Chapter 16.32


16.32.010    Variance application.

16.32.020    Council action on variances.

16.32.010 Variance application.

A. Hardship. Where the council finds that extraordinary hardship may result from strict compliance with these regulations, it may vary the regulations so that substantial justice may be done and the public interest secured; provided, that any such variance will not have the effect of nullifying the intent and purpose of a development plan or these regulations.

B. Large Scale Development. The standards and requirements of these regulations may be modified by the council in the case of a plan and program for a complete community, a neighborhood unit, a large-scale shopping center, or large industrial area development which in the judgment of the council provides adequate public spaces and improvement areas and which also provides such covenants or other legal provisions as will assure conformity to and achievement of the plan.

C. Conditions. In granting variances and modifications, the council may require such conditions as will, in its judgment, secure substantially the objectives of the standards or requirements to be varied or modified. [Ord. 9-91 § 1 (Exh. A § 37), 1990; Ord. 9-57 § 1 (Exh. A § 38), 1981].

16.32.020 Council action on variances.

A. In granting necessary variances, the council shall secure substantially the objectives of the regulations to which variances are granted in order to preserve the public health, safety, convenience, and general welfare. Such conditions as are necessary for this purpose shall be specified in granting the variance.

B. In granting any variance under the provisions of this section, the council shall make a written record of its findings and the facts in connection therewith, and shall specifically and fully set forth the variance granted and the conditions designated. The city shall keep such findings on file as a matter of public record. [Ord. 9-91 § 1 (Exh. A § 38), 1990; Ord. 9-57 § 1 (Exh. A § 39), 1981].