument to the initial point of a subdivision or condominium or to a monumented boundary corner of a partition. If there is an azimuth mark for the geodetic control monument or if there is another geodetic control monument that is intervisible to the primary geodetic control monument, the bearings shall be based, if practicable, on the bearings between the geodetic control monument and the azimuth mark or the intervisible geodetic control monument;
6. All other monuments found or established in making the survey of the subdivision or required to be installed by provisions of this title;
F. Tract boundary lines, right-of-way (and center lines) of streets, lot and block lines with dimensions, bearings and deflection angles and radii, arcs, points of curvature and tangent bearings. Tract boundaries and street bearings shall be shown to the nearest 10 seconds with basis of bearings. All distances shall be shown to the nearest 0.01 foot. Error of closure shall be within the limit of one foot in 10,000 feet. No ditto marks shall be used. The area of each lot or parcel shall be shown;
G. In addition to showing bearings in degrees, minutes and seconds of a degree and distances in feet and hundredths of a foot, the following curve information shall be shown on the plat either on the face of the map or in a separate table: (1) arc length; (2) chord length; (3) chord bearing; (4) radius; and (5) central angle;
H. The width of the portion of streets being dedicated, the width of any existing rights-of-way, (and the widths each side of the center line). For streets on curvature, all curve data shall be based on the street center line and in addition to center line dimensions shall indicate thereon the radius and central angle;
I. The location, dimensions and purposes of all recorded and proposed public and private easements, denoted by fine dotted lines clearly identified and, if already of record, a reference to the record. The widths of the easement and the lengths and bearings of the lines thereof and sufficient ties to such easement to definitely locate the easement with respect to the subdivision must be shown. If the easement is being dedicated by the map, the owner’s certificates of dedication shall make reference to it, or include it in the terms of such certificates;
J. Lot numbers, if any, beginning with the number “1” in each block, numbered consecutively;
K. Block numbers, if any, beginning with the number “1” and continuing consecutively without omission or duplication throughout the subdivision. The numbers shall be solid, of sufficient size and thickness to stand out and so placed as not to obliterate any figure. Block numbers in an addition to a subdivision of the same name shall be a continuation of the numbering of the original subdivision;
L. Land parcels dedicated for any public purpose, as distinguished from lots intended for sale, shall be designated;
M. Building setback lines, if any, are to be made a part of the subdivision restrictions;
N. A statement of water rights;
O. The following certificates, which may be combined where appropriate:
1. The certificate signed and acknowledged by all parties having any record title interest in the land subdivided, consenting to the preparation and recordation of the plat;
2. A certificate signed and acknowledged as above, dedicating all land intended for public use except land which is intended for the exclusive use of the lot owners in the subdivision, their licensees, visitors, tenants and servants, and, where applicable, also showing the approval and acceptance by the appropriate governing body for easements and/or existing improvements dedicated to public use;
3. A certificate signed by the surveyor responsible for the survey and final plat, accompanied by the surveyor’s seal;
4. Provisions for all other certifications now or hereafter required by law;
P. The final plat offered for record shall be made in permanent black India ink or silver halide permanent photocopy, upon material that is 18 inches by 24 inches in size with an additional three-inch binding edge on the left side when required by the Jackson County surveyor or clerk, that is suitable for binding and copying purposes, and that has such characteristics of strength and permanency as may be required by the county surveyor. Where the plat is placed on three or more sheets, a face sheet and index page shall be included. [Ord. 9-91 § 1 (Exh. A § 13), 1990; Ord. 9-57 § 1 (Exh. A § 13), 1981].
16.16.020 Supplemental information with final plat.
The following data shall accompany the final plat:
A. A preliminary title report issued by a title insurance company in the name of the owner of the land, showing all parties whose consent is necessary and their interests in the premises.
B. Sheets and drawings showing the following:
1. Traverse data including the coordinates of the boundary of the subdivision and ties to section corners, and showing the error of closure, if any;
2. The computation of all distances, angles and courses shown on the final map;
3. Ties to existing monuments, proposed monuments adjacent subdivision, street corners and state highway stationing.
C. A copy of any deed restrictions applicable to the division.
D. A copy of any dedication requiring separate documents.
E. Written proof that all taxes, additional taxes, fees and assessments, penalties and other charges on the tract are paid to date.
F. A certificate by the city recorder certifying that the subdivider has complied with one of the following alternatives:
1. All improvements have been installed in accordance with the requirements of the regulations and with the action of the council giving conditional approval of the tentative plan; or
2. An agreement has been executed as provided in EPMC 16.24.020 and 16.24.030 to assure completion of all required improvements.
G. State law requires the filing of a statement of water rights and, if a water right is appurtenant to the property subject to the partition or subdivision, a copy of the acknowledgment from the State Water Resources Department must be obtained and attached to the partition or subdivision plat before it can be recorded. [Ord. 9-91 § 1 (Exh. A § 14), 1990; Ord. SB/PS-86-1 § 1 (Exh. A § 14), 1986; Ord. 9-57 § 1 (Exh. A § 14), 1981].
16.16.030 Technical plat review.
Upon receipt by the city, the final plat and other data shall be reviewed by the planning director, who shall examine them to determine that the subdivision as shown is substantially the same as it appeared on the approved tentative plan, that there has been compliance with provisions of the law, city development plans, this title and that the plat is technically correct. The city engineer may make such checks in the field as he may desire to verify that the plat is correct and he may enter the property for this purpose. If the city engineer shall determine that there has not been compliance, he shall advise the subdivider of the changes or additions. When the city planning director, with the advice of the city engineer, determines that the final plat is in full conformance with all applicable laws, regulations, and conditions, he shall approve it with his signature. However, this approval shall not relieve the subdivider of the need to comply with any further or additional requirements or conditions for recording of the plat, as may be set by the county clerk or county surveyor. [Ord. 9-91 § 1 (Exh. A § 15), 1990; Ord. SB/PS-86-1 § 1 (Exh. A § 15), 1986; Ord. 9-57 § 1 (Exh. A § 15), 1981].
16.16.040 Filing of final plat.
Approval of the final plat by the city as provided by this regulation shall be conditioned on its prompt recording. The subdivider shall, without delay, submit the final plat for signatures of other public officials required by law. Approval of the final plat shall be null and void if the plat is not recorded within 30 days after the date of signature by the city planning director. [Ord. 9-91 § 1 (Exh. A § 16), 1990; Ord. SB/PS-86-1 § 1 (Exh. A § 16), 1986; Ord. 9-57 § 1 (Exh. A § 17), 1981].