Chapter 9.35
9.35.020 Issuance of a permit.
9.35.030 Standards and specifications.
9.35.010 Permit required.
No person shall do or cause to be done any work in a public way without first obtaining a permit from the city. The application for a permit shall be on a form furnished by the city and obtainable at City Hall. The application will include drawings and specifications of work to be done and an explanation of why the request is being made. A permit may contain conditions, including limitations on periods when construction may occur. [Ord. 325 § 1, 1995.]
9.35.020 Issuance of a permit.
No permit will be issued until the city engineer and/or city public works department has reviewed the application and been given the opportunity to make comments and recommendations. City council approval may be required. [Ord. 325 § 2, 1995.]
9.35.030 Standards and specifications.
Improvements within a public way shall be constructed to city standards as set forth in the American Public Works Association standards and specifications for public works construction until such time as the city has adopted construction and design standards of its own. [Ord. 325 § 3, 1995.]
9.35.040 Supervision of work.
All work done in a public way shall be under the supervision of the public works department. A public works employee may inspect any materials and construction details as in his judgment may be necessary to ensure compliance with the applicable standards and specifications. [Ord. 325 § 4, 1995.]
9.35.050 Penalty.
A person who fails to obtain a permit required by this chapter, or who fails to follow conditions imposed by the permit, may be punished by a fine not to exceed $500.00. In addition, failure to obtain a permit or to follow conditions of a permit may result in a refusal by the city to allow the construction. [Ord. 325 § 3, 1995.]