Chapter 17.08
17.08.010 Compliance with title provisions.
17.08.020 Establishment of district overlay districts.
17.08.030 Establishment of zones by map.
17.08.040 Changes in boundaries.
17.08.050 District and overlay district boundary locations.
17.08.060 Zoning of annexed areas.
17.08.010 Compliance with title provisions.
No structure, lot or parcel of land shall hereafter be used or occupied and no structure or part shall be erected, moved, reconstructed, extended, enlarged or altered except in conformance with the provisions of this title. [Ord. 9-62A § 1, 1982; Ord. 9-52 § 1 (2.010), 1980].
17.08.020 Establishment of district overlay districts.
For the purposes of this title, the following zoning districts and overlay districts are established:
Districts |
Abbreviated Designation |
Residential Farm |
RF |
Single-Family Residential |
R-1 |
Two-Family Residential |
R-2 |
Medium Density Multiple-Family Residential |
R-3 |
High Density Multiple-Family Residential |
R-4 |
Retail Commercial |
C-1 |
Heavy Commercial |
C-2 |
Limited Industrial |
I-1 |
General Industrial |
I-2 |
Overlay Districts |
Abbreviated Designation |
Mobile Home Park |
Mobile Home Subdivision |
Aggregate Resource |
AR |
Floodplain |
FP |
Historic |
HD |
Planned Development |
PD |
Parking Reserve |
PR |
[Ord. 9-62A § 1, 1982; Ord. 9-52 § 1 (2.020), 1980].
17.08.030 Establishment of zones by map.
The location and boundaries of various districts and overlay districts are shown and delineated on the “1981 Zoning Map of the City of Eagle Point,” which map is attached hereto and made a part of this title. For purposes of identification, the 1981 Zoning Map of the City of Eagle Point shall be signed by the mayor, chairman of the planning commission and city recorder of the city of Eagle Point.
A. Original Map. The original signed copy of the zoning map shall be maintained without change on file in the office of the city recorder.
B. Division of Zoning Map. The zoning map may, for the purpose of more readily identifying locations, be subdivided into parts; and such parts may be separately utilized for identification purpose when amending the zoning map or for any official reference to the zoning map. [Ord. 9-62A § 1, 1982; Ord. 9-52 § 1 (2.030), 1980].
17.08.040 Changes in boundaries.
Changes in the boundaries of districts or overlay districts shall be made by an ordinance amending the provisions of this title or by the adoption of an amended zoning map or a part of said zoning map. The amended ordinance parts, or amended zoning map or part of said zoning map, when adopted, shall become a part of this title. [Ord. 9-62A § 1, 1982; Ord. 9-52 § 1 (2.040), 1980].
17.08.050 District and overlay district boundary locations.
The boundaries of any district or overlay district are located as follows:
A. Lot lines, the center lines of alleys, streets, railroad rights-of-way, creeks or such lines extended.
B. Where a zone boundary divides unsubdivided property, the exact location of such zone boundaries, unless indicated by dimensions, shall be determined by use of the scale appearing on said zoning map.
C. Where a public street or alley is vacated, the area comprising such vacated street or alley shall acquire the classification of the property to which ownership is reverted. [Ord. 9-62A § 1, 1982; Ord. 9-52 § 1 (2.050), 1980].
17.08.060 Zoning of annexed areas.
County zoning districts and regulations shall hereby cease to apply to property annexed to the city at the time annexation proceedings are completed by city ordinance. City zoning districts and overlay districts as shown and delineated on the 1981 Zoning Map of the City of Eagle Point and city zoning regulations shall apply upon completion of city annexation proceedings. [Ord. 9-62A § 1, 1982; Ord. 9-52 § 1 (2.060), 1980].